Franklin Graham: Trump is “One of The Greatest Presidents” Because He “Defended the Unborn”

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I voted for Trump reluctantly in 2016 and again in 2020 because I strongly supported his pro-life policies, among other things. I never cared for his personality. I voted for him in spite of the fact that I felt that
there had been a lack of leadership on his part throughout most of 2020.(Starting with the COVID crisis .) He has been showing a lack of leadership since the election which is why I think another 4 years of Trump would be damaging to our country. And no, I am not a fan of a Biden/Harris administration. Trump has done some great things his first three years, and his pro-life legacy will most be preserved if we take the senate with the runoffs of January 5th but there are conspiracy theorists who are encouraging MAGA people not to vote in these runoffs(Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, Michael FLynn) if the Democrats win and take all three branches all his pro-life accomplishments will be swept away.
I’ve also been aware since the election of a form of “Christian Trumpism.” which will be damaging to the Church(both evangelical and some Catholic) if he had won re-election. I didn’t see it before but I do now.
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I am quite pleased with Trumps pro life stance and accomplishments. However, I am not catholic and am not a one issue voter. I’m also a bit tired of the political involvement of a severe societal problem. I want much more than a politician being pro life or pro choice. I want a politician to actually address the problems that make a woman seek an abortion as a solution. I think focusing so strictly on ones abortion view allows other evils to be ignored or unaddressed.
I am quite pleased with Trumps pro life stance
I can agree with that.
and accomplishments.
Can not agree with that. IMHO he did more harm than good.
However, I am not catholic
To each his own. I am Catholic.
and am not a one issue voter.
Neither am I.
I’m also a bit tired of the political involvement of a severe societal problem.
So am I.
. I want much more than a politician being pro life or pro choice.
As do I. But you can’t have that on a forum such as this that allows political discussion to mesh with the religious.
I want a politician to actually address the problems that make a woman seek an abortion as a solution.
IMHO, none of which Republicans would be willing to fund.
I think focusing so strictly on ones abortion view allows other evils to be ignored or unaddressed.
That is the evil of tunnel vision.
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