Fox News

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How about some examples of the MSM being liberal. This is not a challenge. I believe they are. You only have to be a pro-lifer for about 15 minutes to realize that.
Some Golden Oldies:

New York Times Moscow correspondant Harold Denny reporting from the Ukraine after 7 million died in a created famine:

“(I) feasted on milk and honey, milk from contented collectivized cows and honey fresh from the hives of Bolshevik bees on a big collective farm.”

New York Times Anthony Lewis* on events in Cambodia:

“Mass explusions are the only way to start on their vision of a new society. . .The whole bloodbath debate is unreal. What future could possibly be more terrible than the reality of what is happening to Cambodia now? . . .Americans are guilty of cultural arrogance, an imperial assumption, that … our way of life would be better”

New York Times Sydney Schanberg on the Pol Pot’s cadres:

“It would be tendentious to forecast such abnormal behavior (mass executions) as national policy under a Communist government once the war is over.”

*Anthony Lewis is the late husband of Massachusetts Supreme Court Chief Justice Margaret Marshall–one of the judges who imposed gay marriage on the Bay State.
Since all Catholics are seeking the truth I really don’t care how the poll turns out. If I bother to watch the news on television its Fox but I don’t find any TV news outlets very helpful. Christ is our center. “Conservative” and “liberal” are secular terms. What does the Church teach through her Scriptures and Tradition. The opinions of others are simply distractions.

Dan L
It’s not ‘fair and balanced’ for Fox News to call it’s self ‘fair and balanced’.
I say this as a conservative:

FOX is “Fair and Balanced” only in that it attempts to balance out all of the liberal pablum with a conservative perspective. FOX is not balanced. One only has to watch the “interviews” conducted by Sean Hannity, where he lobs softball question after softball question at the likes of President Bush and Vice President Cheney. Why not let Colmes interview those guys? Because they’re afraid he might ask a tough question? I don’t object to FOX being conservative, in fact I applaud it. But to claim “Fair and Balanced” reporting is just laughable. All I want is the truth. Just say, “We’re FOX and we’re conservative.”
One only has to watch the “interviews” conducted by Sean Hannity, where he lobs softball question after softball question at the likes of President Bush and Vice President Cheney. Why not let Colmes interview those guys? Because they’re afraid he might ask a tough question?
Colmes interviews liberals one on one as well. I prefer it that way. “Tough questions” are usually loaded questions. More interesting to hear someone explain what their policies are and what they hope to achieve.
Some Golden Oldies:

New York Times Moscow correspondant Harold Denny reporting from the Ukraine after 7 million died in a created famine:

“(I) feasted on milk and honey, milk from contented collectivized cows and honey fresh from the hives of Bolshevik bees on a big collective farm.”

New York Times Anthony Lewis* on events in Cambodia:

“Mass explusions are the only way to start on their vision of a new society. . .The whole bloodbath debate is unreal. What future could possibly be more terrible than the reality of what is happening to Cambodia now? . . .Americans are guilty of cultural arrogance, an imperial assumption, that … our way of life would be better”

New York Times Sydney Schanberg on the Pol Pot’s cadres:

“It would be tendentious to forecast such abnormal behavior (mass executions) as national policy under a Communist government once the war is over.”

*Anthony Lewis is the late husband of Massachusetts Supreme Court Chief Justice Margaret Marshall–one of the judges who imposed gay marriage on the Bay State.
It’s sad to see that we seldom or never hear about how the New York Times covered up for and denied massive genocide committed by leftist regimes they supported.

Communists murdered one hundred and twenty million plus during this past century. A New York Times journalist justified this by saying ‘you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs’. For some diabolical reason he was given a Pulitzer Prize for this. .

The pretend bias of the Fox network can never measure up to the disinformation oozed out by the NYT and their ilk.
Hi, I’m new here, and I didn’t want to make a controversial post my very first one, but it looks like its going to be that way considering the overwhelming favorable opinion of fox news thus far. I have to say, i watch Fox News quite regularly out of the simple enjoyment of finding out which stories they are covering/not covering and comparing them to the stories other major news networks cover. I will not deny the slight to moderate bias in the rest of the new media towards the left, and Fox certainly if more than welcome to shift it’s coverage to more conservative stories and personages. But the whole “fair and balanced” thing…give me a break. It wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t say it so darn often. It’s actually humorous how much they say it, as if they need to assert to themselves how fair and balanced they really are. Maybe if their motto was, “balancing the news media by adding a fair conservative voice” I wouldn’t laugh everytime I heard it. But at times they take it a little to far, and as for Hannity and Colmes being fair and balanced, take one look at both of them, consider the power of physical appearance on television as well as forcefulness of demenor in regards to credibility, and well…Colmes is much more moderate then Hannity is, putting it gently. All and all I’d say that Fox News is much more biased in one direction then say CNN or ABC is the other. However, the bias probably cancels outs when you take into consideration the number of slightly to moderately left mainstream news organizations out there. But taking this conversation in a slightly different direction, why do you think it is that so many in the mainstream media television personalities come off as liberal/really are liberally biased? Also, do any of you all here struggle with the incredible inadequecies of both parties in representing the interests of Catholics?
Lizzie…Herbert Matthews interview with Fidel Castro published in a series on the front page of the New York Times used to be on line. Astounding reading. Matthews wrote that Castro wanted free elections, was not a communist, had a large following (he didn’t) and was, in effect, a hero.

The American Ambassador, the Cuban Government and policy makers at State had no idea where Castro was hiding out or that Matthews was in country interviewing him. Low level employees at State arraigned it all.

Don’t watch Fox much but glad there is some alternative. For so long what was on the front page of the New York Times in the morning were the stories the three networks carried in the evening. Same slant to all of it.
There’s a documentary that came out a while ago titled “Outfoxed” which is a liberal take view on the biases of Fox News.

Personally, i think it’s biased. A lot of it has to do with the stories that *are not *shown. What does not get reported is a form of bias as well.
I think that one needs to consider the news shows part of Fox separately from the analysis shows.

The News, in my view, is very balanced, especially compared to the MSM. The analysis shows, (O’Reilly, Hannity, etc) are to the right, no doubt about it.

Just my .02…
Deus Vult:
Quick factoid…almost all of the Fox anchors are openly Roman Catholic they talk about it frequently. I do not know about ABC NBC CBS CNN CNBC MSNBC they never say.
The coverage of Pope John Paul II passing and the election of Pope Benedict was wonderful. I especially liked Shepard Smith’s coverage in Rome.
love FOX news :dancing: !

For me, it is nice to see positive stories of our military for once.
My biggest gripe with Fox News is that they sensationalize everything. Why is everything a Fox News Alert? Their news reporting does contain a definite neo-con spin, but every news outlet puts some spin on the news.

Nobody, including Fox News, ever does a decent job of getting a balanced picture. Hint: there are more than two sides to every issue.
I especially liked Shepard Smith’s coverage in Rome.
Except he announced the death of the Pope two days before he died.

What can I say? Journalists are idiots.
I live in Canada and for the longest time we could not get Fox news up here.

Many people wanted it but the powers that be are extremely liberal/left wing, and therefore opposed it’s introduction.

The only American news channels we could get were CNN and MSNBC. As for the Canadian media, especially the CBC, well they’re so far left they make CNN look right wing.

Finally after popular demand they caved and “allowed” it. I’ve been watching and find that it is indeed fair and balanced. I think that the reason some people may find it right wing is because most of the media is so left wing that anything reasonable that does not agree with their views are labeled right wing.

But that’s just my two cents:D
Had the same situation in Palm Beach County Florida. Everyone seemed to have FOX but us. Called the cable company and they laughed…“yeah…you are the thousandth person in the last two days to ask…we will have it…”

And one day we did.

I wouldn’t call it conservative but at least FOX doesn’t sneer at religion and do one hit piece after the next on the military.

The “run-away bride” stuff does get tiresome…wish they would go back to what made them sucessful.
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