Gay Cowboys

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I see it now, lining up and marching down the streets and singing “we shall overcome”. Try doing this in front of Martin Luther King and we’ll see what happens. This is just nonsense. They are only causing people to sin by promoting this kind of &^&%*%^. What are these idiot reporters thinking? Homosexual unions will be recognized by the Church when pigs fly in the sky. These homosexual activists groups tear down almighty God’s alter and show their ungratefulness by desacrating the Eucharist, posting blasphemous ads and rediculing Christ and his blessed mother. In short, they worship the whore of babylon.
Maybe people shouldn’t pass judgment about the movie without actually seeing it.
I am a huge fan of movies, and I never pass judgement on a film or any artistic enveavor before I’ve seen it.
The movie is supposed to be very well done, and it’s directed by Ang Lee. Is your fear that, by seeing it, you might feel a little tiny bit of sympathy to gays, or at least gay cowboys?
Sorry, but a film about two gay guys finding themselves is not something I care to see. It is ‘entertainment’ such as this that is contributing to the destruction of this world. The more these kinds of abominations are shown as normal, or the more sympathy that is given to them, the more this this will increase and become the norm.

I think the poster was referring to the new Harvey Fierstein TV show.
I am not opposed to gay charactors in film…even when they find love.

What I AM opposed to is movie studios thinking its radical to show the same cliched…guys are married to women but yet they are denying their true selves and are really gay. That is an agenda. How about doing something TRULY radical (oh and expect a major backlash if things were done MY way)

Show two gay men in a relationship. One or both of them are secretly devloping feelings for WOMEN!.. and are denying who they are by remaining in a gay relationship.

Now I aint suggesting gays are denying they are straight…I am stating that MY WAY would truly be a radical movie in depicting sexuality. The gay groups would FLIP OUT if that sort of movie were made. But fair and balanced isnt what gay groups are after.
::::sigh::::: Now I remember why I stopped going to church. I just can’t seem to muster up the appropriate hatred of homosexuals to be a good Christian. 👍
JimmyJeff said:
::::sigh::::: Now I remember why I stopped going to church. I just can’t seem to muster up the appropriate hatred of homosexuals to be a good Christian. 👍

Hate the sin not the sinner, JimmyJeff.

Maybe you should go back to church and learn something useful rather than that distasteful display of bigotry you posted.

JimmyJeff said:
::::sigh::::: Now I remember why I stopped going to church. I just can’t seem to muster up the appropriate hatred of homosexuals to be a good Christian. 👍

I concur. Not just this though, there’s a lot of stuff about the church that gets to me.
It was reported on Good Morning America this morning that there will be a movie upcoming about two gay cowboys. It is being billed as being a “love story”. I didn’t catch the name, but stay tuned. There will plenty of discussion about it. Would any body go to such a movie? I won’t.
You know, I gotta be honest with you…I have read some stuff about this movie and I was not intrigued with the premise. The homosexuality theme did not offend me, it just seem rather superfulous. “Let’s make them gay. Won’t that be cool?”.

I also get so incredibly tired of the fact that if one DARES to criticize anything with a homosexual theme one is immediately accused of HATING homosexuals.

I have been waiting eagerly for the movie Capote to come to my area, and then found out I may have missed it on a limited release! Phillip Seymour Hoffman is a treasure of an actor and from what I have read and heard his performance in this film is incredible.
You know, I gotta be honest with you…I have read some stuff about this movie and I was not intrigued with the premise. The homosexuality theme did not offend me, it just seem rather superfulous. “Let’s make them gay. Won’t that be cool?”. I hate that kind of stuff.
My wife and I went to the Johnny Cash movie (great flic!) with another couple and this movie was in the previews. I was disgusted and offended. If I’d have been to a porn shop, the trailer would have been appropriate. However, in a theatre w/ teens in attendance, a trailer w/ men kissing, hugging erotically and in bed together was offensive. My wife complained probably too forcefully to the poor kid taking tickets. :confused: :eek:
I agree with you, that was the wrong time and place to show a trailer for that movie.

You know, now that I think about it…Modesto is pretty good about when they show movie trailers. I usually go to movies in the afternoons when I do go because its the weekends and that is when it is the bargain matinee. The films I go to in the evenings, which are rare, would be - say - the Capote genre, more adult. Anyway, when I attend the afternoon movies I never see trailers for films that would not be appropriate for the audience that is in attendance at that time. I never thought about it until I saw your post! I wonder if the movie theaters in town do that on purpose?
Hate the sin not the sinner, JimmyJeff.

Maybe you should go back to church and learn something useful rather than that distasteful display of bigotry you posted.

Ummm, like Love your neighbor as yourself? Or are gay people not your neighbors so it’s acceptable to stereotype how you think they all act? I’m sure Jesus acted just like you did in a previous post! How did you manage to pull that plank out your eye before posting this to me?
I am a huge fan of movies, and I never pass judgement on a film or any artistic enveavor before I’ve seen it.

Sorry, but a film about two gay guys finding themselves is not something I care to see. It is ‘entertainment’ such as this that is contributing to the destruction of this world. The more these kinds of abominations are shown as normal, or the more sympathy that is given to them, the more this this will increase and become the norm.

Not just the homosexuality actions are being promoted, but has anyone forgotten that these two men are committing adultry too!?

I used to own a VHS tape of a documentary about the gay culture creaping into movies as far back as the silent era. I no longer remember the title of this documentary because I tossed it out after my returning back to the Church.
I have watched over the years as “alternative” lifestyles get more press, more media mention, and more coverage of the “outrage” that is caused by folks disagreeing with them.

I have gone from not really caring about it one way or another; a person is a person - to being more and more outraged that this kind of thing is jammed down our throats as “normal” and we are challenged to either accept it, or be labeled a bigot.

There is a silent majority in this country that comes out every time the gay marriage bills get bullied on the ballot. It isn’t “mainstream”, it doesn’t deserve equal billing, and based on how understand the issue, is morally wrong. Blame, the church, blame “narrow minded conservatives”, blame whoever - it doesn’t change the fact that wrong is wrong.

I’m going to pass on the movie. I’m not interested in the story; I think I know what the “true” ending is.
Ummm, like Love your neighbor as yourself? Or are gay people not your neighbors so it’s acceptable to stereotype how you think they all act? I’m sure Jesus acted just like you did in a previous post! How did you manage to pull that plank out your eye before posting this to me?
Let’s reverse that. How did before you posted not pull out your own plank? You used your own words against yourself. I challenge you to point out where it says in the Catechism that homosexuals are not our neighboors. Or better not where in the bible does it say that condemning homosexuality is offensive? Telling the truth is offensive? Oh, I see, so we catholics are a bunch of intolerant, hateful bigots who are uneducated and unthinking peasants.
My wife and I went to the Johnny Cash movie (great flic!) with another couple and this movie was in the previews. I was disgusted and offended. If I’d have been to a porn shop, the trailer would have been appropriate. However, in a theatre w/ teens in attendance, a trailer w/ men kissing, hugging erotically and in bed together was offensive. My wife complained probably too forcefully to the poor kid taking tickets. :confused: :eek:
This how the USCCB rated it. A-III!?!?! With scenes like that, it should be rated morally offensive. Go figure, the movies are rated by flaming liberals, especially with their safe touch/sex ed programs agenda. A perfect example of our bishops embracing modernism. And they condemn homosexuality but advocate this rating? Shameful. I bitterly complained about this, haven’t recieved one response from them, not one. I even complained to them about their shameful treatment of Mother Angelica and EWTN, no response there either. This is the kind of trash we get from the USCCB! Half of those people should be in jail. It’s a scandal and an outrage that they continue to promote this kind of garbage. They will die a terrible death if they don’t repent. Hell’s real and it EXISTS!!
Let’s reverse that. How did before you posted not pull out your own plank? You used your own words against yourself. I challenge you to point out where it says in the Catechism that homosexuals are not our neighboors. Or better not where in the bible does it say that condemning homosexuality is offensive? Telling the truth is offensive? Oh, I see, so we catholics are a bunch of intolerant, hateful bigots who are uneducated and unthinking peasants.
Not all Catholics, just some of you on this thread. This is what I’m specifically objecting to:

I cannot imagine John Wayne walking into the tavern, grabbing a few shots, and then walking over to the piano player and asking him “Who does you hair” or “Let’s head over to my place and i’ll pour us some wine and we can lay by the fire on my bearskin rug”.

Is how the CC says to act towards gay people? I don’t think so!
Ummm, like Love your neighbor as yourself? Or are gay people not your neighbors so it’s acceptable to stereotype how you think they all act? I’m sure Jesus acted just like you did in a previous post! How did you manage to pull that plank out your eye before posting this to me?
I love my neighbor as I love myself. Because I love myself and I do not want to burn in Hell, I try not to sin. I try not to partake in activities that I know can end up sending me to Hell. One thing that can send you to Hell is acting upon homosexual urges. Also if you act upon heterosexual urges outside of marriage. I love my neighbors enough to say their actions can comdemn them. Should they choose not to listen, I can’t help that. I just do not want to see them in an eternal state of misery.

It all relates: I love myself and I love myself enough not to want to suffer eternal damnation, and I love others enough to inform them.

Just because I hate homosexuality, I do not hate homosexuals. If you are gonna make claims that we don’t love our neighbors, back it up. Your little bit of strawman rhetoric isn’t holding up very well.

originally posted by bones_IV
it should be rated morally offensive.
Amen! I saw a trailer of it also.
Let it also be said here that I find any kind of gratuitous and blatant sex and violence offensive.
Garbage in, garbage out. Our minds become polluted with what our eyes and ears take in.
There is much I have seen and heard in my life that I wish now that I hadn’t. Even after you commit to making your life over to please God, the nastiness sticks in your brain forever.
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