The idea is that emotion should follow from a rationally ordered will, and not the other way around. All Mr. Vico is saying is that the truth sets us free: I’m sure you understand and experienced the freedom that knowledge and truth imputes. Compare the freedom between a scholar reading Virgil and a high school student, who doesn’t even understand classical Latin, reading Virgil. Ignorance binds us.And what would you do in a situation that you have similar feeling for all options? You have to create the priority list of you options hence you are free from feeling but you are trapped by rationality. By the way, why we should exclude feeling in our life when they are very important aspect of our lives.
St. Thomas defines the freedom of a rational being as dominus sui: Lord of oneself. Deliberation is thus an essential expression of that freedom, and through reflexion, we realize that we could have chosen differently.
Christi pax,