This is a false statement for three reasons.
- Evolution is a theory, it is not a proven law.
You know not what you say!
When a non-scientist says "I have a theory,” they mean they have a guess or a hunch, or what a scientist calls a hypothesis. This is why non-scientists do not have much respect for theories.
In science, however, a theory is a generalized statement supported by a tremendous amount of empirical evidence gained by observations and experiments. Theories command respect in the scientific community.
One of the myths about science, perpetuated by so many nasty little textbooks (even some unfortunately at the college level), is that theories routinely get elevated into laws when they are “proven.” Scientific laws don’t really come about this way. Laws usually fall out relatively early in research and are called “laws” because of their exact, tight, often mathematical formulation. The gas laws of chemistry/physics, for example, are equations.
The best laws in biology are in genetics, such as Mendel’s laws and the Hardy-Weinberg Law, and these too, have exact formulation.
The following are called Laws by some naturalists but they are not real laws. They are actually just generalized rules of thumb.
Gloger’s Law is the tendency of races from moist areas to be darker.
Bergmann’s Rule is the tendency to have a larger body in a colder climate (but mostly if you don’t migrate).
Allen’s Law is the tendency to have shorter beaks, wings and legs than others of your species if you’re from a colder climate.
Ecologists who try to come up with ecology laws are just experiencing “physics envy.” There are just too many variables in ecology to allow for the mathematical exactness needed for a scientific law.
The same is true for evolution. Darwinian evolution isn’t and will never be a law. There are too many variables. It is as high as it can go, not because it isn’t proven but because it is too general a statement.
For the record, scientific laws are not “proven” either. Many laws have had to be modified when new evidence shows they are not exactly correct. The gas laws, for example, did not hold up when the temperatures got so high the gases turned to plasma.