Four letter words

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I checked off never, but I am reformed. I was terrible in college. My major was Early Childhood Education. Since college gradution I have taught been married and raised my own kids for 28 yrs. and taught children for 10 years. I can’t afford to be caught swearing. It would be so bad to swear at school! So I quit, cold turkey. I have lapsped once or twice when someone tries to kill me with their driving. My own grown kids heard me swear once, and they couldn’t stop laughing about it.

It is easier for me never to swear than to turn it on or off. That way I don’t have to worry.
Dear friend

I always think you speak exactly in your life as you would when inside church, before our Lord Jesus and imagine yourself with the Priest sitting in the room! Whatever you would say with those above present, you should only say elsewhere in your life. Jesus is always at your side and the Truine God indwells your bapitised soul!

That’s enough to put anyone off swearing 😃

God Bless you and much love and peace to you and those you love

Errr…lol…I really like using a 4 letter word that starts with a “L” and it’s good!😃
Swearing is the worst habit I have right now. I’m better than I was at the start of the year. Going to Mass everyday I can has certainly helped.
Who’s the freakin’ moron who wrote this:

When upset (on accident)

It’s BY accident; “on accident” is what three-year-olds say.
I have cussed all my life! I am careful about who I cuss around, however. They are simply words that are satisfying in certain situations, more satisfying than other words. I know priests who cuss, for silly’s sake!!!
Who’s the freakin’ moron
That would be me.

It’s okay, though. I forgive you for your amazing lack of charity. :love:
It’s BY accident; “on accident” is what three-year-olds say.
Actually, the distinction is purely idiomatic. From a purley syntactical stand point, both usages are equally correct. The “proper” rule is even more difficult to defend than the articial “don’t spilt infinitives” and “don’t end sentences with with a preposition” constructs.

Have a nice day!
I have cussed all my life! I am careful about who I cuss around, however. They are simply words that are satisfying in certain situations, more satisfying than other words. I know priests who cuss, for silly’s sake!!!
Dear friend

If I put my head in the gas oven will you follow me? 😃 Just because someone else does something doesn’t make it right.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I have cussed all my life! I am careful about who I cuss around, however. They are simply words that are satisfying in certain situations, more satisfying than other words. I know priests who cuss, for silly’s sake!!!
Dear friend

If I put my head in the gas oven, will you follow me?😃 Just because someone else does something doesn’t make it right…

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I never take the Lord’s name in vain. I don’t even say omg or anything like that. However, I have been known to say the d, s, h, a, and f words occasionally. Not to mention a variety of Japanese words (most of which are actually kind of benign).
I am continuing to work on not using 4 letter words. It has been difficult to entirely abstain from foul language. But I am making progress.
I picked up the bad habit of vulgar (not blaspehmous) language when I was the only woman in a union shop, and thought I had to act like one of the guys to survive. The effects of this became apparent when my son’s kindergarten teacher showed me a picture he colored. the assignment was to draw his family, and he had 3 stick figures, and a black circle at the bottom with lines shooting out of it. Teacher asked him, Mickey, who are they? He said, that is daddy, Sissy and lulu. But Mickey, what is that black thing? That is the car, mommy is in there driving. But Mickey, what are all those black lines for? That is mommy saying bad words to all the other drivers.
I can be bad sometimes, but my favorite bad word is booger! People stop and look at you and my husband who is the booger usually blows a rasberry at me and then tickles me. I love it, aren’t I so mature.

Although I have done oh my God while driving or when something really hurts, but I mean it as a quick prayer when someone tries to kill me or when I wind up with a straight pin stuck in me.
Greetings in the Name of Jesus. In response to this poll, my husband DOES sometimes use 4 letter words in front of the children. maybe every few weks if he is really upset or something ( he has an anger problem) I am not sure how to react when he talks this way in front of the 11 year old especailly. this really upsets me but my saying something or reprimanding him seems to make it worse. I also feel like I am focusing on his faults rather than my own. ( My lack of diligence as a homemaker etc. certainly does not help and is possibly part of the reason… and he has some anger toward some people in the church and what he accuses us of is religious self righteousness.

So I suppose the response I need is to be more like St. Monica and sacrificing and a better homemaker, but sometimes I feel I am enabling. It breaks my heart to see little children exposed to such language. I mean I know I have my faults (laziness, lack of diligence etc.) but I am not happy with the situaion because if I say something to reprimand he just gets angry and we have a big yelling in front of the children but if I ignore I feel I am enabling. I am trying keep our family together. And I will suggest praying together which we used to do regularly but now that he is so alienated from the church we rarely do and sometimes if I suggest it we get a reluctant irreverent prayer which is maybe even worse than not praying a t all. It just makes me sad that our family is cut off from the church we used to be commited to. So I’d ask for your prayers and any suggestions you might have.

In His Name, 4 Jesus
Greetings in the Name of Jesus. In response to this poll, my husband DOES sometimes use 4 letter words in front of the children. maybe every few weks if he is really upset or something ( he has an anger problem)

In His Name, 4 Jesus
Yes, prayer–and don’t underestimate it. I can say that I too, swear when I’m upset (though seldom in front of my kids, and only mildly then). When this happens, intellectually I know it’s wrong, but this would be the WORST time for my wife to scold me about it. Later would work better.
Seems like concern for both of your children should make you see that you aren’t wrong about this, even if you have your own faults. It’s not like you’re judging him so much as you’re protecting the family. Keep searching for gently ways to make him see that words mean things, and that the words they hear and will eventually use affect and reflect their attitudes about sexuality, women, anger and forgiveness, and much more.
Greetings in the Name of Jesus. In response to this poll, my husband DOES sometimes use 4 letter words in front of the children. maybe every few weks if he is really upset or something ( he has an anger problem) I am not sure how to react when he talks this way in front of the 11 year old especailly. this really upsets me but my saying something or reprimanding him seems to make it worse. I also feel like I am focusing on his faults rather than my own. ( My lack of diligence as a homemaker etc. certainly does not help and is possibly part of the reason… and he has some anger toward some people in the church and what he accuses us of is religious self righteousness.
your husband’s anger problem has nothing to do with your housekeeping ability or your children’s behavior. he has a deep psychological problem with anger that requires immediate and intensive counselling to resolve, as well as spiritual conversion. If it is not dealt with now it will escalate to the point of psychological or physical violence directed at you and the children. I urge you to get counselling immediately, to deal with your own self esteem and mistaken notions about the source of your husband’s anger.
I have tried to wipe them from my volcabulary. I got into bad habits in college but as the kids were growing up I have been more careful. I like it better when I don;t let them slip.
Though I am trying to cut down on the “bad words” I use, I say most of my vulgarity when driving or when trying to hurry to get somewhere (and hate to admit this, but even when getting ready for Mass sometimes):eek: . I use all the four letter words, though I try to leave the lords name out of it, or use the slightly lesser “God dang” (lame sounding, but I think better than the other GD).

I acquired the “potty mouth” habit by following the lead of relatives who used “colorful language” and thinking that as an adult, I would show how “grown up” I was by being able to be as vulgar in my language as I wanted. That was a great mindset for learning a vice I am now trying to unlearn 😦
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