I work in engineering and it is part of the lingo- some tools are even described using questionable language. I do swear at work, but never at home or outside work. It does bother me a bit, I won’t use that sort of language in front of the children, my wife, mother or any other woman as a matter of fact, but I do believe that it is so prevalant, it would be niave to attempt to protect my four children completely from it- they’re as well to know it does go on (imo).
With respect to ‘taking the Lord’s name in vain’ this I will not accept. My PP had an idea for the millenium that any time we heard someone exclaim JESUS! We should retort ‘Yesterday, today and forever!’ and make it a prayer. Anyone like that idea? Got any ideas for similar retorts?
Interestingly, my large Irish Catholic family, all practice and are lovely people, all use Jesus, God, Jesus, Mary & Joseph and various other exclaimations constantly. It always puts me on edge and I feel it is a little careless for someone who professes faith, but what do you do???