Then Dr. Hawking hasn’t been keeping up on physics.
There cannot have been an infinite series of Big Bangs. It would be a violation of increasing entropy.
As all are aware, the universe tends towards entropy. If you drop a glass, it breaks. If you shake a jar of white sand, and black sand, they intermix.
So either this is a function of the universe expanding, in which case, during the universe contraction, glass shards will suddenly jump up and form into glassware, and jars of gray sand will shake themselves and sort into separate white and black layers
Or else singularities in which the world collapses are a source of entropy decrease.
Hawkings own papers dispute that
So each resulting universe would be more entropic than the one before. So there could not have already been an infinite series of such collapse and expand universes, as we still have a decrease in entropy, stars still shine, glasses still exist and can break.
So if that is what Hawking is proclaiming, he is so wrong that any 3rd year physics student can defeat him.
What I HAVE heard is Hawking being a proponent of the infinite universes theory. That there are an infinite number of universes. This is an answer to the question of why the universe can support life. It is incredibly against all odds that the universe could support life at all.
There are too many natural constants that, if altered slightly, would render the universe totally unable to support life.
So why are we here. Hawkings answer is that the Big Bang produced an infinite number of universes, we happen to be in the one that could support life.
That, of course, is no longer science, as such universes can not be empirically verified and tested, by definition. The theory of multi-universes, by definition, is not scientific.
So then Hawking is really no different than theists, proposing a totally unverifiable, non scientific, infinite reality