The image where the angel seems to be fondling Jesus’ left buttock is questionable from an orthodox Christian point of view, given that angels are not supposed to have gender or sexuality.
Not 100% certain why Jesus and God the Father both bear wounds from the crucifixion, but that’s a matter of theological interpretation, not blasphemy and certainly not homosexuality. Granted, God the Father looks a little on the young side, but it’s only convention that he’s depicted as an old man. God the Father doesn’t have an age and doesn’t have a human body, so it’s just for the benefit of our limited understanding that he is conventionally portrayed as looking old enough to have a 33-year-old son.
Given that the Holy Spirit is commonly depicted as a dove (a form adopted temporarily, we must presume), I don’t really see the objection to the Holy Spirit being depicted as a woman. The Holy Spirit has no human or anthropomorphic attributes, so ascribing gender is not possible. If the Holy Spirit is going to be depicted as human, he/she(/it?) could equally be a man, a woman, or anything in between.