Actually, I think YOU are the one that’s not giving these women any credit. I think your assumption that they are only working there because they are in-hirable as nannies is the uncharitable one. You claimed that no one would hire them if they didn’t have a certain level of education or if they wanted to bring their children along, which simply isn’t true. That may be their perception, but for every family on your mommy blog that would be upset if they brought their kids during snowdays, there are TONS of families who are perfectly happy for them to bring their children everyday on the childcare pages. Maybe your mommy blog is a certain demographic?
Anyway, none of that is even an issue at this particular center. Employees aren’t allowed to bring their kids for free. According to the director, they get a 15% discount and they can only bring them if there is room, so they might not be able to bring older kids on a snow day either. If they have two or more kids, the tuition is significantly more than they make. So, while that may be a benefit at some centers, this isn’t one of them. I don’t know for certain, of course, but I’m pretty sure that if they did bring their child and they were chronically biting other kids, as our nanny’s child was doing, they wouldn’t be allowed to continue bringing them either. That’s just a guess though. At any rate, I’m certain that they have to tailor their parenting to the policies of the center while they are there. If no spanking is the rule (and I assume it is) I doubt they make an exception if it’s their own child. If no time outs is the rule (and I’m told it is) they they are probably expected to follow that rule with their own child, don’t you think? I don’t see how that’s any different than a nanny situation or a school teacher situation for that matter.