Thank you Richca for your post and your question.
Your question:
Does this not make God the author of sin
in some sense?
Some people think, we are sinning
because we have free will, but
this is a serious logical fallacy because in Heaven we will also have free will and no one will commit even the smallest act of sin.
So, our free will is
not the reason that we are sinning, the reason we are sinning is
somewhere else.
God created the Universe,
if God would willed he could create the Universe and our world like the situation exists in heaven and
would be no sin in this world.
The real question is:
What is God’s reason that He created the universe and our world which world at this stage,
we cannot even not to sin?
I believe we find the answer to this question
in the Scripture and in Catholic teachings.
The Mystery of Predestination by John Salza. Page 113
However, the Church teaches that God infused Adam with
sufficient grace to resist temptation and to perform his duties with charity.
St. Thomas says that “neither the state of perfect nature, nor in the state of corrupt nature can man fulfill the commandments of the law
without grace. ST, Pt I-II, Q 109, Art. 4.
Like the Prodigal Son, God moved Adam to repentance and obedience through
prevenient, efficacious graces prior to regenerating his soul with infused grace. End quote.
The crucial question is:
Why God
instead of sufficient grace He has given Adam and Eve
efficacious graces which graces would
infallible protected them from the “fall”? – Something to think about.
I believe the answer is in the
Evil He converts into good (Genesis 1:20; cf. Psalm 90:10); and
suffering He uses as an instrument whereby to train men up as a father traineth up his children (Deuteronomy 8:1-6; Psalm 65:2-10;
Nor would God permit evil at all, unless He could draw good out of evil (St. Augustine, “Enchir.”, xi in “P.L.”, LX, 236; “Serm.”
Evil, therefore, ministers to God’s design (St. Gregory the Great, op. cit., VI, xxxii in “P.L.”,
The reason God has given only sufficient grace to Adam and Eve because God
converts the sins of the human race
into a greater good.
I believe
in the sense that God instead of efficacious graces, which graces would
infallible protected them from the “fall,” He has given Adam and Eve only sufficient graces which graces
could not protected them from the “fall,”
God is the author of sin.
Of course, according to the teachings of the Church, God is
NOT the author of sin.
The Mystery of Predestination by John Salza. Page 117.
While St. Thomas says that
man turns to God by his own free will, he explains that
free will can only be turn to God, when God turns it.
Based on
Scripture and the teachings of the
Church, St. Thomas is clear that man
cannot do anything spiritually without being
moved by God’s
intrinsically efficacious grace. End quote.