Any advice for those who have non Catholic spouses ? Mine is a baptised Christian but still very much figuring out his rship with God. He’s supported my conversion and prays with me. He comes to mass with me sometimes, and has been on his own a few times but he admits he doesn’t get a lot from it and prefers the more ‘rock n roll’ non denominational type services he’s seen. Today he even told me he’s not convinced about the Bible. He said to me today ‘I have to have my own rship with God, and not your idea of what it should be’. I then lost my temper a bit. He didn’t go up for a blessing either which he could have done. There is no way I can see him sit thru 8 months of classes and anyway he works nights so wouldn’t even be able to attend. He’s wonderful but I’m just getting worried I’m always gonna be that lady at mass without her husband