It does not come from whichever motive appears to be the best choice.
St. Thomas Aquinas wrote in Summa Theologica Q83, A1.
Reply to Objection 4. “Man’s way” is said “not to be his” in the execution of his choice, wherein he may be impeded, whether he will or not. The choice itself, however, is in us, but presupposes the help of God.
We all have to keep in mind not to fall into the errors of Plagianism or Semi-Pelagianism. Pelagianism developed to deny the supernatural order and the necessity of grace for salvation. Semi-Pelagianism holds that mankind can make the first move toward God on his own… Second Synod of Orange, which condemned Semipelagianism as heresy. In twenty-five canons the entire powerlessness of nature for good, the absolute necessity of prevenient grace for salutary acts, especially for the beginning of faith, the absolute gratuity of the first grace and of final perseverance, were defined, while in the epilogue the predestination of the will to evil was branded as heresy (cf. Denzinger-Bannwart, nn. 174-200). As Pope Boniface II solemnly ratified the decrees in the following year (530), the Synod of Orange was raised to the rank of an œcumenical council.
Pohle, J. (1912). Semipelagianism. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company.