Frustrating childcare situation

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He’s not really an “early talker”. He’s actually been accessed for a speech delay not too long ago. From what I’ve seen at pickup. 5 out of their 8 2yos appear to be of middle eastern descent. I suspect that their language is “behind” only because the teacher doesn’t speak the same language they do. At any rate, I’m fine with it as long as the older kids don’t pick on him.
He’s paired with children who are at his level of communication–that’s what is important. It could be that those children his age are speech delayed worse than he is. Speech delayed children are on the rise because of electronics, unfortunately. I have a speech delay kid and the therapist was shocked at what we do because she stated half her typical job is teaching parents how to talk/read to their children. These families often need several years to do the 1000 books to K. We did it in less than a year and didn’t count half the time.
That’s why I’m okay with it. I’m not sure I’d feel the same way if my kid was the one that was being kept in a room with “less-verbal” kids though, particularly if I knew my kid didn’t have an actual delay, but was simply used to speaking another language at home.
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