For Catholic Evangelization team in Boise, Idaho - SPSE

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Thank you, as always, for your prayers last week for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization team. We had a first-time evangelist join us for that session. Here are some highlights.

Do you remember “Nicholas” from our previous session, who had abandoned his parish for a canonically irregular group? He stopped by again last week when he recognized our new evangelist. They had evidently served in music ministry together. By the end of the interaction, he agreed to let her email him when a Mass with special music is scheduled. Please keep him in your prayers?

Two women politely declined our offer of a Rosary as they walked by. But then they stopped, about 30 feet further on, turned around and came back. One of the women had decided that she did want one. She then accepted a Rosary and the accompanying booklet.

Altogether, we gave away perhaps 20 Rosaries and 2-3 maps of area parishes.

One man headed directly toward our table. He told the team that he had been away from the Church for a while and had recently begun thinking about coming back. And here we were! He took a Rosary and a map to area parishes, with Mass and Reconciliation times.

Another man said he was Catholic but wasn’t going to Mass because he “just moved here from Pennsylvania”. He accepted not only a Rosary but also the map with Mass times.

A group of 4 or 5 skateboarders each accepted our offer of a free Rosary after one of their number showed interest. They also each took a copy of the brochure on how to pray it.

An extended family group stopped by and the children accepted Rosaries. The older children also took a copy of its accompanying brochure. Please pray for them – as well as for their parents, who declined our offer?

And please pray for the team again today? One evangelist is known to be available, and we are planning to head downtown in just about an hour from now. Please pray that our efforts will be fruitful for God’s Kingdom? That He will send people to us with their hearts and eyes open to perceive their need for Jesus Christ and His Church in their lives? And that God will grant the evangelist(s) the words, the manner, and the wisdom needed to reach each of these priceless souls for Christ?

Would you please also pray that God sends more workers for the harvest? There are many venues and events that we are not able to cover due to lack of manpower.

Thank you so much for your help! In return, may God greatly bless you and yours!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Thank you again, so much, for your prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort last week. God let His presence be known! Here is that story, plus some other highlights from our last session. One evangelist was available.

Our first visitor was “Christopher”, a retired soldier with PTSD from having to kill other human beings. He said he didn’t think he “deserved” to be able to go to church. He also said that he had been raised Catholic, and had been an altar boy in his youth. So the evangelist talked with him a great deal about the mercy of God, and how he would be welcomed back with open arms. She gave him a map of area parishes that listed Mass and Reconciliation times. She especially encouraged him to attend Mass again that evening, since that day’s Gospel reading was the parable of the prodigal son. Please pray for him?

And for those who have been wondering about “Martin”, a repeat visitor who had asked us for prayer for deliverance from, shall we say, “demon rum”, Christopher mentioned him as someone he knows well. The evangelist hasn’t seen Martin for more than a year now, and had been wondering if he was even still alive. Evidently so, praise God!

An older, actively Catholic couple promised prayers for the apostolate. They also inquired after the tall, young man they remember working with us regularly. The evangelist excused him as being awfully busy with his high school studies, and all that entails. Perhaps you would send up a prayer for him, too?

The weather was dry, but unpleasantly cold. Therefore, not very many people were out. The evangelist ended up giving away only about 12 Rosaries total, instead of the more typical 20. Still, when people came by, they tended to do so in clumps. Sometimes, the evangelist had to choose one group over another to whom to make her offer of a free Rosary.

During one of these episodes, it was a family who approached the table from one side, while a man who was shouting at the construction fence was approaching from the other. The family consisted of a mother and a father, and two children under 10 years of age. Having to choose one or the other to call to, the evangelist reached out to the disturbed man. (Since the two groups were on intersecting trajectories, the evangelist thought she might distract the odd man until the family safely reached the hockey arena, and so save them some anxiety.)

She called to the lone man, “Would you like a free Rosary?” Oddly, his body turned immediately and headed toward the evangelist. His head, however, was still focused on the fence. After a couple of steps, though, his head seemed to catch up with his body and he brought it around to see where it was taking him. Since he didn’t seem to be tracking very well, the evangelist repeated her offer. He turned his head sharply to one side. Still not sure if he even understood English, she asked again. This time, he turned his head sharply in the other direction.

Also odd, the evangelist reports experiencing no fear during all this. Her only concern was “How will I communicate with this man?” He reached the table about the time the family passed by on their way into the hockey game. The man never seemed to notice them, praise God.

Once he reached the table, everything was different. Suddenly he seemed able to focus and act and speak perfectly normally. The interaction then proceeded like thousands of others: he accepted a Rosary and the explanatory booklet, but declined the offer of a Bible or any further information about the Catholic Church. Since the evangelist tries really hard not to force people to accept more than they’re ready to, she let it go at that. He thanked her and walked away – again, like thousands before him.

Then, about 50 feet further on, when he reached the wall of the hockey arena, he shouted at it. Unfortunate for the sake of our curiosity, the evangelist then got distracted and forgot to keep watching him, so she couldn’t report whether the odd behavior continued. Still, she recognized the merciful hand of God relieving the man from his torment for at least the few minutes he was at the table. Please pray for him?

And please pray for the team again today? We plan to head downtown in less than an hour. Please pray that God will send people to us, with hearts and eyes open to see their need for Jesus Christ and His Church in their lives; that God will grant the evangelist(s) the wisdom, the words, and the manner to reach each of these souls for Christ; and that much fruit for His Kingdom will come from today’s efforts.

Would you please also continue to pray that God sends more workers for the harvest?

Thank you so much! And, may God bless you and yours!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Thank you for your ongoing prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort. Here are some highlights from last week. Note: since the “team” now consists of only one evangelist (with rare exceptions), I’m going to drop the editorial “we” and use first-person singular, as applicable. Perhaps, you’d be willing to ask God to send more people for the work? It’s important, even if I’m not.

As those of you who have been following the adventures know by now, Boiseans tend to huddle indoors at the least sign of unpleasant weather. So, although there was intermittent sunshine between rain showers, I saw very few passersby last week. I ended up giving out only 10-12 Rosaries (with accompanying pamphlet), one map of area parishes with Mass and Reconciliation times, one Catholic Bible, and my only copy of the *Catechism *in Spanish. (I forgot to buy another one, so I won’t have any available for today. sigh)

The Spanish-speaking woman was very happy that the Rosaries are free. She accepted copies of the Rosary brochure in both English (with pictures) and Spanish. She also was happy to receive the Spanish-edition Catechism.

One couple who stopped by accepted Rosaries. He asked me what parish I attend, and told me he had attended Mass downtown here. He accepted a Rosary. The woman with him said she belonged to a non-Catholic Christian community. She accepted the booklet about the Rosary, but declined the offer of a Rosary for herself.

A woman with housing challenges asked for a Rosary and for prayer. She wanted to touch each Rosary in order to decide which one to accept. She requested prayer to get to one of Idaho’s neighboring states. She declined to reveal her name, saying, “I have too many names.” I prayed briefly with her. Would you please pray for her, too?

Later, a man who also has housing challenges stopped to visit. He gave his name as “Ephrem”. He accepted both a Rosary and its brochure. He wore a cross (without corpus) under his shirt, as well as what seemed to be symbols of various other religions. Please pray for him?

A woman stopped by who was “undecided” about religion. She accepted a Rosary and a Catholic Bible. Please pray for her?

And would you please pray for the “team” again today? I plan to head downtown in just a couple of hours. Please pray that God will send people with hearts and eyes open to see their need for Jesus Christ and His Church? Please pray that God will grant the evangelist(s) the wisdom, the words, and the manner needed to reach each of these irreplaceable souls for Him? Please pray that God grants that fruit for His Kingdom will come from the efforts today?

Thank you! May God, in return, bless you and yours!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
May you have a Blessed and Happy Easter! Thank you so much for your prayers last week for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort.

There was a big lawn and garden show in the convention center, so I set up the table down the sidewalk a bit from our usual position in the center of the park. Nearly non-stop foot traffic went by, although I also experienced a greater than typical rejection rate. I ended up giving away about 20 Rosaries and booklets, 1 Bible, 2 maps of parishes with Mass times, and 3 business cards (to those who expressed an interest in either joining me or starting a team in their own town).

The Bible went to a boy, maybe 12 or 13 years old, who wanted the free Rosary and then said he didn’t think they had a Bible at home.

A group of 3 people were in town from a city where Mass is offered only once a month. The man said that he’d been healed of tongue cancer. And then the huge range fire last summer stopped about 15 feet from his property, “as if a line had been drawn.” Although he was afraid he’d already received his allotted portion of miracles, I tried to reassure him that God “does not ration His gift of the Spirit” (John 3:34). The man’s wife and the other woman (her mother?) expressed interest in setting up a team there “maybe when the weather is warm”. I gave one of them my contact info, and the other asked for it, too. One of the three took a Rosary.

A young couple, both Catholic, from a local parish (although they couldn’t name their pastor), also expressed interest in joining me, “sometime”. I gave the young man my contact info.

A group of 3 men, perhaps in their early 20s, asked for Rosaries. One of them commented that he wanted all the help he could get to keep the enemy of us all away.

A man stopped by, wearing a Rosary under his shirt. I encouraged him to actually pray it. He accepted a brochure and, since he was looking at them so longingly, another Rosary.

A group stopped by, one man of whom said they were Catholic. Asked what parish they attended, he admitted they hadn’t been going. I gave him a map, with Mass times, and encouraged them to go that evening, since it was Palm Sunday.

The same thing with a lone woman who stopped for a Rosary. She left with a map, too.

Please pray for the team again today? I plan to head downtown again in just a couple of hours. Please pray that God sends people to us, with their hearts and minds open to receive the Good News about Jesus Christ, His Resurrection, and their need for His Church. Please also pray that God grants the evangelist(s) the words, the wisdom, and the manner needed to reach each of these souls for Christ.

Would you please continue to pray that God sends more actual workers for the Harvest?

Thank you so much! In return, may God generously bless you and yours!​

He is Risen! Alleluia!!!
Today is Divine Mercy Sunday, and I’m feeling grateful for all of your prayer support for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort! We can accomplish nothing without God, and so your prayers of intercession make a huge, positive difference. Thank you again.

Last week was Easter. In the past, here in Boise, there has been a greater than usual *lack *of interest in things religious on Easter Sunday. Therefore, it was especially difficult to motivate myself to attempt street evangelization. But your prayers were heard: I made it out there and am now glad that I did.

Perhaps I bring up “the weather” too much, but God seems to be using it to encourage me (especially in the absence of much human encouragement or company). So, last Sunday, although the sun was peeking out of the clouds now and then, it started to rain a bit as soon as I started driving downtown. It stopped again when I got there and hauled my evangelization table and materials to the park. But then it began to sprinkle a few raindrops again, just as I neared “our spot.” So, instead of setting up in the middle of the paved area, I set up under the construction overhang. (And then it stopped raining, even before the cobblestones were wet, and it didn’t start up again until I was heading back to my car after the session.) The reason I prefer the more open center of the park is so that people are free to avoid me if they choose – and that helps keep tensions low, as well as feeling respectful on my part. Under the overhang, however, everyone pretty much has to have some kind of interaction as they pass by. And so perhaps that is why, despite the historical lack of interest on Easter Sunday, I ended up giving away 15-20 Rosaries and booklets, 1-2 maps of area parishes, and 1 Miraculous Medal.

Still, there were signs that Easter Sunday is difficult for some of “the lost”, whom I so desperately want to turn/return to the Lord and His healing. There was more evidence of substance abuse than typical, especially among the homeless population.

One man, admittedly under the influence of some inhibition-lowering substance, belted out a song for me from a stage musical. He said it was “a Catholic song” that had been stuck in his head for the past day or so. And it was ostensibly, if not sincerely, addressed to Mary and, at one point, even asked God’s mercy. However, other than those two details, it was not, shall we say, edifying either in content or in intent. But I don’t think the singer perceived that. Still, the man had a pleasant voice, and so I complimented him on that. I invited him to Mass, and he accepted a map of area parishes. This led to a brief discussion on Pope Francis and same-sex attraction. My visitor also accepted a Rosary before taking his leave.

Other people accepted Rosaries and its accompanying booklet. Near the end of the session, a family of 4 stopped by. They said they were Catholic, and eagerly accepted Rosaries. But they were also interested in receiving other materials “for the woman’s father.” They took copies of several of the holy cards I had available, and I also gave the mother a Miraculous Medal for her dad.

While I was still speaking with the family, a young skateboarder came back, who had accepted a Rosary and booklet from me earlier. He handed back the Rosary with an apologetic, “I don’t believe in God.” Even the family noticed that he retained his copy of the Rosary booklet.

Please pray for these people? My comment at the end of writing up notes about the session last week was, “All in all, another heart-breaking day.” Do you ever actually weep for these lost souls? Surely, God sees our tears. And He loves each one of them even more than we possibly can, and He doesn’t want a single soul to remain lost. Praise God!

So, I’m feeling hopeful again today. I plan to head downtown just a few minutes early this time, so I can make it back in time for the Divine Mercy devotions at my parish. As far as I know, I’m again the only evangelist available. So, please pray that God’s will is done today? That He send people to us with hearts open and able to receive the Good News about Jesus Chriist and the Church that He founded. That our evangelist(s) will be granted the words, the wisdom, and the manner to effectively reach each of these irreplaceable souls. That God will send workers for the harvest. That much fruit for His Kingdom will be borne from our efforts today.

Thank you so much! May God, in return, greatly bless you and yours!!​

Lord Jesus, I trust in You.
Thank you, everyone, for your prayers last week for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort. Below are some highlights from that session.

Divine Mercy Sunday gave us weather-sensitive Boiseans a lot to celebrate. We had, unseasonably, summer weather. Therefore, lots of people were out enjoying the cheerful sunshine, clean air, and warm temperatures. When I, the only evangelist available that day, arrived at “our” little park, most of the picnic tables were already occupied by groups of people basking in the sun and chatting together. Overall, good moods prevailed.

I ended that day’s session early, in order to arrive in time back at my parish for the Divine Mercy devotions. But God, in answer to your prayers, sent lots of people to me – usually in clumps, where more arrived before I finished talking with the previous group. During the 3/4 length session, I still gave away my typical total of about 20 Rosaries and booklets. I also gave away one map of area parishes.

One man asked me to teach him how to actually pray the Rosary. But, between my lack of teaching ability and his short attention span, it was probably frustrating for both of us. I ended up encouraging him to google “free audio Rosary” and follow along. We were interrupted at least twice by groups of people interested in the receiving Rosaries of their own.

One man said his sister (pointing to a nearby picnic table) had just become Catholic the previous week. Their uncle had given him a Rosary. I also gave him a brochure about it and encouraged him to actually attempt to pray it.

Another visitor said he had a red Rosary that someone had given him, but he preferred to have a black one to pray with. I let him take one.

Please pray for the team again today? I plan to head downtown in just a couple of hours from now. Please ask God to send people to the table with their hearts and eyes open to accept the Good News about Jesus Christ and the Church that He founded? Please also ask God to grant the evangelist(s) the right words and manner to effectively reach each of these priceless souls for Him. Please, too, continue to beg our Lord to send more workers for the Harvest?

Thank you again! May God, in turn, bless you and yours!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Thank you, everybody, for your prayers last week for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort. And thank you especially for your prayers for more workers! I was the only evangelist available again last week, but I’ve been contacted by different people who are thinking about doing street evangelization. I’ve tried to give you details below, as well as highlights from our session last week.

During that session, I received about twice the usual amount of interest in the Rosaries and other things Catholic, although only the typical number of people went by. I gave away nearly 10 Rosaries while just starting to get the table set up. Altogether, I gave away a total of about 50 Rosaries and booklets, 1 map of area parishes, and about 5 holy cards (mostly of St. Michael the Archangel).

I had a fairly in-depth conversation with one couple who asked questions covering many common misunderstandings about the Catholic Faith. Among topics covered were: call no man “Father”; why the Catholic Church is called “Roman”; groups who display a female corpus on a cross; whether people can desire good in their hearts before becoming believers or being baptized; and whether Jesus and His Resurrection were historical.

One man asked how many beads a Rosary had, because he was looking for something with nearly twice as many. He and his young son each accepted Rosaries for themselves.

Several times during the session a passing bicyclist or skateboarder circled back around to take me up on my offer of a free Rosary. The last man to do so was on a longboard.

People from 2 different groups asked, without prompting, for copies of the St. Michael holy card. One person also accepted a Divine Mercy card.

Please pray for us again today? As of right now, only one evangelist seems to be available to head downtown in just over an hour. Please pray that God will send people to us with their hearts and minds open to perceive their need for Jesus Christ and the Church that He founded. Please pray that God will grant the evangelist(s) the words, the wisdom, and the manner needed to reach each of these priceless soul for Christ. And please pray that much fruit for God’s Kingdom will result from our efforts today.

Would you please also continue to pray that God sends more workers for the harvest? I’ve been contacted by people from two different cities in this part of the state, who are looking into starting their own teams. Initial interest is good! But please pray that God will grant these people everything they need to actually get started and to become ongoing effective witnesses.

I’ve also received (tentative) permission from the coordinator for an upcoming women’s retreat to at least have a brochure and sign-up sheet displayed on a table that will also have information from several other apostolates. So please pray that God will have the people He wants to actually notice the information and respond.

Thank you so much! May God bless you and yours!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Thank you, again, for your prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort. We needed them!

The session started off with a woman asking for my signature on some campaign-fund disclosure petition. She accepted a Rosary for herself, and its brochure. Then two more people approached with clipboards matching hers. When I asked if they would like a Rosary, the woman of the pair asked if I believed the earth was flat. When I said no, she declared that my faith was inconsistent. In response, I gave evidence that the “flat earth” lie was started in the 18th century in the U.S. by anti-Catholics, and that Thomas Aquinas in the 1200s cited the roundness of the earth as common knowledge; and that the ancient Egyptians also knew the earth was round and were even able to calculate its circumference within three significant digits. In response, the woman cited some figure as common knowledge for the distance to the sun; but I asked how that could be since the earth’s orbit was not perfectly circular. I never did figure out what her point was, because then she and the man with her starting throwing at me historic inaccuracies and anti-Christian lies in tag-team fashion. When they paused long enough for me to open my mouth to begin my reply, they said, “Bye!” I thanked the first woman for stopping by and encouraged her to use the Rosary she had accepted.

Then at least two more groups of people passed by, throwing out verbal attacks on the Catholic Church, the Bible, or Christianity in general.

Finally, I remembered to pray the St. Michael prayer and the Guardian Angel prayer. After these first fifteen minutes, things settled down into a typical session. Altogether, I ended up giving away perhaps 20 Rosaries and booklets, 1 map of area parishes, 1 Crucifix, and 1 Miraculous Medal.

The last group of people to stop by was a family of four. One or two of them accepted Rosaries then, as they were leaving, I overheard the teenage girl say, “Oh, we should get one for N. for her confirmation.” They came back to the table. I asked when Confirmation was, and the girl replied that she thought it was in a couple of months. The mom then told me they were non-Catholic Christians. I assured them that lots of non-Catholics from various denominations have accepted Rosaries from me and that Luther himself had a devotion to Mary. The teen then selected a second Rosary for her friend, and I gave her a second pamphlet. May God grant the reunification of Christianity, soon!

Please pray for the team again today? A woman from a nearby town is planning on joining me because she is seriously considering starting a team in her area. Please pray that God will send people to us with their eyes and hearts open to see their need for Jesus Christ and for His Church. Please also pray that God will grant the evangelist(s) the wisdom, the words, and the manner needed to reach each of these priceless souls for Christ.

Please also continue to pray that God will send more workers for the Harvest?

Thank you so much! May God, in turn, greatly bless you and yours!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Thank you so much for your prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization team last week! A first-time evangelist, “Alice”, joined the effort. She had traveled to Boise from a town about 50 miles north of here because she’s interested in perhaps starting a team in her own area. Here are some highlights from our session.

During the first 15 minutes that Alice and I worked together, we experienced a 100% rejection rate. Now, we in Boise typically experience 90% rejections to our offers of a free Rosary; but the difference between 90% and 100% felt huge – and especially painful. So, Alice and I picked up Rosaries and started praying out loud together, again asking God to send people to us, etc. To make a long story short, although we continued praying during each break in action, we barely completed two decades before our session ended. Praise be to God, Most High!

Altogether, we gave away maybe 25-30 Rosaries and accompanying bookets, one St Monica holy card relic, and two maps of area parishes. Of those, Alice accepted the St. Monica relic and a map, plus some other information on starting her own team.

Alice was especially struck by how polite people were, especially that vast majority who told us, “No, thank you.” She recognized that God’s protection over the evangelization effort takes away a lot of the “scary” factor, and therefore felt encouraged that more people in her parish would be able to do this. God is good!

Everybody we spoke with that day seemed to have only the mildest curiosity about the Rosary or the Catholic Church, and claimed to already have a Bible available at home. But still, Alice got to witness one of my favorite types of encounters: a man was offered a free Rosary as he whizzed past on a bicycle. But he braked hard, then circled back around to accept it.

One young woman accepted a Rosary and pamphlet. She then returned a few minutes later with a second young woman, who also accepted a Rosary and pamphlet.

One pair of very large men, one significantly older than the other, each accepted Rosaries – the older man first, the second perhaps somewhat reluctantly. The second one also accepted, perhaps a tad more willingly, a St. Michael the Archangel prayer card. The older man accepted a small Divine Mercy card.

One family of four stopped by for Rosaries for the children, though the parents clearly didn’t want ones for themselves. The mother politely accepted a copy of the Rosary brochure, as well as a map of area parishes.

One woman, perhaps an inactive Catholic, claimed to live in a mountain resort town about 100 miles east of here. She talked about the beautiful church building her parish has, but couldn’t think of its name. Please pray for her?

One man passed by again as he has, often, during the nearly four years that I’ve been doing this. I think of him as “the angry atheist”. This time, as he passed by, I smiled and greeted him (without offering him a Rosary). He smiled back. Please continue to pray for him? I understand that the first step toward conversion is trust.

Please pray for us again today? I plan to head downtown in a little more than an hour from now (but remember that God is outside of time, so if you see this later, please ask Him to “backdate” your prayer). Please pray that God will send people to us with their hearts and eyes open to perceive their need for Jesus Christ and the Church that He founded? Please also pray that He grant the evangelist(s) the words, the wisdom, and the manner needed to effectively draw them closer to Him.

And, please, please, please, continue to pray that God sends more workers for His Harvest?

Thank you, again, so much! And may God greatly bless you and yours!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
A big thank you to Vic Taltrees UK and to everyone who prayed for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort last week! Your prayers make a hugely positive difference. I rely on them and draw courage from knowing that you are praying for us. Here are some highlights from last week’s session.

A “prayer warrior” from my parish had given me one of her extra Rosaries to give away – a very nice one, featuring pink pearl beads. The first woman to stop during the evangelization session selected it as her “free Rosary”. She was in a group of three people – two women and a man. The other woman also accepted a Rosary. A little while later the man came back to see if he could get another one like the one the first woman had. He said the two women were now “fighting” over the pink Rosary. I gave him the sad news that it had been the only one like that that I had. He took a Rosary booklet instead.

One man, evidently a non-believer, enthusiastically accepted a Rosary. Then, when I noticed that the name on his uniform pocket was “Angel”, I offered him a St. Michael prayer card. If anything, he was even more enthusiastic about accepting that. May God lead him home to the Catholic Church!

I offered Rosaries to an “expectant” family: father, mother, little girl, and one on the way. Each accepted a Rosary and booklet. I had been surprised by their acceptance, since they seemed to be Middle Eastern in nationality.

A group of three teenage girls asked me to explain how to pray the Rosary. One was obviously suspicious about the “repetitions” and didn’t accept one. The other two girls did, and all three accepted the booklet about it.

The last person to stop by was one of our formerly regular visitors, “James”, whom I hadn’t seen for about a year. James seems to be an adult who suffers from a high degree of brain damage. He “works” as a panhandler. After returning my greeting, he sat down at the neighboring picnic table to count his day’s “earnings” - $4. He commented that he needed $5 to pay for his “hotel” room and shower. I asked him about his mother. When I had first met him, about four years ago, he had asked prayers for her because she was “really sick”. This time, he told me that she had moved and that he doesn’t hear from her very often. He also admitted that her “sickness” was her problem with drugs. He had accepted a St. Michael the Archangel prayer card from me, and had slowly sounded out the prayer on the back. I urged him to pray that prayer every day for his mom. He also accepted a lavender-colored Rosary and helped himself to several booklets and prayer cards. Please continue to pray for him?

Altogether, I gave away perhaps 35 Rosaries and accompanying booklet. In other words, a lot of people were willing to stop and talk with me. Praise God!

Please pray for us again today? It’s the holiday called “Mother’s Day” here in the United States. Typically, I haven’t seen much interest on this day in the past. But I said that, too, about Easter – and this year I had a greater than average number of people accepting Rosaries and booklets about the Faith. So, your prayers do make a difference! As far as I know, only one evangelist is available today. But would you please pray that God sends people to us with their eyes and hearts open to perceive their need for Jesus Christ and the Church that He founded? Please pray, too, that God will grant the evangelist(s) the right words, the manner, and the wisdom needed to reach each of these hearts for Christ?

Please continue to pray that God will send more workers for the Harvest? The team in the nearby mountain resort community just east of here is shaping up. Their leader has now finished the certification course, and they are planning to launch on the weekend of June 3-4, when a large motorcycle rally will be held there.

I am not planning to have a session next Sunday, 5/15, since I will be attending a Cursillo weekend (yes, as a first-time retreatant). I do have permission, however, to at least have a few pamphlets about Catholic street evangelization available on a table in the back of the meeting room. So maybe that’ll count. I would appreciate your prayers, though!

Thanks again! May God, in turn, bless you and yours!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Thanks so much, Lori and Theresa and all of you who have been praying for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort. Your notes of encouragement are greatly appreciated. This report covers highlights for two weeks.

The team’s last session “on the street” was on the US holiday, Mother’s Day. One evangelist was available. The weather was pleasant, so lots of people were out. Many families were evidently treating the mother to a restaurant meal, so most people were in a good mood. I experienced a slightly higher than usual rejection rate, but still gave away a total of perhaps 20 Rosaries and booklets.

Our first few visitors were all active Catholics. I asked them to pray for us “out here”, as I do anyone who claims to already have a Rosary.

The first Catholic woman who stopped by said she was blessed that her whole, large extended family were practicing Catholics – except, unfortunately, her mother, who joined a pseudo-Catholic sect that has had her shun her own children and the rest of the family. Please pray for her?

Another Catholic woman, from a parish here in town, expressed interest in perhaps joining our team after she and her family return from their pilgrimage in Europe. She asked for prayers for a family member who has fallen away from the Faith, “Joe”.

I gave away a Miraculous Medal and a Marian prayer card to a woman who comes through the park nearly every time I’m set up. She always seems so sad – and so sunburned. She thanked me for the medal and said she sure needs a miracle or two. Please pray for her?

Besides giving away a Rosary and its booklet to a man who seemed unchurched, I gave him a Catholic Bible. I then explained that the Bible is a library of books and recommended that he start with the Gospel of Mark. I found it for him and he placed his Rosary brochure there as a bookmark. Please pray for him, please?

The retreat format last weekend afforded no opportunity to announce the apostolate to the participants, although I was allowed to set up a small selection of brochures in a side room. Afterwards, a total of about 9 brochures seemed to have been taken: 3 on Confession, one each on Common Objections, Mary, and Marian Doctrines, and 3 on the apostolate itself.

Today, the two women who are starting the team in the resort community just east of here are planning to join me downtown for some hands-on training. Please pray for us? Without God, we can do nothing, so we depend in large measure on your intercession. Please pray that the women get useful experience, that God sends lots of people to us with their hearts and eyes open to see their need for Jesus Christ and the Church that He founded, that God will grant each of us the words, the wisdom, and the manner needed to effectively reach each of these souls, and that much fruit for His Kingdom will come of our efforts today!

Please, also continue to pray that God sends more workers for the Harvest? There are so many who have lost their way – and don’t even know it!

Thank you so much! May God grant you and yours many visible blessings!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
As always, thank you for your prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort! Last week, three (!) evangelists were available, at least for part of the session.

Our new team, gearing up to get started in a resort community just east of here, came down into Boise for some hands-on street evangelization experience. However, they arrived 40 minutes late. Meanwhile, one Catholic visitor began interceding for them. He had been whizzing by on his bicycle, when he heard my offer of a free Rosary. He stopped, then walked his bicycle backward to the table. After accepting a Rosary, he listened with sympathy to the lone evangelist’s concerns about the missing team members. He promised to pray. Within 15-20 minutes, the two first-time evangelists arrived, safe and sound. Since it was now so close to “closing time”, we slightly extended the session.

“Kitty” and “Linda” were both naturally very good at street evangelization. I explained to them how our approach is non-confrontational. This is because the first step toward conversion has to be the establishment of trust – and trust isn’t a byproduct of either shouted insults or attempts to humiliate people. Secondly, another early step toward conversion is the recognition that Catholics are (fellow) Christians. Again, our manner must reflect this. Also, we want to provide a safe place for people to bring their questions (and/or past hurts) about the Catholic Church. And that is not likely to happen when there is no peace.

Meanwhile, God made His presence audible during the outing. A street musician set up a few doors down from our table, and began playing discordant music with hope-erasing lyrics. The one evangelist who was already on duty began praying for him. A few Hail Marys later, the music had dramatically shifted in tone and focus into something more pleasant. Once the out-of-town evangelists arrived, one of them offered a Rosary to him and to his girlfriend, and then spent a significant amount of time talking with them about the Faith.

Altogether, our team gave away a total of perhaps 25 Rosaries, one map of area parishes, and one copy of the Catechism. The map went to a man who was evidently just visiting Boise. He told me that he hadn’t been able to find a Catholic Church that morning, and so had attended a look-alike service at a non-Catholic church. I gave the man the map and directions, and assured him that he could still catch the early-evening Mass at one of two places within walking distance. Please pray for him? Appearances don’t necessarily reflect Truth.

Part of a family passed by, a father and his two girls. He said “no thank you” to the evangelist’s offer of free Rosaries. A few minutes later, though, they met up with the mother and then they whole group headed back past our table. The mother also turned down the offer of a Rosary, but one of the girls (perhaps ten years old) asked for one. With her parents’ permission, she chose one and accepted the brochure about it, as well.

Late in our extended session, one man said “no thank you” as he passed by, as is unfortunately typical. A few steps further on, he turned around and came back. He asked us what the difference was between Catholicism and the Christian religion. That gave the evangelists the opportunity to explain the origin, the fullness of revealed truth, the solidity (that is, the unchanging-ness) of Catholic doctrine, and its reasonableness. He gladly accepted a copy of the Catechism. However, he turned down the offer of a Rosary. He said he grew up in a household where items such as Rosaries triggered distressing occurrences. He gave his name as “Zach”. Please pray for him? God can set him free, even from chains of willing slavery.

Please pray for us again this week? We are planning to head downtown in just an hour or two. One evangelist is available. Today, there is a convention scheduled, which attracts many young people in colorful costumes and face paint . Many of the outfits sport animal faces and/or horns. Last year, though, the evangelist felt she reached some hearts by appealing to the youths’ evident desire for heroism. She pointed out that, in real life, to live out the Christian Faith takes true courage and self-sacrifice. So, please pray for us today, that much good fruit for God’s Kingdom will come of our efforts? Please also pray for protection for the evangelist(s) and the young people? They are in a vulnerable position.

Also, this coming Friday, the new team will hold their debut session. I plan to be joining them. There will be a popularly attended motorcycle rally and race in their community. About 2,000 visitors are expected. So, please pray that much Good will come of the visible presence of the Catholic Faith in their midst.

Please pray, too, for both today and Friday, that God will send people to us with their hearts and eyes open to see their very real need for Jesus Christ, and for the Church that He founded. Please also beg God to grant the evangelist(s) the words, the manner, and the wisdom needed to reach each of these souls for Christ.

Thank you so much! May God, in turn, abundantly bless you and yours!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Thank you so much for your prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort. Here are some highlights from last week.

Two (!) evangelists were available because one of our founding members, Val, was able to join us. There was a convention going on, dedicated to a style of comic book fantasy. Many of its attendees arrived in elaborate costumes celebrating their favorite character or story. Asking about the costume was a great ice-breaker. Not everyone who stopped to chat with us accepted a Rosary or other material, but quite a few did.

One man, who stopped by early on, spotted the lone Miraculous Medal on a chain that we had available. I gave it to him, as well as a Rosary and its brochure. When he mentioned that he was glad for the “protection”, I also offered him a St. Michael the Archangel prayer card, which he gladly accepted.

Meanwhile, a Catholic man stopped and waited for a turn to visit with me. He chose a Rosary for his daughter. Later, he came by again, this time with his wife, his son, and the daughter. Everyone else in the family also chose a Rosary. They offered money, but I declined in order to avoid the need to have a license to be there. I said that if they ran into me at church, I’d be happy to accept donations there! Then, about closing time, the family stopped by again. They asked if we had given away any Bibles. When we said yes, they said they had seen a Catholic Bible left lying on a table at a restaurant down the street. Did I want it back? Yes, please. So, the man and son went to retrieve it (it was one that we had given away). While we were waiting for their return, Val struck up a conversation with the women. It turns out that the 20-something daughter had hand-made her own elaborate costume; one of her sisters had hand-crafted the accompanying jewelry. We made sure that all four of them received blessed Miraculous Medals before we closed up shop.

One odd, apparently disturbed man sat in the middle of the sidewalk in front of us while we were talking with other visitors. When they moved on, we asked him if he wanted a Rosary. Instead of responding to the question, he gave Val a black marking pen and asked her to throw it away. A man, who might have been with him, had been sitting in a meditation pose across the sidewalk from us. Once the disturbed man had moved on, I offered the second man a Rosary. He came over, listened to the explanation of it, and studied the accompanying brochure. But then he gave the brochure back and declined to receive a Rosary. He did, however, volunteer to throw the Sharpie away for us. Later, the disturbed man ran by us again, this time with three fully uniformed police officers literally chasing him – an extremely unusual sight for Boise.

Altogether, we gave away about 25-30 Rosaries, 5 Miraculous Medals, and a net total of one Catholic Bible. I had started out with about 5 black (by far our most popular color) Rosaries left from the week before, and a Rosary-maker at church gave me about 5 more (please ask God to bless Janey and our other generous Rosary makers!). Our supply of black Rosaries lasted nowhere near as long as our session did.

Thank you for your prayers for our newly formed team in the mountain resort town about 50 miles east of here. We were scheduled to launch last Friday, coinciding with a major regional motorcycle rally being held there. I was planning to work with them, but they had no idea what time they would both be available that day. They’d be getting together on short notice, so, with my travel time added in, it would not possible for me to join them. They promised to send me a report, though, which I will pass on to you as soon as I get it.

Please pray for us again today? Perhaps a soon-to-be seminarian will be joining me downtown in just over an hour from now. Since his entire circle of friends and coworkers are devout, active Catholics, he welcomes a chance to experience the faith needs of our wider culture. Please pray that he will come, that God will send many people to us with their hearts and eyes open to their need for Jesus Christ and the Church that He founded, that He will grant us the wisdom, the words, and the manner to reach each of these souls for Christ, and that much fruit for His Kingdom will come from our efforts today.

Thank you again so much! May God, in turn, greatly bless you and yours!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Thank you for your prayers last week for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort. It turned out that only one evangelist was available.

A sudden, triple digit (Fahrenheit) heat wave was happening. Between Boiseans’ intolerance for any kind of uncomfortable weather, and the construction project fencing off most of the park, foot traffic past my table was very sparse. Most of the people who did go by seemed to be in too much of a hurry to stop and chat – with a couple of notable exceptions. Still, I extended the session by about 15 minutes, hoping that I could get at least 10 people to accept Rosaries.

My final counts for the session: 11 Rosaries and booklets handed out, 2 Miraculous Medals, and 1 Catholic Bible.

I had the joy of having two extended conversations. The first was with the worker in charge of the park’s parking garage. She was hurrying to fix it – again – when she passed by the first time, but she stopped to chat on her way back. A non-believer, she accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet as well as the only Catholic Bible I had brought. Later, she came back to offer me a bottle of ice water! Please pray that God blesses “Maurin” with the gift of Faith, and that His promise in Matthew 10:42 also be granted her.

A man and woman rode past on a tandem bicycle. When I offered them a Rosary, the man pointed at me, smiled, and in a friendly tone declared his lack of faith. In the two seconds they remained within earshot, I mirrored his gesture and friendly tone, declaring that 1) God exists, and 2) that they had been lied to. Please pray for them?

The other person who stopped for a lengthy chat was a man, perhaps in his early 30s. He was wearing a bright pink shirt sporting the logo of a restaurant in the area, and he chose a pastel pink Rosary constructed of heart-shaped beads. He also accepted the pamphlet explaining how to pray it. He asked what Jesus meant to me, and that led into a conversation which covered 1) the historical reality of the Resurrection (and its evidence), 2) miracles, and 3) the Catholic Church’s canonization process. Since I was temporarily out of Bibles to give him, I encouraged him to access it on the internet – starting with Mark, followed by Acts. Please pray for him?

And please pray for us again today? As far as I know, only one evangelist is available. But, please pray that God will send lots of people to our table, that He will grant the evangelist(s) the right words and manner to reach each one for Christ, and that much fruit for God’s Kingdom will result from the effort.

And, please, send up another prayer that God will send more workers for the Harvest?

Thank you so much! May God, in return, bless you and yours!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Thank you, as always, for your prayers, especially for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort last week. Here are some highlights from that session.

There was still lighter than usual foot traffic, due to the park being almost totally closed off due to the construction project in its center. I am planning to relocate my table slightly this week. Please send up a prayer for guidance on that?

Still, even with the reduced pedestrian flow, I gave away 10 Rosaries, about as many brochures, and one Miraculous Medal.

A brochure about the Rosary was alone accepted by a non-Catholic Christian man. He had paused at my table to thank me for being out there and to express recognition that Christianity has a common enemy.

At one point, late in the session, I gave away 5 Rosaries in a cluster. Four went to an Hispanic family from a neighboring town west of here. While I was helping them make their selections, a repeat visitor (the “sunburned homeless lady”) quietly took a Rosary for herself. The Hispanic mom also accepted a Miraculous Medal.

Another couple stopped by to get Rosaries for “the boys”, who weren’t with them. The father told me the boys were Catholic, implying that he and the woman were not. Perhaps a step-family/re-marriage situation? Please pray for all of them?

And please pray for the team? I received pastoral permission this week to attempt to set up operations in a more public venue. But there will be a lot of hoops to make it through: first, to gain the trust of security personnel on site, and then, to be granted actual permission to operate there, and third, to find the resources to establish an expanded and, I hope, more continuous operation. I have arranged a meeting with a couple who may be able to help me get the process started with the security aspect, but what I really need is Divine assistance! So, your prayers for this will be MOST appreciated!

And please pray for the team again today? As far as I know, only one evangelist is available. I plan to head downtown in just over an hour from now. Please pray that God will direct me to a good location with lots of foot traffic. Please ask Him to send people to us with their hearts and eyes open to see their need for Jesus Christ and the Church that He founded. Please also ask Him to grant the evangelist(s) the manner, the words, and the wisdom needed to reach each of these priceless souls for Him.

Please also continue to beg Him for more workers for the Harvest?

Thank you so much! In turn, may God greatly bless you and yours!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Thank you again for your prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort last week. Here are some highlights.
The outing was on “Father’s Day”, a US holiday not quite as popular as “Mother’s Day” last month. Still, there were a noticeable number of families out and about. Since “our park” is pretty much closed off for construction, I set our table up on the sidewalk on the north side of the square. A lot of construction obstacles were there, too, but some business were open on that side and so the overall amount of foot traffic was better. I ended up giving away 20-25 Rosaries, about 20 pamphlets, 1 Miraculous Medal, and 1 map of local parishes.

One family of five stopped by, four children and their father. Each of the five accepted a Rosary and its booklet. I encouraged them to pray together as a family.

Immediately afterwards, a large group of people stopped – probably non-Catholic church goers. About seven of them accepted a Rosary and booklet, especially after I explained that the Rosary is a series of meditations on the life of Jesus.

One woman, “Lois”, stopped for a longer visit. In active recovery from alcoholism, she’s been sober 22 years now. She said she receives lots of Rosaries in the mail, but evidently doesn’t attend Mass regularly. She accepted a booklet on how to pray the Rosary, and a map with Mass & Reconciliation times. She also asked for a copy of our pamphlet, “The Existence of God”, since having a relationship with God is key for the people she’s trying to help achieve sobriety. I encouraged her to actually pray the Rosary and to return to Mass.

A Catholic couple, “Judy” and “Mike”, stopped to offer me encouragement. He’s active in the Knights of Columbus.

And please pray for us again today? I plan to head downtown in just a few hours from now. Please pray that God will guide me to where He wants me to set things up. Then please ask Him to send people to us with their hearts and eyes open to see their need for a Savior – and the Church that He founded. Please pray, too, that He will grant the evangelist(s) the words, the wisdom, and the manner needed to reach each of these irreplaceable souls for Christ.

And please send up another prayer that God will send more workers for the Harvest? And that I will have the courage to follow through and make the initial phone call that may lead to our being able to set up at a much more visible venue?

Thank you so much! May God, in turn, greatly bless you and yours!​

O God, Who wills not the death of a sinner, but rather that he be converted and live, grant, we beseech You through the intercession of Blessed Mary, ever Virgin, and all the Saints an increase of laborers for Your Church, fellow laborers with Christ to spend and consume themselves for souls through the same Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen!

Our Father, Who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.


Hail Mary,
Full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the Fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now,
and at the hour of death.


Saint Michael, the archangel, defend us in battle,
be our defense against the wickedness and snares
of the devil, may God rebuke him, we humbly pray.
And do you, O’ Prince of the Heavenly host, by the
power of God thrust into Hell Satan and all the other
evil spirits who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls.


St. Thérèse of Liseux Prayer From “Story of A Soul”

May today there be peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received,
and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into your bones,
and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise, and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.


Lord, thank you that you are with me right now.
Your love surpasses all fear.
I give you the anxiety I feel.
I surrender all my worries to you.
Clear my mind;
Calm my heart;
Still my Spirit;
Relax my being, that, I may
always glorify you in everything
I write, speak and do.


Jesus, Help Me

In every need let me come to Thee with humble trust, saying,
Jesus, help me!

In all my doubts, perplexities, and temptations,
Jesus, help me!

In hours of loneliness, weariness and trials,
Jesus, help me!

In the failure of my plans and hopes; in disappointments, troubles and sorrows,
Jesus, help me!

When my heart is cast down by failure, at seeing no good come from my efforts,
Jesus, help me!

When others fail me, and Thy grace alone can assist me,
Jesus, help me!

When I throw myself on Thy tender love as Father and Savior,
Jesus, help me!

When I feel impatient, and my cross irritates me,
Jesus, help me!

When sickness and loneliness overcome me,
Jesus, help me!

Always, in weakness, falls and shortcomings of every kind,
Jesus, help me and never forsake me.

Thank You, dear Lord Jesus.


Sweet Heart of Jesus, be my love.
Sweet Heart of my Jesus, grant that I may always love You more.
Heart of Jesus, burning with love for us, set our hearts on fire with love of You.
Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make our hearts like Your Heart.


Prayers said. All will be well. Do not fear, the Lord is protecting you.
Do not be lonely, your guardian angel is beside you.
Be comforted, Mother will watch over you, and the
Holy Spirit will guide you.


Prayer Against Depression
………….By St Ignatius of Loyola

O Christ Jesus
When all is darkness
And we feel our weakness and helplessness,
Give us the sense of Your Presence,
Your Love and Your Strength.
Help us to have perfect trust
In Your protecting love
And strengthening power,
So that nothing may frighten or worry us,
For, living close to You,
We shall see Your Hand,
Your Purpose, Your Will through all things.


Let Nothing Disturb You

Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you,
All things are passing away:
God never changes.

Obtains all things,
Whoever has God
Lacks nothing:
God alone suffices.

Santa Teresa de Jesús
(Santa Teresa de Ávila)


**My Jesus,
I believe that You are
present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things, and
I desire to receive You into my soul.
**Since I cannot at this moment receive
You sacramentally, come at least spiritually
into my heart. I embrace You
as if You were already there and
unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated
from You.


Piarist fathers have taught this short act of
Spiritual Communion, popularized by St. Josemaria Escriva:

I wish, Lord, to receive You with the purity, humility and
devotion with which Your most holy Mother received You, with the
spirit and fervour of the saints.


Thank You dear Lord Jesus, always and
everywhere, for everything.


† **

Jesus, I trust in You.




Thank you, Pier and Alice. and everyone who prayed for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort last week! This apostolate wouldn’t be happening if you weren’t interceding for us, so thank you so much! Here are a few highlights from that session.

A circus, literally, was taking place in the hockey arena in “our” park. So, despite the area being mostly closed off for construction, we had a good amount of foot traffic going past our table. Two evangelists were available, since a high school senior (and four-year veteran of Catholic street evangelization) was able to join me again at last.

We experienced a couple of rush times. Once, a group of 4 people each accepted a Rosary and booklet for themselves. Then, immediately behind them, a family of 6 waited their turn to reach our table. Each of them also accepted a Rosary and booklet. During the other double occurrence, we gave away 3-4 Rosaries and 2-3 Rosaries, respectively. Altogether, we ended up giving away 20-25 Rosaries and booklets, and 7 Miraculous Medals.

One group of 4 women each accepted a Rosary, its brochure, and a Miraculous Medal. One of the women, her friend claimed, was interested in “all religions”. My fellow evangelist then heard a couple of them muttering, as they left, about how the items would be good for protection. Please, Lord, grant each of these women Your grace to turn from every false religion and to find You, their true and only Savior, before it’s too late.

A man who was accompanying a developmentally disabled adult stopped to visit. It turns out that he goes to my parish, so I let him know about the regular Masses with Anointing that are offered there. He accepted a Rosary, as well as a Miraculous Medal for his sister who is battling cancer. Please pray for all three of them?

Please pray for the team again this week? Two of us plan to meet downtown in just over an hour from now. Since the park where we’ve evangelized for the past four years in pretty much closed for construction, we plan to set up at City Hall today. Please pray for us: Lord, please grant discernment about whether this is really where You want us to be, please send lots of people to us with their eyes and hearts open to perceive their need for You their Savior, and for the Church that You founded, and please grant the evangelists the words, the wisdom, and the manner to effectively reach each of these irreplaceable souls for You, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Please also continue to send up a prayer or two that, if it’s where God wants us to be, we will be able to move forward in making arrangements to also set up in that more public location.

Thank you so much for your continued prayer support and encouragement! In return, may God richly bless you and yours!​

Sacred Heart of Jesus, burning with love for us, set our hearts on fire with love of You.
Thank you for your prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort last week. Here are some highlights from how God worked with us in our last session.

That week, we set up in some shade in front of City Hall. However, it was not only the day before a major national holiday (with its attendant picnics and other celebrations), but the temperature was also nearly 100° F. That made it extremely uncomfortable for Boiseans, who had to walk nearly a block in the unusual heat before they reached us. That tended to make people less than happy, and we experienced a higher than average rejection rate – nearly 95% that day.

Still, we gave away 5 Rosaries, 2 Miraculous Medals, and 1 map of area parishes. We also had a couple of conversations with Catholic family groups, who encouraged us as they walked by and promised to pray for us.

The first person to accept our offer of a free Rosary was a non-Catholic Christian woman. She accepted both a Rosary and its accompanying booklet. The other evangelist with me characterized her attitude as “eager”.

Soon after that, a man looked intently at our sign as he walked past. When an evangelist went over to him and offered him a Rosary, he said he was trying to figure out if we were Catholic or anti-Catholic. Assured that we were Catholic, he mentioned the name of the Catholic school where he received his childhood education. He then accepted a Rosary from us. Since he wasn’t connected to any parish yet in Boise, he also accepted a map of the local parishes, with Mass and Reconciliation times listed. (I was struck by how the Holy Spirit first moved the man’s heart to defend the Catholic Church, and then used that as a springboard to help get him invited back into it.)

Another man stopped at our invitation to receive a free Rosary. He cheerfully chose a bright pink one, and accepted the accompanying pamphlet.

One family group who came by allowed the two young boys (under 7 years old) to each have a Rosary, “like Grandma’s”. Both parents declined the offer for themselves.

The Miraculous Medals went to my fellow evangelist, for family members who requested them.

Please pray for us again today? The weather, although a lot cooler than last week, has been wetter than Boiseans like to be out in – and that might keep foot traffic distressingly light. However, please pray that God will send the people to us that He has prepared to receive the Good News about His Son and the Church that He founded. Please also pray that God grants the evangelists the words, the manner, and the wisdom to reach each of these irreplaceable souls for Christ. Please pray that much fruit for His Kingdom will grow from our efforts today?

Thank you so much! In return, may God greatly bless you and yours!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
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