Are you Catholic?
I have reviewed the Warning and I do not think that this is correct. What I read was that mankind must repent of its evil, and I take this to mean our creation of nuclear weapons arsenals.She warned that the killing of the unborn was the greatest offense our world was guilty of - thus, the coming chastisement.
So, you believe Russia, India, China, Pakistan, Iran, USA and Israel can be brought to the table of nuclear disarmament. That’s fine if one believes it. I can also consider such to be farfetched.I have reviewed the Warning and I do not think that this is correct. What I read was that mankind must repent of its evil, and I take this to mean our creation of nuclear weapons arsenals.
Please provide a reference.
Yes, Ukraine gave up their nuclear arms in the early 1990s. We can see how well losing that deterrence has worked for them.The USA and Russia are by far the major players in the nuclear weapons game. Allowing Russia to become the sole nuclear superpower might enable that country to force the minor nuclear players to disarm, and it would at least eliminate the possibility of many thousands of nuclear weapons being used in a war.
But in this case, you are rejecting one of the most important Catholic doctrines. And he did specify.According to the Catholic Church, I am just as Catholic as anyone else who has been baptised in the Church
You gave one answer for him, if you reject the right of the Church to teach doctrine, like abortion is murder. That might be one clue, that not all Catholics believe the Catholic Church’s doctrine, thus rejecting the authority behind the Church to teach doctrine. For if one accepts the authority to teach, one must accept what is taught. I would be no less surprised if one where to say he was an atheist Catholic.is is a follow up question to the USCCB vague voting guide for Catholics.
I was shocked at how many responses defended “you have to weigh all the issues”, etc.
As the Church teaches, abortion is Murder. Logically it follows that abortion murders millions of unborn babies.
Again, this is not what the Church teaches. You should not go beyond what the Church teaches in this matter. Having an abortion is a sin. Performing an abortion is a sin. Assisting in an abortion is a sin. Voting for someone because you want to promote abortion is a sin. You read the voter’s guide, and I do not doubt you know the Catechism. What you are saying is not something the Catholic Church has taught.Intentionally voting ProChoice when a ProLife candidate is available is a sin. At least for Catholics.
Yet those who want to vote for a Democrat are told by Republicans that Church teaching forbids placing any concern above the concern for abortion. When the shoe is on the other foot, Republicans have a chance to show that they too are forbidden from placing any concern above the concern for abortion. That would include such political concerns as not wanting to be forced to buy health insurance. If being forced to buy health insurance is part of a package to also includes incentives of women to carry their pregnancy to term and avoid abortion, how can a Republican justify not supporting it?Maybe because you don’t want to be forced to buy health insurance, possibly because you think Western medicine is a total con job. (This doesn’t describe me, but people do think this.)
“Settled law” doesn’t mean “I’d never overturn it”The last 4 justices appointed and confirmed by Republicans were Roberts, Alito, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. Every single one of them stated that Roe v Wade was settled law, that the concept of “stare decisis” applied to those decisions.
Strawman. That’s true for any policy involved in any presidential election.Voting for an anti-abortion presidential candidate is not a vote to directly ban abortion.
Completely irrelevant to the voting decision of whether Candidate A or Candidate B is more pro life?Assume then a challenge to Roe is taken up by the court. It could be reaffirmed. It could be overturned. If it’s reaffirmed, the Roe will be then reaffirmed for a second time.
So the question is, if I vote for someone like Trump, how much is my vote ending abortion as opposed to permitting other things?
Wait, now you’ve contradicted yourself. You already said a vote for a candidate is not a vote to change policy. Now you’re saying it is.His rhetoric regarding torture during his campaign for example. The policy of separating children from their parents at the border. The deportation of a disabled Catholic to Iraq where he died. The abandonment of the Kurds, the refunding of Planned Parenthood are all things directly caused by Trump and his policies.