Four letter words

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I must admit, I have a terrible mouth due to being around DH. He’s a mechanic and works with foul-mouthed men all day and of course brings the habit home. It’s hard when your around someone all of the time that swears. But saying the Lords name in vain makes me shudder when I hear it out of others.
This reminds me of a story…

When I was younger my youngest sister tattled to my mom that I had said the “S-H word”. My mom, of course, assumed she meant THAT S-H word. She came storming in and demanded to know where I had learned such vulgar language and grounded me. I couldn’t believe it! I said, “Mom! I just told her to shut-up!”

Needless to say, the grounding was reversed. But I was told not to say shut-up, either, because it wasn’t nice.
I never use the Lord’s name in vain, and it really gets to me when others do. But for other swearing… I’ve never really understood why it’s inappropriate in some situations… Think about this- in French tabernacle is just as bad as our worst 4-letter word!! The word in itself isn’t bad, it’s the negative connotation associated with it…

I don’t swear in front my of my sisters, but with my friends, sometimes it slips…

Any thought as to whether it is a sin? (Or actually, I don’t want to know… then I’d be consciously guilty… :))
I must admit, I have a terrible mouth due to being around DH.
Almost sounds like Adam’s excuse in the garden! 🙂
He’s a mechanic and works with foul-mouthed men all day and of course brings the habit home. It’s hard when your around someone all of the time that swears.
I’ve never understood this line of thinking. I was in the military for 14 years, where foul-mouthed men and women are, by far, the norm, and I never felt the need to use such language because of that.

You either swear or not. Unless someone is threatening you at gun point, the choice is yours. It’s dishonest to say it’s someone else’s fault.

Having said all that… I really don’t think swearing is a moral issue, unless it’s done to intentionally upset someone. (Is there anything in scripture or the Cathecism about it? i don’t think so, but I’m taking a wild guess here).
Having said all that… I really don’t think swearing is a moral issue, unless it’s done to intentionally upset someone. (Is there anything in scripture or the Cathecism about it? i don’t think so, but I’m taking a wild guess here).
Um. “Thou shalt not take the Lord’s Name in vain?”
Um. “Thou shalt not take the Lord’s Name in vain?”
That’s not the kind of swearing I mean. I mean “foul-language”.
For those of you who never use 4-letter words, do you ever notice how family, friends, & co-workers suddenly clean up their language when they are around you? Or when they use a 4-letter word, they apologize to you before or after using it?
I notice this all the time! I have never used four-letter words, even in high school and college, and all my friends would modify their language in front of me. Now I am in grad school, and my officemates always apologize when they slip up. It’s the oddest thing, because I’ve never told them I don’t swear or given them a look when they have. I guess they’ve just noticed.
I learned all my swear words from my mom. I stopped while in my first year at college and couldn’t believe my ears when I got home for the summer :eek: . I realized that, she, maybe most people, use them when they lose control. It also started to sound very “low class” to me. After that I made a concerted effort not to swear anymore. Since coming back to the church I still don’t swear but my motives are different. Now instead of the focus being on me and how erudite I am its more about being pure.

What about slamming doors etc? Anyone else hear the expression “wooden swearing”?
I use them by accident, but they are so commonly thrown about now a days think I think the 25 and younger crowd don’t realize how wrong it is. I know I sound like a censor but the FCC should step in.
I have a very short fuse…so quite by accident sometimes…I’ve been known to say a baaad word or two…:o Mea Culpa… :tsktsk:
I read somewhere why we even have swear words.I think it had to with the Norman invasion. In England to be classy was to speak French…and to be ‘vulgar’ was to speak Saxon…so a dual vocabulary came into being and hence we had ‘vulgar’ words. I have no idea if that if accurate or not but it sounds good.

I don’t as rule swear. Its just a habbit I never got into but my Fundamentalist brother can really let fly at times…makes my mom so MAD. She is always calling him down for it.

DH will let go with a few good ones when he is really angry but never takes the Lord’s name in vain.

Speaking of taking the Lord’s name in vain…is God really His ‘name’? Shouldn’t it really be someone using His actual ‘name’ and is using his name as a by-word actually taking His name in vain…? I don’t know…just asking.

dream wanderer
dream wanderer:
Speaking of taking the Lord’s name in vain…is God really His ‘name’? Shouldn’t it really be someone using His actual ‘name’ and is using his name as a by-word actually taking His name in vain…? I don’t know…just asking.
Well, some people do curse using the name of the Son, so here’s no question there.

As for “God” being a proper name. I know some sects of Jews write “G-d” for fear of violating the 2d commandment, so I’d say it’s close enough.
I don’t think I ever heard either of my parents use foul language, and I never did as a kid. Sometime around high school I started using the “s” word around friends and classmates, but when I slipped once and said it in front of my parents I decided to stop, and I don’t do it anymore. My exclamations now tend to be “What the heck?”, “Dagnab it!”, and the ubiquitous “Crud!” 😃
Growing up in outback Australia kids learn f-works at the age of three and have a working vocab at five.

I’ve just turned 30 and I’m still trying to un-learn myself!
I work in engineering and it is part of the lingo- some tools are even described using questionable language. I do swear at work, but never at home or outside work. It does bother me a bit, I won’t use that sort of language in front of the children, my wife, mother or any other woman as a matter of fact, but I do believe that it is so prevalant, it would be niave to attempt to protect my four children completely from it- they’re as well to know it does go on (imo).

With respect to ‘taking the Lord’s name in vain’ this I will not accept. My PP had an idea for the millenium that any time we heard someone exclaim JESUS! We should retort ‘Yesterday, today and forever!’ and make it a prayer. Anyone like that idea? Got any ideas for similar retorts?
Interestingly, my large Irish Catholic family, all practice and are lovely people, all use Jesus, God, Jesus, Mary & Joseph and various other exclaimations constantly. It always puts me on edge and I feel it is a little careless for someone who professes faith, but what do you do???
With respect to ‘taking the Lord’s name in vain’ this I will not accept. My PP had an idea for the millenium that any time we heard someone exclaim JESUS! We should retort ‘Yesterday, today and forever!’ and make it a prayer. Anyone like that idea? Got any ideas for similar retorts?
I have a very good friend who is now a nun. She used to say “Blessed be His Holy Name” whenever anyone took the Lord’s Name in vain, even in movies or the conversations of passers-by. At first it seemed funny, but after awhile I really noticed how often she had to say it, and it always called my mind back to God when I heard it. Now I catch myself saying it in my head (or occasionally outloud) when I hear someone take the Lord’s Name in vain.
I’ve made a conscious effort to curb it and by the grace of God I have been pretty successful. Oh, once in a great while something may slip out in extreme frustration or pain… I used to have a problem with it but thanks be to God I have gotten it down to almost never.
How about some ‘good’ 4-letter words:

Pray, Holy, Love, Kind, Amen, Hope

Maybe we should try to use these words more?

go with God!
For all who use naughty words when they get upset or extra mad etc… PATIENCE, IT’S A VIRTUE:D
Surprisingly, I don’t. I’ve never heard my dad use foul language, though apparently he does in front of my brothers. I appreciate his courtesy! My mom used dmn and hll frequently when I was growing up. I never liked it. I remember a girl in 10th grade who used 4 letter words constantly- every few words out of her mouth were foul. I guess it bothered me enough that I decided not to do it. —KCT
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