Follow up question: What voting issue could possibly outweigh the murder of millions of unborn babies?

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Amy Klobuchar says the Democrats are excluding 20 million pro-life Democrats (or she might say “anti-abortion” Democrats but you know what she means)… Amy is somewhat measured. She’s still a pro-choicer. I’m not going to vote for that. If the Democrats can get some discussion on the issue, I will welcome it. It really does seem though, that they are subservient to Planned Parenthood and exactly, toe their line.
I’m not sure there are 20 million truly prolife Democrats. If that was true, Hillary Clinton would have come nowhere near winning the popular vote.
undead_rat said:

“There is one issue that is more important, and that issue is unilateral nuclear disarmament.
This is the “elephant in the room” that no one wants to talk about. Our nuclear weapons arsenal threatens to destroy the human race; to wipe it off of the face of the earth, and this catastrophe is predicted in scripture. Its time frame is found in a prohibited list of future Popes that was published in 1595.

As evil as abortion is, it will not result in the demise of the human race.“

That is a fallacious argument, simply because abortion is murdering thousands each day, while nuclear war is not happening now, and may very well never happen.

Furthermore, disarmament makes an assumption that history has shown (over & over again) is foolhardy: that the “enemies” that agree to disarm will actually, honestly, do so. For example, remember the nuclear reduction/disarmament agreements the USSR signed with the USA in the 80’s? They broke every single one (y’know, in a sneaky way).
It just doesn’t work.

So no, nuclear disarmament isn’t even in the same hemisphere as abortion. And certainly not if your Catholic, as the Church teaches us.
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Is the American Solidarity Party a Socialist party, by any chance? I ask because Socialism and Communism are the antithesis of Catholicism…
I’m not sure there are 20 million truly prolife Democrats. If that was true, Hillary Clinton would have come nowhere near winning the popular vote.
This isn’t Klobuchar speaking, it’s someone else, still the figures are tossed around:
The topic came up because Pete Buttigieg, another front-runner for the Democratic nomination, had faced a similar question at a town hall of his own, directed to him by Kristen Day, executive director of the beleaguered interest group Democrats for Life.

“Do you want the support of . . . pro-life Democratic voters?” Day asked him. “There are about 21 million of us.

One can be skeptical of the figure and one may be absolutely correct that it’s wrong.

I’m not a one-issue voter but there is no way, I’d ever vote for an open pro-choicer.

All I can hope for is, if the Democrats were to suffer some bad election losses and nothing says that will happen but if they did, maybe they’d overhaul the party and move it to the center.

It’s terrible what they stand for and yes, with some in the party to whom Planned Parenthood is such a big special interest, it’s abortion up to birth, in some venues, there’s after birth events now. Absolutely totally unacceptable. And make no mistake about it, we are talking about INFANTICIDE now. How can anyone with a conscience ever accept that???
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One thing to consider is how pro-life a candidate really is. Just because a candidate says “I oppose abortion” doesn’t automatically mean he’ll pass any legislation to limit abortion (let alone attempt to criminalize it).
I want solutions to problems.
I am tired of both parties using issues to divide us.
It is not so much party affiliation as it is political effectiveness.
Also, I believe in rendering unto Caesar and rendering unto God.
So abortion is just an issue to divide people. Alrighty.
englands123 said:
It’s so very easy to answer…

Don’t VOTE at all.

But you choose to. Yes or No ?

So how can any voter be upset it makes no sense.

You don’t like meat don’t eat meat not difficult. Please Lord give me strength oh please…
This is not Catechism. This needs to be said right away. This is a Catholic forum after all.

This is just cynicism, soldiers and others have died for our right to vote, free speech and so on.
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It’s so very easy to answer…

Don’t VOTE at all.

But you choose to. Yes or No ?

So how can any voter be upset it makes no sense.

You don’t like meat don’t eat meat not difficult. Please Lord give me strength oh please…
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One thing to consider is how pro-life a candidate really is. Just because a candidate says “I oppose abortion” doesn’t automatically mean he’ll pass any legislation to limit abortion (let alone attempt to criminalize it).
One can look up their record on the National Right to Life website.
It does not really apply to some one who is not Catholic, or who believes like one who is not Catholic. It refers to the USCCB voter’s guide. Abortion is absolute doctrine for a Catholic.
According to the Catholic Church, I am just as Catholic as anyone else who has been baptised in the Church. OP didn’t specify that he was only looking for responses from those who believed in all Catholic teachings. That would be a bit ridiculous wouldn’t it?
Unfortunately, you have been gravely misled if you believe that pushing contraception would alleviate the abortion problem.
Here’s why:
53% of women that get an abortion were using contraception responsibly (all the time)

Planned Parenthood, the multimillions-in-profit abortion business (whose profit comes directly from abortion, not other services) pushes contraception in their sex ed programs the sponsor for schools.
Either they are idiots that hate making money, or they know (as ProLifers know) that contraception not only doesn’t reduce abortion, but actually increases it!
Why??? Because it 1.) it encourages sexual promiscuity, and 2.) contraception is NEVER 100% effective, even when used every time.
Logic: if the contraception being used is “99%” effective (which is unlikely, and is impossible to scientifically evaluate accurately), then every 100 times you participate in sex you are able to conceive one time.

The ONLY way to prevent pregnancy is to CHOOSE not to participate in the baby-making act. Obviously.

More importantly, if you are Catholic and still vote Democrat, which is the Abortion party, you are, at minimum, not practicing your faith, but more likely calling yourself Catholic while living like a Pagan.
In other words, you are Catholic in name only.

Why? Because knowingly voting ProAbortion (er, ProChoice) is equivalent to voting Pro Holocaust, and is directly opposed to Christianity.


P.S. the Democrat party is the party of the KKK and Slavery. Historically.
53% of women that get an abortion were using contraception responsibly (all the time)
That is what they may report. Of course it isn’t accurate. By they, I mean those seeking the abortion. Nobody wants to admit they slipped up and forgot once or didn’t bother.
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You referred to the apparition at Akita, Japan, in which Our Lady warned of fire upon the earth greater than the flood Noah’s time suffered. But you somehow missed the fact that the cause of this chastisement, as Our Lady specified, was abortion.

She warned that the killing of the unborn was the greatest offense our world was guilty of - thus, the coming chastisement.

So, if you want to prevent it, fight legalized abortion.
Scripture, including the quote from Jeremiah, was aimed at the people of that day, but also to future generations. All Scripture is aimed at all generations.

When God warned the Israelites about the coming chastisement if they didn’t repent from their sinful ways, it applies to all humanity throughout time.
Although, it’s really an academic point, some politicians have veered into the sphere of infanticide. I’ll be dadgummed if I just think, “oh well, I just won’t vote” or whatever rationale. That’s fine if that is one’s view. We others have views too and I find it unconscionable to accept what some politicians are serving up.
Laws are passed all the time and have to be heard by the Supreme Court. If you challenge the current situation it would only take 5 votes to overturn Roe. It would not make abortion illegal but it return it to the states as it was prior to Roe.
You sound like a Socialist. Not saying you consciously are one, but you hold similar views.
Unfortunately, Socialism and Communism are grave threats to freedom, liberty, and Christianity(historically, anyway)

Conservatives want to:
  1. Lower taxes on EVERYONE, including the middle class
  2. Reform immigration
  3. Reform healthcare
  4. End Corporate cronyism
  5. Reduce insurance costs
  6. Support equality of ALL citizens
  7. Equality of OPPORTUNITY, not OUTCOME
  8. Reduce the genocide of the unborn
Democrats haven’t done anything except force Obamacare, against the will of the majority of Americans, on us. Pelosi, “lets pass this thing so we can see what’s in it!”
Obamacare promises: this will reduce the price of healthcare, and you can keep your insurance if you want to
As Republicans predicted and warned, the opposite was true.

Please pray before you vote. Ask God, as I do quite often, to open your eyes to any blindness you may have. We all can be blinded in many ways. We require God’s grace to see truth. Deception is prevalent in the world. And good intentions, (like healthcare for all, for example) WILL backfire with devastating results if God’s will is not sought first.

BTW, Democrats were KKK party & slavery party.
Just sayin’.
You discount the possibility of a global nuclear war, and this might be correct except for the fact that this disaster is predicted by the OT prophets. It seems that the earth will experience three rounds of nuclear exchanges which, were it not for the intervention of the Almighty, would result in the extinction of the human race.
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