Gottle of Geer:
I am only questioning, because although the theist has defended well against the ‘logical’ version of evil, there is still the ‘evidential’ version of evil.
He would (I assume you mean by ‘mercy’ give them a temporal revival, just to let them age and die of mortality like we all do anyway)? Can you see all ends? A claim such as this, as if it were fact, which relies on a causal chain you do not even see close to the end of, is somewhat rash, don’t you think? Even the wisest cannot see all ends. To claim a negation of the Good itself based on utility (which I assume is meassured by the very standard you deny?) is something I (thats just me, perhaps you see something I do not) would hesitate in doing.A real God would not leave 99.99999995 % of people in the lurch - & a good God would have mercy on those who are sick with incurable maladies.
I am only questioning, because although the theist has defended well against the ‘logical’ version of evil, there is still the ‘evidential’ version of evil.
I do not understand why you are so spiteful to Christians (maybe just to him?). To say one who prays is ‘wasting time on idiocies’ is quite malicious don’t you think? Perhaps you mearly mean to say that they (such as myself) are ignorant rather than irrational?Instead of wasting time on idiocies such as prayer, we should be taking steps to get what we want: prayer is a waste of breath & time & effort, of much less use than than a 12-step programme; they get something done, unlike prayer.