Yes, we are simple. If by pure actual you mean that the substance of our minds are changeless then I agree with that.Do you believe that our minds are God like entities? As in, they are pure acutality?
By simple, I mean its substance is not made of parts hence it is not subject to change.Fair enough; but if you claim that we are wholly simple even in a metaphysical manner then you have to understand that there are huge consequences to that which don’t seem to be in alignment with the reality.
Potentiality is due to body rather than mind.True! But heres the thing @STT - and this is really what I’m trying to drive home - in order to be actually and completely immutable that requires that the given being (even minds) must be lacking of that which are the keys to change, which would be potentiality. Now, all that lacks potentiality must necessarily be purely its opposite, which is actuality. But to be pure actuality means we are quite literally God!
For these you need perfect body. Mind is perfect itself.Think about that for a moment… that means we are quite literally pure completion, pure existence, pure understanding, and the perfection of being itself.
We don’t have proper body. Mind is perfect.But thats impossible because it seems self evident that minds are none of those things.
No we are different minds. I have an argument for that which is linked to the argument for existence of mind. I however don’t understand why simplicity in substance means that all minds have to be one.They are not complete being itself; they can’t be. Further, if they were, that would mean your mind, my mind, @Gorgias mind, and all the minds in the world are all really one mind because they would all be pure actuality in both existence and essence, which means that none of us would have any way of distinguishing between one mind and another. And that which is completely indistinguishable must be defined as the exact same (for separation is marked by distinction). Are you prepared to say that all our minds are really only one mind?