Forcing kids to go to the church

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But she is sweet!

OP, look… I’m not doubting she may have some sweet characteristics (and I’m guessing she is pretty darn cute too…?) But you keep telling us things that arent giving us parents much confidence that she is a good 15 yr old girlfriend.

But your brother probably doesn’t want a good girlfriend right now.

And maybe your brother will have poor girlfriend choices after her…

But he will always be your brother.

Here is something I compare to choosing who to date or Marry…

The way they treat and respect Jesus, is the way they will treat and respect you.

And find a spouse who you would love to be the Mother or Father of your children.

I’m saying these things because your relationship with your brother will deal with his relationships. And being a man means loving Jesus more than even a girlfriend/boyfriend! So then, you can love them more, because you have the love of Jesus.
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Nope. I don’t force anyone to church. But that doesn’t mean they get to sleep in. Up and doing chores while the rest of the family goes to church. Maybe even making a nice breakfast for the rest of the family when they return.
I don’t have kids myself, but I have heard it suggested as a way to allow kids who don’t believe to not go, without making it a more attractive option if they just want to sleep in.
I understand the purpose. I just find it strange that a child would be fine with doing chores, but not going to Church.

And what if they aren’t willing to do the chores? Isnt it back to square one?
They don’t. They are good kids who love their parents and try to do their best. They just disagree with the Church so dont like to go. It makes them feel hypocritical. I dont force them. It would be a violation to do so, on several levels.
Why do they feel hypocritical?

If they love their parents, they would go because you are asking them to go.
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Why do they feel hypocritical?
The problem some kids have is they genuinely stop believing in the church. So they feel hypocritical going and sitting in church and going through the motions of worship when they don’t believe in what they’re worshiping. That’s why they’d be fine doing chores - because it’s not requiring them to act like they believe what they don’t.
Children deciding they dont believe in Jesus, and that they dont belong there worshiping with their parents?

Yikes! It’s a scary world!

P.S. I was a teen, also. There was a time when I didn’t like going to Church. But not because I didn’t believe in Jesus.

I’m not suggesting physical force… but consequences for not going for sure. Children should respect their parents.
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Part of the Gospel message, is that no one is good. Only One is good. He is the Lord.

Children should be taught the Gospel. They are not good, who disrespect their parents and deny Jesus.

Yes, we love them still! No matter what! And hope they open their hearts. But dont call evil good, and good evil.
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Children deciding they dont believe in Jesus, and that they dont belong there worshiping with their parents?
Is that really worse than a child who doesn’t believe, but goes and acts like they do because it’s what their parents want?

I was 19 when I left my parents’ church. Wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t - as far as they were concerned Catholics were basically satan worshippers.
Yes. Honor your father and mother.

Dont take Communion if you dont believe. But respect your parents and attend Mass with them.
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Yes. Honor your father and mother.

Dont take Communion if you dont believe. But respect your parents and attend Mass with them.
Point I was making is that also applies perfectly well to those of us who disobeyed our parents in order to go to Mass…
You mean a child going to Mass when their parents forbid them?

A child (under 18) should obey their parents, even if told not to go to Mass.

Yet, when it comes to obeying God or parent… God should be obeyed.
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I’m not suggesting physical force… but consequences for not going for sure. Children should respect their parents.
My children are very respectful, not only of their parents, but of everyone. They aren’t disobeying me. I don’t require they attend if they express a reasonable moral objection to doing so.

I would never want my children to go against their conscience in order to please me. They feel hypocritical in church because they either participate, and pretend, or they don’t participate and draw uncharitable judgements from other parishioners.

I am fine with them staying home. I don’t believe in forcing religion on anyone.
Are your children Catholic?

What are “morally acceptable reasons not to attend Mass”? We aren’t talking about just reasons for not being able to get to Mass, but rather unjust reasons for not going, as their Catholic parents are responsible for seeing that they attend. It’s a promise we make when we bring them for Baptism.

You realize attending Mass is an obligation for Catholics? Why would you not require them, while the Church does?
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