To Jesus through Mary. Thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
“Pray … also for me, that speech may be given me … to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel” (Eph 6:19-20).
- Three women stopped. The older one, carrying a baby, was Catholic and wanted a Rosary for the baby. The other two also chose Rosaries. One of them didn’t understand how to pray it. The woman with the baby, though, promised to walk her through it, once they got to their destination. May her faith and enthusiasm for prayer enliven her friend’s faith!
- Two women in their late teens stopped. Besides peculiar dress, they both wore heavy theatrical makeup around their many facial piercings. They were excited to get a Rosary, but didn’t know what they were. The woman e. Chuck talked to seemed to know who Christ is, but got quieter as he showed her the Mysteries. When e. Lucy asked the other if she were Christian, she replied, “I have no faith.” So, besides the Rosary and encouragement to sit down and spend time with it to get to know Christ, she gave the young woman a copy of our one-page kerygma.
- A group of 3 or 4 Catholic couples stopped. E. Chuck talked with a man and wife who had picked up Rosaries the week before. They had tried praying it, once, but found it difficult. Another man in the group chimed in that they “just had to keep trying”. Chuck suggested making the introductory three Hail Marys a habit, and build from there. They said they’d give it a try.
- Two employees of the business park stopped for a Rosary, one in close succession to the other. The second man was familiar with the Rosary and said he’d pray it.
- A woman replied to our offer of a Rosary with, “We’re unitarians and you’re trinitarians, so we’ll pass.”
- “Parking-lot-attendant John” overheard the woman’s remark. He talked briefly with e. Chuck about it, who got the impression that John was making fun of Catholicism and her historical defense of orthodoxy.
- Meanwhile, a homeless-looking man had approached as the previous woman was leaving. To our offer of a Rosary, he said, “I gave up on the Rosary and the Catholic Church a long time ago.” He didn’t want to be Catholic, he said, because of priest scandals in previous decades. He was fairly quick, though, to admit the problem wasn’t unique to Catholicism, and mentioned other organizations where abuse had happened. Then he cited other historical atrocities (not just Catholic) over the last few centuries. If he took his love for history and all the way back to the time of Christ, perhaps he’d gain a truer perspective. Please pray for him?
- Altogether, the two evangelists gave away 12-15 Rosaries, and 1 kerygma.
The Rosary, when taken seriously, can lead to deep conversion to Jesus Christ. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Pray … also for me, that speech may be given me … to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel” (Eph 6:19-20).