Fr. Barron has made a lot of videos, although none on physics except this one. His only interest in physics seems to be where a scientist challenges a cherished belief.
Granted he is not a scientist, that doesn’t mean he has no interest in science. And why shouldn’t he be concerned when science makes claims about the beliefs, not only of Catholicism but all of Christianity ( except of course in certain Baptist enclaves

) which cannot be scientifically substantiated?
He’s world number one at quote mining. He takes one sentence, which he says he got from a review as he hadn’t actually read the book himself, and uses that one sentence to extrapolate a critique based on the notion that philosophy and religion are one domain (conveniently forgetting all the atheist philosophers) and the even stranger notion that scientists must not speak on religion (conveniently forgetting all the religious scientists).
My goodness, you’re under another dark cloud today. That he is " quote mining " can be applied to us all, yourself included. He was after all relying on reliable people, and if you have watched Hawking videos you know he is correct.
Please note that Fr. Barron was quoting from reviewers who were quoting from excerpts of the Grand Design. That may be second hand but it is still Hawking’s own words. And please note, that Hawking did say that “…because of gravity the universe can and did create itself out of nothing…” And on the cover of the book Hawking did say " … the universe does not need God…" So Hawking is equating gravity with " nothing." So he is redefining the meaning of " nothing. " I think you should watch the video again. Now I wonder why you failed to note these little items?
And he didn’t extrapolate anything. If you would ever get to the point of actually reading Aristotle or Thomas or any real philosopher of metaphysics you would know that science, philosophy, and theology all have different objects of study. So science cannot make any leigtimate observations about the data of other fields of study. For example, it cannot make any legtimate observations about law or politics or history.
Not even religious scientists are able to make observations about philosophy, law, politics, etc. based on science because science does not study these fields. So you are barking up the wrong tree, you are not only beating a dead horse, but one that isn’t even there - it is a red herring.
Although Fr. Barron does have one thing going for him - he too seems to share Lemaître’s belief in Isaiah’s hidden God, so that makes at least two Catholics and this Baptist).
If Lemaitre’ had the same thing in mind as Fr. Barron, then that would be true. But since both Isiah and Lemaitre’ are making criptic remarks I really can’t say. Fr. Barron, on the other hand elaborated his meaning - God is not a component of this universe because he is unlimited in any way whereas all the components of this world are contingent precisely because they each are limited in their existence ( being ). No one of them and not the sum total of them back through the eons of time comprise the total perfection of existence ( being ), each contains only a limited expression of existence ( being).
But this is not to say that the universe cannot tell us that a personal God does exist. And that is what philosophy does, it observes the universe and by discovering it ultimate princiles of existence can conclude that a personal God dose exist and it can even tell us about some of the characteristics of this God. God may be hidden, but he still reveals himself in his creation, not totally but enough to let us know he exists.