You sound like a Socialist. Not saying you consciously are one, but you hold similar views.
Unfortunately, Socialism and Communism are grave threats to freedom, liberty, and Christianity(historically, anyway)
Conservatives want to:
- Lower taxes on EVERYONE, including the middle class
- Reform immigration
- Reform healthcare
- End Corporate cronyism
- Reduce insurance costs
- Support equality of ALL citizens
- Equality of OPPORTUNITY, not OUTCOME
- Reduce the genocide of the unborn
Democrats haven’t done anything except force Obamacare, against the will of the majority of Americans, on us. Pelosi, “lets pass this thing so we can see what’s in it!”
Obamacare promises: this will reduce the price of healthcare, and you can keep your insurance if you want to
As Republicans predicted and warned, the opposite was true.
Please pray before you vote. Ask God, as I do quite often, to open your eyes to any blindness you may have. We all can be blinded in many ways. We require God’s grace to see truth. Deception is prevalent in the world. And good intentions, (like healthcare for all, for example) WILL backfire with devastating results if God’s will is not sought first.
BTW, Democrats were KKK party & slavery party.
Just sayin’.