I would like to say that the acctual moment when you “swim the Tiber” is the very moment when you are being accepted as a catechumen/candidate at the rite of acceptance.*Originally Posted by joamy
To all Candidates and Catechumens- YOU ARE NOW CATHOLIC!!! WELCOME HOME!!! (And Yes, I meant to shout that one out loudly!!) God bless you all!!!
What about those who must wait until next year??? *
I have just been officially accepted into God’s Church. You have MUCH to look forward too!! In my experience God pulls you closer and closer until the Big “Marriage” Day when one is FINALLY invited to His Table!!! :extrahappy:
Blessings to all the Candidates and Catechumens ‘still in waiting’, and may we ALL stay strong in our desire for Jesus and grateful for our Path of Narrow Road.
Thank you in Christ for all your good wishes. It is truly amazing to belong to His Body on Earth! HAPPY BLESSED EASTER TO ALL!!!
The easter vigil mass is a wonderful moment of joy for those who recieve it by baptism or full communion into the church.
But, i claim that the most important moment is when the person says his personal yes to become a follower of Jesus and being initiated in the catholic faith.
We should not see this as some kind of magic moment when the candidates become full members of the church. It is important to make the distinction, the most important moment is acctually when somebody say their personal yes to the Lord.
The thief on the cross had no possibility to join RCIA, be baptized and confirmed and recieve the eucharist.
All he could do was to say his personal yes to the Lord and that sufficed better than anything for him, can there be any better consolidation at the time of death than being assured the paradise from the mouth of the Lord himself?
Therefore i persist in saying that the most important moment is when a person say yes to Jesus.
The easter vigil is an important occasion for the individual and also for the parish that they are getting in full communion with the church, but it must not result in some kind of we and them thinking.
The catechumens and the candidates are even before the easter vigil being counted as catholics in their hearts and God has full knowledge of what is in every mans heart.