I just read all of the “Homosexuality” thread and found it was closed, so I’ll reply here though I’ve haven’t read all the other posts. Pardon me if I repeat.
I’d just like to post a few facts for you.
U.S. Gay Population
1948-- 37% of males experienced homosexual orgasm (4% exclusively homosexual), 13% of females (1-3% exclusively homosexual)
Kinsey, et al.
Males, 25% had experienced orgams through homosexual contact
M. Hunt
Of twenty- to thirty- yeard-old non-institutionalized males, 2% of sexually active men had homosexual activity within the past ten years. 1% had been exclusively homosexual over that period.
J. Billy, K. Fanfer, W. Grady, D. Klepingerm
20.8% reported homosexual behavior or attraction since age fifteen
17.8% reported homosexual behavior or attraction since age fifteen
R.L. Sell, J.A. Wells, D. Wypji (includes France and U.K data)
3.3% of sexually active men and 2.3% of sexually active women had had sex with someone of the same gender within the previous twelve months.
Point. It’s hard to define homosexuality. I notice most of you don’t reference lesbianism. Why is that? I also know it’s difficult to label yourself homosexual in an unaccepting society.
It’s also difficult to form lasting monogamous relationships in the face of such hatred (whether of sin or sinner) and prejudice.
Which might be why most posts reference “sex.”
But sexuality is much more than sex.
It has three components. 1) Love 2) Sexual attraction 3) Identity
In other words, to answer the question “Are you homosexual?”
you must answer 1) Would it be possible for me to love another member of my biological sex? 2) Do I feel sexually attracted to members of my biological sex? and 3) Do I identify myself as homosexual?
The emphasis on the sex of homoSexual and the love of heterosexual is supreme, but covert, bigotry.
You may feel that homosexual sexual activity is sinful, but it’s offensive (and not very Christian) to constantly proclaim that homosexuality (which includes entirely celibate and happily engaged in heterosexual marriages lifestyles) is a vile sin, worthy of the world (and God’s) hatred.
As of December 1996 (I know, kinda old) 49.5% of AIDS cases were transmitted by male homosexual or bisexual contact.
25.2% by male or female IV drug use.
6.4% by male homo/bi sexual contact plus IV drug use
8.6% hetersexual contact
1.5% receipt of blood/tissue
9.1% other or undetermined
But this is all AIDS cases up through 1996.,
In the world as a whole, HIV is primarily acquired through HETEROsexual sex.
In the US, 52% of recent HIV transmissions are still between gay and bisexual men
All this info from the Census Bureau, 1999
Of course, census info also tells us that the divorce is not higher than it was in the 50s, and other unpleasant facts that shatter our “this world that allows two people of the same biological sex to love each is so much more sinful and decadent and divorce-y than the saintly days of yore when everyone was married and only had missionary-positioned sex every two years when a child was wanted” fantasy.
If you believe that homosexuality has no genetic link because Adam and Eve were not homosexual (and who says they weren’t?) how do explain the presence of “races” in the world (there is more genetic diversity among members of one “race” then between two “races”). The Biblical account of the creation of “blackness” links those dark-skinned people of the world to sexual deviance (either Noah’s son refusing to wait for sex before the Ark landed or Noah’s son gazing on Noah’s nakedness). Yet we, as a society, have successfully combated the stereotype of the sex-monster black man.
The Church has never supported an ultraliteral translation of the Bible, translators have agendas of their own, and we must all question our preconcieved notions/beleifs/religious teachings/etc before we become complete persons, and definitely before we start preaching hate this and hellfire that.
Hope some of that helped somebody.