As evil as abortion is, it will not result in the demise of the human race.
The thing is, that if someone inexplicably decided to detonate most of the nuclear arsenal all at once, maybe we could wipe out the human race. We don’t know of anybody with access to nuclear weapons who want to detonate so many that even their own country experiences huge die-offs, though. Nuclear weapons are frightful things, the senseless destruction they could do is well worth avoiding, but I really do not think that somebody is going to use them to wipe out every last one of us.
According to the World Health Organization, meanwhile, abortion is ending roughly 125,000 lives
every day. That is both in countries that have legalized it, like the US, and countries in which it is never legal under any circumstances, like Chile. That is roughly the equivalent of the Black Death occurring
twice a year. That is not a frightful possibility. That is a frightful
In the US, the expectation is that 1 in 4 women will have an abortion in her lifetime.
One in four?!?
Worse yet, 1 in 4 mothers in the US are single moms!
1 in 4?!? (Only 7% of fathers are raising their children alone.) I really do not care whether or not they were married when their children were concieved. Do not get me wrong; it would be best if children were raised in a home with their two parents who love each other. I still want to know what kind of help single mothers and even struggling couples are getting to raise their children. Those who say that we cannot expect people to resist the temptation to abortion when parenthood is an enterprise which is penalized more than supported are absolutely correct, I think. People are realistically going to resort to extreme measures to what they consider frightful futures.
This is a frightful statistic, as well:
1% of all abortions occur because of rape or incest; 6% of abortions occur because of potential health problems regarding either the mother or child, and 93% of all abortions occur for social reasons (i.e. the child is unwanted or inconvenient).
We have the abortion rate we have because people either do not think their unborn children are persons or because they are overwhelmed at the thought of being able to care for them. In other words, most abortions are not due to rape or incest or potential health problems. It has to do with a choice made concerning whether to let the child live or not. Since the rate of infanticide is extremely low, one has to think it has to do with whether or not people see abortion as ending another person’s life or not.