Let’s take a look at the slippery slope argument.
When “marriage” can be redefined little by little away from its original institution, how far should we go before it is “too much?”
polygamy? Incest? polyandry? pedophilia?
The problem is, that before a river is polluted to the point that people are dying, people START the pollution asking “what is the harm?”
Then when the pollution gets out of hand, then it is too late, we’re long on the slippery slope.
So, how much poison would you like in your water supply?
So how much devaluing of the marriage instutition would you like?
Remember, this “gay union” c.r.a.p. is just a continuation of the devaluation of marriage as an institution.
1930, contraception OK by protestant decree
1954, contraception OK by government fiat.
1960’s: Birth control pill OK’d for use
1973, abortion OK by government fiat
1970’s easy divorce laws OK by government fiat.
1970’s-1980 - divorce rate skyrockets, that’s OK
1990’s: homosexuals step forward, demand their right to be just as scummy as heterosexuals have become in the secular society.
2000’s: gay unions legalized.
2010’s: polygamous unions legalized - Mormon fundamentalists rejoice
2020’s: pedophile unions legalized - NAMBLA rejoices
2030’s: object unions legalized: you can now marry things
You can’t build the building of harm without laying certain bricks and foundations.