Gay marriage //complicity in sin // honoring parents

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People who say things like this did not grow up with parents who were controlling…🤣
The difficulty is because my mother wants us to be together as a family. If I object, she will most likely become enraged and just cancel the trip all together. Part of me likes this because it means she won’t participate, but then again, it just drives her further from the faith. I suppose the ultimate thing is that if she doesn’t wish to follow the faith, its her choice albeit a bad one, so the question is, if she is genuine choosing to not follow the faith as I had reminded her of what the church teaches, what should my response be?
So there’s also a huge issue of parent who is controlling and perhaps other psychological stuff going on. Weird family dynamic in general. I wouldn’t worry too much about this one trip and I think it would be better to go along.
Larger question is do you have a plan for school / job / moving out long-term? You don’t have to answer here but that’s what I’d be more focused on. Obviously covid plays a role here as well.
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Is it more helpful to use mere mortal saints as a guide? Saints from a morally corrupt ancient Roman empire, for example?
Did St. Lucy eat with dinners? St. Nicholas? The Early Church Fathers? Etc?
Did they?

If not, do we therefore shun sinners of any kind? Fornication? Name the sin, are we obligated to shun the sinner?
Did they? I don’t know. The Bible story says Matthew threw a banquet and other tax collectors were there. To what degree did Jesus seek them out to eat with, or was it a hospitality issue that he wasn’t going to offend his host by being rude to the other guests?
if she is genuine choosing to not follow the faith as I had reminded her of what the church teaches, what should my response be?
Love her and pray for her. As you said, further confrontation would only drive her further from the faith. It’s in God’s hands now. Stand back and let him do his work, in his own time.
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The difficulty is because my mother wants us to be together as a family. If I object, she will most likely become enraged and just cancel the trip all together. Part of me likes this because it means she won’t participate, but then again, it just drives her further from the faith. I suppose the ultimate thing is that if she doesn’t wish to follow the faith, its her choice albeit a bad one, so the question is, if she is genuine choosing to not follow the faith as I had reminded her of what the church teaches, what should my response be?
From what you say here, it looks like you’re going to have to go on the trip.

You cannot help what other people do or think. If you haven’t already done so, just tell her that you’re not attending the event, and tell her why. I have been in the position myself of having to tell loved ones what the Church teaches, and if they “blow it off” — as they have done — that is on them, not you.

I would just go and enjoy the trip, if it were me.
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There’s no one among us who doesn’t sin. If we hold to this, we’re all going to live solitary lives. And for my Catholic friends, I don’t ask them about the last time they went to Reconcilliation, or what was discussed. I don’t know the state of their souls.
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Thanks for the snark, but I recognize the difference.

Do you ask your friends or family the state of their souls before you decide to spend time with them? Do you ask them their sins?
This is not Church teaching. We’re not supposed to sin ourselves, we’re not supposed to enable them sinning such as by inviting them to sleep over at our place with their partner, but apart from that, the Church doesn’t object to us being friendly with them and engaging in morally good activities with them. Being friendly also gives us a chance to evangelize even if it’s just by our good example.

The only time one has to avoid sinners is if their activities are going to present a temptation or an occasion of sin for you personally.

If you want to spend your life shunning people, feel free, but that’s your choice, not Church teaching, and i frankly think it’s not helpful for evangelization and is a bit of an immature view.

It also doesn’t somehow make you holier or a better follower of Jesus to do this.
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Go on the vacation. You won’t be physically present at the event or helping to pay for it, so I don’t see how you could possibly be complicit in it.
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Show us in the CCC a teaching that says we cannot have anything to do with sinners.
My goodness! The sinner closest to us is when we look in the mirror!
So you are telling us that if your parents and siblings were unrepentant sinners in your eyes you cannot have them as friends?
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