It’s not clear what is meant by “brain noise”. I have a bit of tinnitus, but I’m sure that’s not what it means.
Nerve cells are interconnected and “communicate” by means of specific chemicals that are sent by one cell and picked up by receptors on the other. These chemicals are released when a nerve cell depolarizes. What this means is that the salt balance between the inside and the outside of the cell changes. This is initiated by the reaction of receptors to chemical messengers and the deploraization travels down the nerve to where it “touches” another nerve cell. It is a bit more complicated, but this is the basics.
Since there is a change in salt concentration and salts carry a charge, small eletric currents are generated which can then be measured. The over-all activity of the nerve cells in the brain can be measured by electrodes. Just like an ElectroCardioGraph measures conduction in the heart, the ElectroEncephaloGraph measures the brain’s activity.
Libet’s experiment raised questions of free will — if our brain is preparing to act before we know we are going to act, how do we make a conscious decision to act? The new work, though, shows how “brain noise” might actually create the opening for free will
What a waste of brain power, seriously. As I said earlier, these things make me struggle with my anger.
The fact is that in order to perform and act,
be it verbal or otherwise,
a complex series of neurological processes must occur.
The end result in the motor area of the brain would coincide with the expression of the decision.
It is possible that that the neurological changes they observe before the person is able to demonstrate their decision
involve the actual decision making process.
At any rate this has nothing to do with free will. The unity that we are, can be described in various ways, the main classifications being physical, mental, spiritual. If you are just looking at brain, all you will find is brain function: no will, no colours, no emotion, no love - these attributes apply to another “lens” through which we try to understand ourselves.
In this paper, there is clearly a breakdown in the intellectual boundaries which we use to understand. It is like saying apples do not exist because of this clear demonstration of oranges.
I’m at work sorry for typos; if I didn’t write this I would waste my time ruminating over it.