I beg to differ. I think that understanding the sense in which the necessary cause is infinite, is essential. Because I think that your understanding of the necessary cause is wrong.lelinator:
Understanding it is irrelevant.Understanding the nature of the infinite is extremely difficult, if not impossible.
When I consider the keyboard on which I’m typing this, there’s a sense in which the keyboard is infinite. Because it could be argued that the characters on the keyboard contain every novel that could ever possibly be written, and every post on every forum. In fact there’s nothing that can possibly be written, that isn’t contained within the characters on this keyboard.Infinite in this context is just a word to describe that which has no essential limitation in it’s act of reality. It’s used to describe a nature that has no finite parts and has the fullness of it’s reality - pure-actuality.
Or consider a few tubes of paint, from which every painting that exists, or ever has existed, or ever will exist, can be created. In a sense, those few tubes of paint could be considered to be infinite. But what those tubes of paint contain, and what this keyboard contains…is potential. The potential for every novel, and the potential for every painting.
What you’re describing when you describe the necessary cause as being infinite, isn’t pure actuality, it’s pure potentiality. Potentiality is infinite, actuality isn’t. Actuality is finite.
This is where I believe that you’ve made an assumption. Because I don’t think that you’re infinite necessary cause intentionally “creates” anything. I think that what arises out of potentiality does so simply from the nature of potentiality itself, and not from any intention on its part. And I think that what naturally arises out of potentiality is reality and consciousness. They’re the inevitable outcome of potentiality.Also, that which has the fullness of reality ( the uncaused cause ) ought to be everything that is necessarily true of existence, because there is no existence other than itself. Therefore for such a being to create it cannot be said that it is creating more “existence” because it’s not logically possible for there to be more “existence”.
But, you’ll be happy to know, that I don’t think that that rules out the existence of a final cause. But it’s identifying what that final cause is, that’s the tricky bit. However, that’s something that’s definitely going to have to be left for another post, and more than likely, we’'ll never get to it at all.