Understanding it is irrelevant. We don’t much understand quantum physics, but we know it’s there because we have a method by which we can infer it’s particular activity. So when it comes to infinity, it’s simply a question of whether or not we can inference it’s existence based on what we know and whether or not any characteristics follow out of necessity. Infinite in this context is just a word to describe that which has no essential limitation in it’s act of reality. It’s used to describe a nature that has no finite parts and has the fullness of it’s reality - pure-actuality.Understanding the nature of the infinite is extremely difficult, if not impossible.
The point is, we think we have reason to believe that a being of that general description exists.
Also, that which has the fullness of reality (the uncaused cause) ought to be everything that is necessarily true of existence, because there is no existence other than itself. Therefore for such a being to create it cannot be said that it is creating more “existence” because it’s not logically possible for there to be more “existence”. It is not creating more of it’self, because there is no more of itself, and so it cannot be said that it is “naturally” acting toward any end other than itself. It would be a contradiction to say that it is acting toward an end that does not exist, which it would be if it were a natural cause. And that would be nonsense.
Thus the act of creating is not the creation of more existence, but rather it would necessarily involve the giving of existence to some possibility (a possibility that is not a part of it’s nature) and more importantly it would be sustaining that possibility in existence, since that possibility does not exist by it’s own nature. That can only happen if the uncaused cause has a conscious will to create.
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