Furious @ TVLand

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People can be “inherently” evil as well…it’s like saying that all guns should be banned because “they kill people”. You totally missed the point on the “false realitities” issue. NO family has a tidy little “clean-up” about family isses before a commercial break, and regardless of what you want to watch, it is all entertainment. Ever watch “All In The Family”? A heathenistic show by all means, but it can teach us a lot about taking people for all they are, regardless of how dim or unfeeling they are. If T.V. shows lead you “astray” then, you have no sense of the fabricated world, and the real world. Entertainment is entertainment…none of it is real! I have morals because I choose to have them…if God gives us this “free-will”, how are we to use it? By making out own choices, if our lives are pre-determined then why do we even bother talking about these things? Read the bible…you know what? I have met more supposedly “righteous” people that use the name of “God” for their own wicked little ways. America is not losing it’s sense of “goodness”, PEOPLE in AMERICA are losing their moral values. Don’t generalize, it is not nice to do that…If we are called to point out evil, then why do people fight in the name of “God”? In whatever language they call Him, they are fighting what they consider to be “evil”. So, then tell me, who is right about this? I’m glad that some people were called to point out evil, but I’ve learned that pointing fingers makes things worse. T.V. is a tool, in the wrong hands (on either side) it can cause major problems, but the same goes for anything. If we’re going to go after T.V., then let’s go after the schools, music, books, and heck, why not everything else!?
You think watching new shows are any less waste of time?
I don’t watch TV anymore. But yes, watching something that I have already seen is a bigger waste of time than watching something new.

Cancel your cable subscription! They probably are distributors of hard core pornography. Would your buy non-porn books from an adult book store?
I tape “The Waltons” early in the morning on TV Land & then watch it when I get home from work. I usually fast forward through the commercials although a few times I did watch the commercials. I was upset they are showing contraception commercials during “The Waltons”.

I am about to get rid of cable tv sell my tv and save myself $500/month.
I tape “The Waltons” early in the morning on TV Land & then watch it when I get home from work. I usually fast forward through the commercials although a few times I did watch the commercials. I was upset they are showing contraception commercials during “The Waltons”.

I am about to get rid of cable tv sell my tv and save myself $500/month.
Just make sure you have speakers for your computer and a good Internet hook up and be able to watch EWTN or be able to listen to a lot of Catholic Radio!

Go with God!
… and those older shows…create false realities of our world. Families and lives are not perfect, we can’t shield people from the harsh world we live in … it’s not my place to force my beliefs on others,
While my home life growing up was not perfect, we more closely resembled the families on television in the sixties, than those on tv today. I understood that problems were not resolved in 30 - 60 minutes. I understood that sin had negative consequences and should not be glorified. I also understood that my parents could be trusted and that everyone, in spite of their differences were to be treated with dignity (a key message of the Andy Griffith show.).

My biggest gripe with the current shows is the lack of dignity shown to individuals. Disagreements are handled primarily through verbal assualts. Husbands and wives resort to name-calling and snide remarks to resolve problems. Children insult each other, teachers, parents…anyone with whom they interact.
The prevalence of all varieties of sexual activity speaks volumes about the lack of respect for the dignity of each person. Sex is something “everybody” does to feel good, not a sacred expression of deep love. Furthermore, today, tv rarely shows the consequences of actions.

Like it or not, those controlling the tv schedule are forcing their ideas on me and my family. While my husband and I try to limit the shows our children see, our kids attend school with kids whose parents do not monitor them. And the reality is that young children and adolescents have not fully developed the ability to distinguish between the truths presented by their parents and the lies presented by the media and subsequently their classmates.
T.V. doesn’t force ideas upon you if you know what’s right and what’s not. Growing up, I would play “Power Rangers” on the playground, and my friends and I did this for fun, and nobody was really hurt, but someone that didn’t think we were acting in a decent manner FORCED their ideas upon me…I know the difference between right and wrong. T.V. is not the center of our lives at home, but T.V. today, does show the negative repercussions of immoral acts…you just have to be willing to see them. If parents would take a more active role in developing their children (I remember all of the right versus wrong talks that I had…and I was really young!), then maybe our society wouldn’t be so “evil” as some claim it to be. Don’t blame the television because some people use it as a baby-sitter for their children.
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