I will continue to pray for Jordan. God Bless him, and you. Bi-polar, anxiety, etc are a very harrowing circumstance for a parent. It sounds like your closeness is wonderful, and you are doing everything you can, and doing it right. Please take care of yourself. Your work with him is so necessary, but so hard. Get a marathon runner’s stride, and remember to also acknowledge your own needs, and give yourself some R&R. Remember you have to be just as strong, and fresh and present for him when he is older as you are for him now.
His medicine may be fine right now, or it might need adjustment, but it is hard to tell. These drugs work in ways that the doctors don’t completely understand. Sometimes one family of drugs has a neutral or undesirable effect, and another is very effective. Sometimes the drugs can stay the same but the dosage is altered and the effect is significant. Always ask, don’t assume the doctors are always right. Nobody knows Jordan as well as you. Keep looking for support. The National Alliance for Mental Illness - search “nami” - has incredible support forums for families. There is a “faith nami” site as well. Keep holding on. God Bless you.