Friends with Witches

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That’s a good reply.

My own opinion is pray for him and stay friends. I’m kinda of guessing God brought you both together for a reason.
That’s a good reply.
Thank you! I think your advice is good too.

We can’t really force people to become Catholics, and often trying to do so will have the opposite effect. Humans generally don’t like being pestered into something and constantly told they’re wrong. Consideration, kindness, humour, a good example, and prayer play a much bigger role in evangelization than lecturing the other person.
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, like continuously pestering you to participate in rituals or stuff like that.
I’m not going going to name who it is I know that, in a flaky phase, went to some Neo-pagan ritual where they were “sky clad”, as they call “naked.”

But it seems that none of them had any idea how to recognize poison oak, and, well . . .

:roll_eyes: 😱 🤣
we act in the role of Satan when we question and/or reject unnecessary and oppressive authority.
Given you said you do not believe in satan , how can you then claim to act in the role of satan,
Satan is an archetype rather than a literal being.
Which definition of archetype are you using
a very typical example of a certain person or thing.

“he was the archetype of the old-style football club chairman”

(in Jungian theory) a primitive mental image inherited from the earliest human ancestors, and supposed to be present in the collective unconscious.
Closer to the Jungian archetype, but not restricted to Jung’s schema in particular. Satan is an adversarial archetype in the way that Zeus is a ruler archetype. He doesn’t have to literally exist for us to understand his character role, the same way that Jean Valjean and Javert don’t have to literally exist for those who’ve read/seen Les Mis to understand their roles and draw parallels with actual situations and people.

So, as Satanists, we act as adversaries when there needs to be an adversary in the pursuit of justice and liberation. We simply have a different interpretation of the Satanic archetype than Christians.

Maybe I should do an AMA thread? I feel like we’re drifting from OP’s topic.
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Maybe I should do an AMA thread? I feel like we’re drifting from OP’s topic.
I been meaning to do the same with my Norse Paganism but I’m still a thew and no one here has butted heads with me over it to need an ama.

You should do it.
This is starting to remind me of the quote attributed to Chesterton “When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”

Over and out I’m offline now for the long holiday weekend. I’ll check back sometime mid next week. God bless.
I’m a non-theistic Satanist
Welcome. I’m a non-satanic theist.
To my reading of the Bible, [Jesus] liked to eat with tax collectors and all sorts of socially unsavory folks that nevertheless were humans worthy of consideration in their own stead and willing to hear what he had to say.
Absolutely. All people are worthy of care and consideration. That is a fundamental tenet of Christianity.
I had a bunch of friends who were into witchcraft when they started high school - I am talking Catholic high school here. It was stupid but harmless. Where the parents didn’t make a big deal out of it, it went away on its own, it was a phase.

Where parents freaked out and were like “OMG Satanism!” it did not go away.
Had a Christian call my spouse and I satanic because (in my faith) Odin takes blood in payment to knowledge.
Example; I learn something new from a perspective I’ve never thought of and within a few minutes I’ll stumble or cut myself mostly superficially by accident.
The wound always bleeds more then it should.

Now taking my former training in Catholicism that leaves two possibility.
Either Satan is generous with knowledge that helps me become a better person
I’m clumsy and thinking too much on it.

Either possibility doesn’t deserve me being shunned by Christian friends when it comes up in conversations.

The reaction just doesn’t make one want too run too jesus., Ya know?
You can do as you see fit. However witchcraft and and Catholicism do not mix. You can be one or the other but not both at the same time.
Yep… And don’t accept any other ‘excuse’
Wow, you have to warn he or she about the danger of “witch”, if your friends is a Catholic you tell him/her that witchcraft is a mortal sin against the 1rst commandment, in the old testament, if you were caught praticing that kind of stuff you would end up being stoned, and if you were caugh in the middle ages you would have to give the Inquisiton some good explanations for that, search for a gentleman named Zachary King, he is an former satanist who became the higth wizard of his covenant, and now he is a catholic who warns people about what the satanists do in ther covenant and the dangers of wichcraft;
You could be right, that a lot of the occultists aren’t actually conjuring up much of anything. But their activities open a spiritual door to evil entities, which is truly dangerous.
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