Free will? I dont think so

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Since you’ve tried to go psychological on the question, I recommend a book by Erich Fromm (a quasi-atheist): Escape from Freedom. In part, Fromm tries to explain the German peoples ready capitulation and subordination to the evils of a Nazi criminal state. “I was just following orders, how could I do otherwise.”
In the years that have elapsed since [the Holocaust], the fallacy of these arguments has become apparent. We have been compelled to recognize that millions in Germany were as eager to surrender their freedom as their fathers were to fight for it; that instead of wanting freedom, they sought for ways of escape from it; that other millions were indifferent and did not believe the defense of freedom to be worth fighting and dying for.
This is nothing new to me. In fact I am mildly surprised when people express amazement as to what we are capable of. None of us are immune from replicating the horrors of others.

I read Lord of the Flies when I was about 14 - part of English Lit. And I couldn’t fathom when people said that it was amazing how the boys ended up in the state that they did. A lot of people seemed as confused as the naval officer at the end. And I’m thinking - ‘Am I missing something? What did everyone expect to happen’.

The guards at Auschwitz or the marines at My Lai or the British troops at Amritsar were all normal guys in abnormal situations. Which doesn’t absolve them for their crimes. But there for the grace of God…
God didnt create the evil
God create us for being similar to Him.
Valencia, with infinite wisdom and goodness, God created in this world evil and sin for the benefit of the entire human race.

If God would willed, He could create this world where evil and sin would have no place.
Catholic Encyclopedia : Evil
“But we cannot say without denying the Divine omnipotence, that another equally perfect universe could not be created in which evil would have no place.”
CCC 310 But why did God not create a world so perfect that no evil could exist in it?
With infinite wisdom and goodness God freely willed to create a world in a state of journeying towards its ultimate perfection, 314 through the dramas of evil and sin. – God created the dramas of evil and sin.


Life without suffering would produce spoiled brats, not joyful saints.

Our struggle and tribulation while journeying towards our ultimate perfection through the dramas of evil and sin is the cost which in-prints the virtue/ nobility into our souls – the cost of our road to nobility and perfection.

In this world man has to learn by experience and contrast, and to develop by the overcoming of obstacles (Lactantius, “De ira Dei”, xiii, xv in “P.L., VII, 115-24. St. Augustine “De ordine”, I, vii, n. 18 in “P.L.”, XXXII, 986).
As we see above Valencia, this world is our training ground and God is our everything, includes our drill Sergeant and trains us to be holy and joyful saints in Heaven.

This is above the only reason God created in this world the dramas of evil and sin.
Please Valencia, always keep in mind CCC 313, and we all should have the same faith in God then St.Thomas More had.

CCC 313 St.Thomas More, shortly before his martyrdom, consoled his daughter: “Nothing can come but that that God wills. And I make me very sure that whatsoever that be, seem it never so bad in sight, it shall indeed be the best.” 182
God bless
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The inconsistencies in these posts is baffles the mind.
In one sentence you say the world is set, God knows the future, and that it is already determined if a person is going to heaven or Hell, or whatever their specific reward will be.

Yet then you say we should all pray to change this. Why? Since God knows the future, there is no point in praying, is there? Or would more prayers change God’s mind?
I’m sorry for the misunderstanding, I only reason written the prayer (CCC 1058 The Church prays that no one should be lost … for him all things are possible) to prove, the salvation of the entire human race is not heresy, some people wrongly believe it is heresy.


“God is the author of all causes and effects. His omnipotent providence exercises a complete and perfect control over all events that happen, or will happen, in the universe.”

CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA Divine Providence explains;

“His wisdom He so orders all events within the universe that the end for which it was created may be realized.
All events preordained by
God in accordance with His all-embracing purpose.”

God Designed, Decreed, Preordained and causes every event that happen or will happen in the universe.

As we see above, every event cast in stone, nothing can change it.
Someone may ask:
Are our prayers useless then?

The answer cannot be other then, it is not useless, in fact our prayers are useful, God does nothing without reason, as every other events Designed, Decreed, Preordained by God, in the same way the events of our prayers are Designed, Decreed, Preordained by God and the events of our prayers are cast in stone in the same way as every other events.

Our fate/ destiny is not in us it is in God and cast in stone, in the same way than every other events cast in stone.
For Augustine says (De Civ. Dei v, 1) that the "Divine will or power is called fate. "
But the Divine will or power is not in creatures, but in God. Therefore fate is not in creatures but in God.

The Divine will is cause of all things that happen, as Augustine says (De Trin. iii, 1 seqq.). Therefore all things are subject to fate.

The same is true for events in our lives. Relative to us they often appear to be by chance.
But relative to God, who directs everything according to his divine plan, nothing occurs by chance.

Hence if this divine influence stopped, every operation would stop.
Every operation,
therefore, of anything is traced back to Him as its cause. (Summa Contra Gentiles, Book III.)
I hope Jan10000, the inconsistencies are cleared.
God bless
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If you don’t care, you make one call. If you do, you make another.
The above describes that the decision to change one’s internal disposition is necessarily a free choice. Externals may influence that decision but one decides whether one “cares” or not. To think otherwise would be to deny self-autonomy.
The guards at Auschwitz or the marines at My Lai or the British troops at Amritsar were all normal guys in abnormal situations. Which doesn’t absolve them for their crimes. But there for the grace of God…
I’ll echo that.

Ordinary Men is a great book about how family men slowly transitioned from civil servants to execution squads who liquidated the Jewish populations often not easily reached by rail (so as to be sent to be gassed).

At first they were horrified by what they were doing. Then came cold acceptance of their situation. Then it stopped bugging them at all.
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as this god created the universe and is omnipresent at all points in time, all your actions were created in the instant of creation as well.
There’s where your argument rolls off the rails.

As in a back door manner - it continues to blame God for misbehaviors due to human free will…

Creation? Including Free Will … Is the result of God’s Active Will…

It is the Free part - which is astounding to expand upon - when it comes to GOD…
For it is God who allows Himself no control over the will of any who has free will.

The additional Fact - that God can - shall we say - See the Future - is as a disconnect to Free will
And does not make God the one who free wills to Sin in any Future…
and/or forcing the will to follow Him and be like Him in many manners.

GOD Creating Moral Free Will in certain creatures - such as Angels and Humans?

Has profound implications…
… especially concerning (try meditating upon it) Reasons … “'Why?”
As in a back door manner - it continues to blame God for misbehaviors due to human free will…
Ok, so then your god didn’t create the universe and isn’t simultaneously present at all moments in time?

In order for you to be genuinely responsible for your actions, your god has to surrender one or both of those aspects.
They and most of their explanatory viewpoints have been fully replaced by better, more observable and demonstrable explanations.

That’s it. No need for anyone to get emotionally invested.

The “nature and essence” and “the acts and possible potencies” of, say, carbon is no longer meaningful.
Now you can take organic chemistry and learn about left- and right-hand orientations, chemical bonds, valence and so on and so forth.
I’ll grant you that science is able to build ontop of metaphysics, we don’t use philosophy to do physics, but the fundamental reason why physics works is because of philosophical metaphysics presupposed beforehand.

We use metaphysics to understand why carbon acts the way it does, science doesn’t answer why. We then use organic chemistry to understand how these reactions work.

I agree we don’t need philosophy to explain chemical reactions and interactions, but organic chemistry cannot answer why these reactions occur this way (fundamentally). My ochem professor never had a lesson on why carbon needs 4 bonds (8 electrons) to be stable.

Scientists simply accept that electrons are negative, protons are positive, and neutrons are neutral. Philosophy seeks to answer this why, science cannot “replace” these explanations, only build ontop of. You’re partially right but misguided here.

I agree “the acts and possible potencies” of carbon is not meaningful because that’s not what Aristotelians even consider 🙂.
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God has foreknowledge IF he wants to use it. Giving us free will tells me He doesn’t want to use it.
This does not make Him any less powerful.
God can intervene in our lives when he feel the need.
God can can create and uncreate.

Maybe we should be asking why He created us.
I continue to have trouble with the question of simultaneity and foreknowledge concerning God and creation. Perhaps you can give my thinking new direction.Here is my problem, God exists in eternity ,
That’s tres unoriginal and? ambiguously problematic…

At least you’re acknowledging God Exists - and there’s no taking backsies😃

And IF God doesn’t exist THEN: “No Free Will” arguments can never hold any water…

Even WE can know some Future willed-events of others with almost 100% certainty

Even Our limited Foreknowledge of Future Events
does and can not have to have anything whatsoever to do with said wills. 🤩


Those who Disobey God in a Grave+Knowing+Purposeful Manner and yet refuse to Repent…

… Shall not wind up in Heaven with the Christians… ?
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We may never be able to rationalize God. As far as free will is concerned, maybe just thinking we have it is enough.
At least you’re acknowledging God Exists
A) I’m acknowledging that I FEEL as if God exist… B) We can have no foreknowledge of future events unless an existent God provides it… C) These may be true statements but they do not prove an existent free will
A) The expected shift from your “God Exists In Eternity”

B)No we do not need God to - albeit limitedly -
know some Future willed-events of others with almost 100% certainty
You just haven’t as yet come to see examples of how that can occur.

And more important - even they - demonstrate how
Our albeit - limited Foreknowledge of some rather (hint) immediate Future Events
does not and can not have to have anything whatsoever to do with said wills!
Which in turn even moreso applies to God, Foreknowledge, Human Free Will

C) Since you don’t think so?
The onus is upon you to disprove no free will - and as of yet - you haven’t

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I’ll grant you that science is able to build ontop of metaphysics, we don’t use philosophy to do physics, but the fundamental reason why physics works is because of philosophical metaphysics presupposed beforehand.
Not quite. Why it works is anyone’s guess. The laws of matter after the BB turned out that way.

What makes them clearly superior is that they can be measured, quantified and - most importantly - observed, either directly or indirectly.
Scientists simply accept that electrons are negative, protons are positive, and neutrons are neutral.
No, they’ve asked why too. Depends on the spins of their constituent quarks, it turns out.
[Note: my info is almost 20 years old on this. I may be outdated.]
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C) Since you don’t think so?
The onus is upon you to disprove no free will - and as of yet - you haven’t
No, the default answer is “we don’t know”.

If you assert free will exists, prove it.
If someone else asserts it’s purely deterministic, they must prove it.

Neither can do it, ergo the agnostic wins again.
My ochem professor never had a lesson on why carbon needs 4 bonds (8 electrons) to be stable.

Scientists simply accept that electrons are negative, protons are positive, and neutrons are neutral.
This is something I really don’t get. God could have made existence anyway He wanted. And when Democritus formed his atomist theory that really should have been the end of it. Nice and simple, lots of bits and pieces for fire, water, earth and air. Like a big Lego set. Make a plant out of the green ones and a rock out of the grey ones. Make one alive. QED.

But I’m supposed to believe that God decided to make the bits made out of other bits. And those to be made of something even smaller etc. And that we’d have different elements. And they’d have bonds. And carbon would have…let’s see…we’ll make it 4. But hang on, we’ll make different sorts of bonds. We can have ionic bonds and covalent bonds (let’s have two of those types) and dative bonds and network covalent bonds.

Did God decide to make the waters of the firmament and think 'Hmm, I can do that if I make some oxygen and some hydrogen and then combine two hydrogen molecules with one of oxygen. Why two and one? It appears entirely arbitrary. Why not just make a water molecule?

Yeah, you don’t need philosophy to work it out how chemistry work. But when you start asking why it works as it does, it makes zero sense to suggest it was designed that way.
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I think you could phrase this better. What we have labeled physics, “works” somewhat for the purpose it serves. That is to model the workings of the universe. Philosophical metaphysics hasn’t accurately presupposed modern physics only moderately identifies with some of the concepts. These concepts though evolved as our understanding evolved in how we model the universe in physics.
I agree, it could be phrased better. What I mean is physics (and science in general) presupposes change in order to be studied/understood/discovered.
I don’t think this is accurate. How does metaphysics tell us why carbon acts the way it does? Are you suggesting here the why is to fulfill the will of God? That still doesn’t tell us why God chose to make carbon act the way it does. We just as well say that why carbon acts the way it does is because it is following the laws discovered by science which dictate the how. Why those laws? Well in either case we are back to not having an answer.
One question we can ask is why do natural things routinely act in a specific fashion? Why are electrons naturally attracted to protons?
I’m afraid metaphysics is in the same boat. It might accept that God made carbon to need a certain number of bonds but it certainly doesn’t answer why God made it that way.
I don’t think we can truly understand why God does something, but metaphysics is a philosophical approach to understand how the universe works. Physics doesn’t answer why, but philosophy can. Btw I didn’t mention God, I’m talking about metaphysical first principles.
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