Franklin Graham: Trump is “One of The Greatest Presidents” Because He “Defended the Unborn”

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Franklin Graham: Trump is “One of The Greatest Presidents” Because He “Defended the Unborn”​


Evangelical Christian leader Franklin Graham praised President Donald Trump on Monday as “one of the greatest presidents of our nation” because he stood up for the rights of unborn babies.

Newsweek reports Graham, the son of the late Rev. Billy Graham, issued the statement after the electoral college voted to confirm pro-abortion Democrat Joe Biden as the winner of the presidency.

“People have asked if I am disappointed about the election,” Graham wrote on social media. “When I think about my answer, I have to say honestly, that I am grateful—grateful to God … for the last four years.”
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I don’t think anyone would disagree with Franklin Graham.
Yes, he is the most pro-life President in my lifetime.
He has done some great things, besides his pro-life accomplishmentss and I did vote for him despite my not caring for certain aspects of
his personality or tweets.
Except the unborn rape babies, incest babies and medical conditions. He does not defend and protect those.
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So it’s all or nothing? He’s not Catholic, but he is working to significantly restrict abortions in general. Considering how few abortions are actually related to cases of rape or incest, his actions have done more than any president to date.
Have you ever supported a pro-abortion candidate?
Even though you did not ask ME, I will answer. And the answer is NO… because there are NO pro-abortion candidates… there are only pro-choice ones. Precision… precision… precision…
Okay, please name a president that has done more for the cause of life.
Irrelevant. You said that you don’t think that anyone would disagree with Franklin Graham. Millions of people disagree with him when it comes to evaluating Trump and do NOT consider him the “greatest president”.
Even though you did not ask ME, I will answer. And the answer is NO… because there are NO pro-abortion candidates… there are only pro-choice ones. Precision… precision… precision…
I will go with the word of pro-lifers, organizations, those who have marched in right to life marches and so on. It can be argued that doing nothing leads to more abortions, hence, more of a defeatist attitude. I will go with organizaations like Concerned Women of America.
Irrelevant. You said that you don’t think that anyone would disagree with Franklin Graham. Millions of people disagree with him when it comes to evaluating Trump and do NOT consider him the “greatest president”.
You don’t agree with him and your way would seem to allow the abortion industry to do more. We know the Democrats in some places now press for infanticide. That may even be worse than abortion. I will go with Church teaching which your “I’ll do it my way” does not seem to be following.

Arguably, infanticide is worse.

One of the Bishops, someone like that even thanked Trump for all of his pro-life measures.

Infanticide under Democratic measures seems to mean do not even help the baby in the smallest way, even feeding it or giving it food.
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The Evangelicals politicized the abortion issue by first endorsing Carter then switching to Reagan after he had signed a very pro-abortion bill in CA. Politicizing such issues brings on its own moral hazards and I refuse to vote until these Evangelicals lay off the Republican Party. It seems their only objective is power.
Which results in the murder of babies.
If only you would differentiate between a “cell”, a “bunch of cells” and a “baby”, we could have a discussion.

As a matter of fact, I would support to disallow an abortion in the last trimester for frivolous reasons. And I would see a wide support for this kind of compromise.
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If only you would differentiate between a “cell”, a “bunch of cells” and a “baby”, we could have a discussion.
There is no difference in essence, only in stage of development.
As a matter of fact, I would support to disallow an abortion in the last trimester for frivolous reasons.
How magnanimous. What would be your criteria for sufficient cause to murder a viable child?
So it’s all or nothing?
Yes it is all or nothing, there are no morals existent in ’ a little bit of murder’. Dont proclaim pro - life so loudly when that is misleading. What are Catholics doing/ have done over the past 4 years to advocate for rape babies to this now lame-duck President?
Have you ever supported a pro-abortion candidate?
Who I support is not the topic of this thread and it is my business, not yours. Do not ask personal questions Victoria.

There is no excuse for supporting abortion of rape babies and no condoning it, if Catholic. Murder is murder.
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Okay, please name a president that has done more for the cause of life.
Notice the crickets.

I get a kick out of the pro-choicers and other leftists who only call to our attention the lesser things that Trump has not done, and they never give Trump credit for all the unprecented great pro-life things he has done.

It’s quite revealing.
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What is truly saddening are the pro-life absolutists who refuse to give Trump credit because he believes in an exemption for rape and incest. I remember way back in 6th grade when Sister Mary Clare advocated the exact same thing.
done, and they never give Trump credit
Some won’t give him credit for anything. There is no use arguing with them and they are to be ignored, as is anyone who never gives any credit to any politician. Nobody is 100 percent wrong all the time. Those who refuse to ever give any credit to a particular politician are themselves discredited when it comes to their discussing that politician. They are not motivated by fairness and reason. Rather they are pure ideologues driven by partisan blindness, hatred, and irrationality. If they have any self awareness and can see through their own ideological blindness and still continue never giving any credit, then they are dishonest liars, which in a way is worse.
Samaritan’s purse, Franklin Graham’s charity follows the Bible and feeds the poor. Does it feed all the poor? No, but they feed and clothe and help many.

Catholic teaching is very clear, try to do what one can. Be as pro-life as one can be, it may not be perfectly pro-life but that is not the teaching.

Even if one can be perfectly pro-life, that really would be an illusion ultimately with people’s varying views. I have found those in favor of personhood on the web for instance, check out “pro-life profiles” on the web, it can really get involved and detailed.
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