I met my husband in high school, and we started dating when we were 16. We went to college together, and got married a few weeks after graduation. We’ve been married 40 years this summer.
My younger daughter met her husband in high school. She was 14 and he was 17 when they starting dating, and they were married 7 years later while she was still in college. He is a mechanic, so just an Associates degree. Both of them are (and always have been) hard workers who have held more than one job since they were old enough to work (age 14).
My older daughter didn’t date in high school. She is in her mid-30s and not married, although she dated throughout college and her working life. She hasn’t dated anyone seriously in several years now–too many heartbreaks.
I think that it’s good for young people (teenagers) to date. They grow up together and make plans while young and while their parents are around and have authority and influence in their lives (so they can lay down the family law that children and teens must attend church).
I know a lot of Christian parents (and other parents) discourage romantic dating in high school, but that’s not the way it’s always been. I know from my parents that teens used to date, and I know from reading fiction and non-fiction that teenagers dated, and often ended up marryng a high school sweetheart and staying together for decades until death.
I think that if more Christians would encourage their teens to date while they’re young it’s more likely that women and men would marry while they are young and gifted with youth, health, hope, fertility, and love. I think that working out financial difficulties with someone you love is not a death knoll for a marriage, but can actually make a couple stronger.