Gay 'marriages'?

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What is the Harm?
What is the Harm?

The structure of the society as a whole, that is the harm to what has been instituted by God from the beginning of time. “To increase and multipy” To increase and multiply God’s Image which HE gave US!

This is so contradictary to my life since I am a chaste, single and former homosexual acting male. (Yes, after 55+ posts, I’m living proof that Through the Grace of God, anyone who once actively participated in such an immoral lifestyle, CAN return like the Prodigal Son) to the Truth.

What is the Harm?
I personally met men who got divorced from their wives, just to be an active participant in the homosexual lifestyle. It tears families apart, it creates single parents, it’s SIN and it’s TOTALLY WRONG.

I pray to those whom I have known in that lifestyle for God’s Grace to penetrate their hearts to change. (I am currently corresponding to two men who have/and are struggling with this addictive lifestyle). We just need to pray, Pray, PRAY for God to help us mobilize the efforts to Save our Society since marriage of A Man and A Woman crosses all cultures.

I know these have been strong words, but take it from someone who has been there! The line in the sand has been drawn. Who will cross first?


Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him Forever!
What is the Harm?
What is the Harm?

The structure of the society as a whole, that is the harm to what has been instituted by God from the beginning of time. “To increase and multipy” To increase and multiply God’s Image which HE gave US!

This is so contradictary to my life since I am a chaste, single and former homosexual acting male. (Yes, after 55+ posts, I’m living proof that Through the Grace of God, anyone who once actively participated in such an immoral lifestyle, CAN return like the Prodigal Son) to the Truth.

What is the Harm?
I personally met men who got divorced from their wives, just to be an active participant in the homosexual lifestyle. It tears families apart, it creates single parents, it’s SIN and it’s TOTALLY WRONG.

I pray to those whom I have known in that lifestyle for God’s Grace to penetrate their hearts to change. (I am currently corresponding to two men who have/and are struggling with this addictive lifestyle). We just need to pray, Pray, PRAY for God to help us mobilize the efforts to Save our Society since marriage of A Man and A Woman crosses all cultures.

I know these have been strong words, but take it from someone who has been there! The line in the sand has been drawn. Who will cross first?


Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him Forever!
Would we apply the same standard to heterosexuality if men divorced their wives so they could participate in the swinger lifestyle?

Let me take a stab at what harm to marriage means. “Harm” is a conclusion drawn from observation of some situations or events. So what are those situations or events which people have such a hard time defining. Here are some suggestions.
  1. Numbers of people getting married decreases.
  2. Numbers of divorces increases.
  3. Monogamy decreases.
Feel free to add to the list.

Now, how does gay marriage contribute to each of the items in the above list?
OK. Exactly what is the harm? Perhaps the same harm comes from no fault divorce and gay marriage. But exactly what is that harm?
Yes, I think the same harm does come from contraception, divorce, fornication, and gay marriage. It results in disintegration of the family, which leads in turn to the disintegration of society. I saw a statistic that something like 70% of African American children today are born out of wedlock. Since the 1950’s we’ve made great strides in civil rights while simultaneously destroying black families, but not just black families.

First, children. They deserve a father and a mother. They deserve a stable family. Society needs children if it is to survive. Europe currently is in the throes of a population bust. Were it not for immigration those nations would rapidly die out. And America is producing children at a rate that is only slightly above replacement level. And one third of the current generation has been wiped out by abortion.

Next, families. Children need good families in order to thrive. That doesn’t happen with a high out of wedlock rate, a high divorce rate, shacking up, or heaven forbid, kids with two mommies or two daddies.

All of these ills seem to be indicative of a nation of individuals to whom only their own wishes count, only their own feelings. The kids will just have to deal with it. Let them watch rap on MTV or BET. Or let the teachers handle it. But society can not long survive this way.
Edwin the glory is to God because people like you choose him over their desires. I admire you and thanks for sharing.

God Bless and Be Safe.
What is the Harm?
What is the Harm?

The structure of the society as a whole, that is the harm to what has been instituted by God from the beginning of time. “To increase and multipy” To increase and multiply God’s Image which HE gave US!

This is so contradictary to my life since I am a chaste, single and former homosexual acting male. (Yes, after 55+ posts, I’m living proof that Through the Grace of God, anyone who once actively participated in such an immoral lifestyle, CAN return like the Prodigal Son) to the Truth.

What is the Harm?
I personally met men who got divorced from their wives, just to be an active participant in the homosexual lifestyle. It tears families apart, it creates single parents, it’s SIN and it’s TOTALLY WRONG.

I pray to those whom I have known in that lifestyle for God’s Grace to penetrate their hearts to change. (I am currently corresponding to two men who have/and are struggling with this addictive lifestyle). We just need to pray, Pray, PRAY for God to help us mobilize the efforts to Save our Society since marriage of A Man and A Woman crosses all cultures.

I know these have been strong words, but take it from someone who has been there! The line in the sand has been drawn. Who will cross first?


Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him Forever!
Would we apply the same standard to heterosexuality if men divorced their wives so they could participate in the swinger lifestyle?

Let me take a stab at what harm to marriage means. “Harm” is a conclusion drawn from observation of some situations or events. So what are those situations or events which people have such a hard time defining. Here are some suggestions.
  1. Numbers of people getting married decreases.
  2. Numbers of divorces increases.
  3. Monogamy decreases.
Feel free to add to the list.

Now, how does gay marriage contribute to each of the items in the above list?
We have talked about all three of these and others you refuse to listen.
  1. By weakeaning the institution of marriage making it less, there fore easier to throw away. Why or how do I say this to get you to understand something so simple. Please forgive my inablity to convey this point.
  2. same as one and the point is if you continue to make something mean nothing it is nothing.
  3. Look at the numbers of good people being traped by affairs today verses just 20 years ago, as socity undermines the value of a God Based marriage monogamy will decreass.
  4. Where is the harm what about people that face the temptation of homosexuality yet want to take the chaste life road because it is moraly right to do so. How much harder is it for them to do so when these types of marriages are permited/encouraged by society.
  5. You have not addressed the children that will grow up in a world where marriage means nothing. Look at the point you made about annulments increassing this in and of itself shows what happens when society turns its back on God’s plan.
May God be with us all.
We better set a limit on the number of priests that can be ordained then because we need them for the sake of the population of the Earth.
OK. Let’s make the question simpler.

How does gay marriage cause existing married couples to divorce?
OK. Let’s make the question simpler.

How does gay marriage cause existing married couples to divorce?
Marriage is not a man made instution it is God’s gift and every time we water that down it makes it mean less, and the less it means the easier it is to throw it away. When an instution has the respect of people, then people will try to uphold it, however when people turn it in to something with little to no meaning they do not support it. So by taking what God gave us to be between one man and one woman, and turning it into something else you have weakened the whole of marriage not just one part. If I take part of the foundation of my house out have I not weakened the entire house?
One other thing you are looking for a direct cause and there is not one, it is indirect. When people made birth control legal the Church told them it would lead to the increass of divorce and it has, the cause was not direct but indirect as it will be in this case. Just because something is not a direct cause does not mean it will not do harm. The same can be said for no fault divorce, pre-marital sex, Porn, yada yada on and on. they have all gone against the Churches teaching on marriage and indirectly weakened marriages.
The same can be said for no fault divorce, pre-marital sex, Porn, yada yada on and on.
You might know this, you might not but I find it interesting. The word “yada” is ancient Hebrew and it means “to know” or “to be familiar with” – hence its usage yada, yada, yada – you know, you are familiar with what I am saying. It is found in the Old Testament, I think somewhere around 930 times.
Now, how does gay marriage contribute to each of the items in the above list?
Let’s take a look at the slippery slope argument.

When “marriage” can be redefined little by little away from its original institution, how far should we go before it is “too much?”

polygamy? Incest? polyandry? pedophilia?

The problem is, that before a river is polluted to the point that people are dying, people START the pollution asking “what is the harm?”

Then when the pollution gets out of hand, then it is too late, we’re long on the slippery slope.

So, how much poison would you like in your water supply?

So how much devaluing of the marriage instutition would you like?

Remember, this “gay union” c.r.a.p. is just a continuation of the devaluation of marriage as an institution.

1930, contraception OK by protestant decree

1954, contraception OK by government fiat.

1960’s: Birth control pill OK’d for use

1973, abortion OK by government fiat

1970’s easy divorce laws OK by government fiat.

1970’s-1980 - divorce rate skyrockets, that’s OK

1990’s: homosexuals step forward, demand their right to be just as scummy as heterosexuals have become in the secular society.

2000’s: gay unions legalized.

2010’s: polygamous unions legalized - Mormon fundamentalists rejoice

2020’s: pedophile unions legalized - NAMBLA rejoices

2030’s: object unions legalized: you can now marry things

You can’t build the building of harm without laying certain bricks and foundations.
You might know this, you might not but I find it interesting. The word “yada” is ancient Hebrew and it means “to know” or “to be familiar with” – hence its usage yada, yada, yada – you know, you are familiar with what I am saying. It is found in the Old Testament, I think somewhere around 930 times.
Thanks Shibboleth I think Ken does know just wants to avoid the core issue.
Marriage is not a man made instution it is God’s gift and every time we water that down it makes it mean less, and the less it means the easier it is to throw it away. When an instution has the respect of people, then people will try to uphold it, however when people turn it in to something with little to no meaning they do not support it. So by taking what God gave us to be between one man and one woman, and turning it into something else you have weakened the whole of marriage not just one part. If I take part of the foundation of my house out have I not weakened the entire house?
If gay civil marriage will cause marriage to have no meaning, then marriage has little meaning and little institutional strength. Perhaps there are people who will conclude that allowing civil marriage for gays will remove all meaning from marriage. Who are these folks?

The people with the strongest belief that marriage must be reserved for opposite sexes are religious. Many other people don’t have this belief. Does this mean that religious people will be the ones who see there will be no meaning to marriage? And does it mean the non-religious will continue to see meaning in marriage?

If gay civil marriage is allowed, I doubt that religious people will then see marriage as lacking meaning. The non-religious don’t see heterosexuality as the foundation of marriage, so they will not see a lack of meaning.

So who is going to believe that marriage will have no meaning?
Thanks Shibboleth I think Ken does know just wants to avoid the core issue.
Not at all. Make a simple statement of the core issue so I make sure I don’t avoid it.
If gay civil marriage will cause marriage to have no meaning,
It is part of a larger pattern of the devaluing of Marriage.

Imagine an instittution being attacked by 100 soldiers, all of them saying “what harm does my little attack do?” Each attack seems to be having no harm, from your point of view, but together with the other attacks…

Marriage is a strong institution, but it is not indestructable.
It is part of a larger pattern of the devaluing of Marriage.

Imagine an instittution being attacked by 100 soldiers, all of them saying “what harm does my little attack do?” Each attack seems to be having no harm, from your point of view, but together with the other attacks…

Marriage is a strong institution, but it is not indestructable.
OK. But I do think that each attack should be identified with the damage it does. Otherwise it isn’t an attack. Let’s take a few things which are credited with harming marriage and see how they do so. I will use divorce as an observable symptom of harm
  • Birth control allows fewer children and that makes it easier for a woman to divorce and retain custody while mainaining her own household.
  • No fault divorce makes the entire divorce procedure cheaper and more available. It removed any impediment.
  • Abortion reduces the number of children a couple may have, and has the same effect on divorce as birth control. It also removes a reason that prompted many marriages.
  • Catholic annulment clears the way for Catholics to divorce and remarry. That allows more Catholics who would not divorce without Church approval to take that option.
So, what is a similar statement of the effect of gay civil marriage on divorce.
So, what is a similar statement of the effect of gay civil marriage on divorce.
Gay civil unions double the likelihood that more divorces will happen. Now more types of marriages will be dissolved.

Gay civil unions will open the door for other kinds of redefinitions that will take place, and trust me, they WILL take place. NAMBLA is drooling, polygamists, and polyandrists are drooling…

When something is redefined so many times to fit someone’s sexual predilection, marriage’s meaning becomes what?

An institution of love? Defined as what?
Gay civil unions double the likelihood that more divorces will happen. Now more types of marriages will be dissolved.

Gay civil unions will open the door for other kinds of redefinitions that will take place, and trust me, they WILL take place. NAMBLA is drooling, polygamists, and polyandrists are drooling…
Can you elaborate on the doubling of the likelihood? Does this mean that the total number of marriages will double because of the addition of gay civil marriages? And they will divorce at the same rate as straight marriages?

I don’t think this is what you mean, but that is how I read the comment. Hence the request for elaboration.

Why is gay marriage necessary for polygamy? Polygamy has existed for as long as marriage has, and has never been a result of gay civil marriage. I’d say the door is open right now.
Can you elaborate on the doubling of the likelihood? Does this mean that the total number of marriages will double because of the addition of gay civil marriages? And they will divorce at the same rate as straight marriages?
Well, gay couples will unite, and because of the lifestyle, they’re highly likely to divorce, hence the divorce rate will skyrocket.
Why is gay marriage necessary for polygamy? Polygamy has existed for as long as marriage has, and has never been a result of gay civil marriage. I’d say the door is open right now.
Marriage is defined as: two people, not related, of the opposite sex, of age, united for life.

Easy divorce attacks “united for life”

Gay marriage attacks “opposite sex”

Why not attack the “two” so as to let the polygamists have their way?

Why not attack the “of age” to let NAMBLA do their deeds?

The “redefinition” attitude is dangerous.

Maybe another way of looking at the harm.

Imagine you make a great movie. I then make a copy of your movie, and make it look completely different from what you had in mind. Because of this, the reputation of your movie drops, especially if you don’t object.

“gay unions” is a cheap knockoff of real marriage.
i think it is a disorder, plain and simple… i also think that a good dose of chairity is the feeling to keep in mind when talking to someone of that life-style choice…
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