Gay 'marriages'?

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TxEd, unfortunately you’re right, a lot of companies do (even willingly 😦 ), but there are still some that don’t, including, for example, Catholic hospitals, Catholic Charities, etc. Will the government try to force them to both provide insurance coverage for abortion and benefits to same-sex “partners”, or else eliminate all benefits entirely?

I am a transplant to Massachusetts and I have actively lobbied with others to encourage the legislature and governor to take strong actions against this recent ruling.

This is not the first time I have politically active. Over the past ten years, I have also lobbied for issues that directly affected Catholic schools in this state. It has been an uphill battle for every issue that Catholics hold dear.

I also found that for many Catholics I have met, this homosexual marriage question is a non-issue. While discouraging, it just shows us how big the mission-field is right in our own church-yard.

Looking at the political landscape here in Massachusetts, I don’t hold out much hope for a reversal… but I do hold out hope for a Federal Marriage Amendment. You will too when the lawsuits come to your home state. Don’t wait til that happens! Lobby your Senator and House Representative NOW in support of the Federal Marriage Amendment. (S.J.R. 26 in the Senate, and H.J.R.56 in the House.
TxEd, unfortunately you’re right, a lot of companies do (even willingly 😦 ), but there are still some that don’t, including, for example, Catholic hospitals, Catholic Charities, etc. Will the government try to force them to both provide insurance coverage for abortion and benefits to same-sex “partners”, or else eliminate all benefits entirely?
But many have been forced to offer contraceptions and abortions to their employees by states.
Just one thought. Who are we kidding? The State can make the Church do anything it wants to. Don’t believe me? Look at what “our” judges are doing right now! They are bypassing the law, allowing gays to marry, against the very law they are supposed to protect. Instead of saying, no it is not legal, the legislative branch would have to define it first for a change, they are holding the nation hostage! Judges are now making law!

The State will do what it wants to. I wish people would stop saying “it will never happen”. Nonsense.Jews never believed they could be murdered in 1930’s Germany. 20 years ago, ask your parents, there would never be a serious debate about homosexual parades, or legitimizing their activity. 10 years ago, no one would have believed the Twin Towers would be destroyed or that it would be the cause of an “invasion”. Stop saying never!
In the order of Reality, there is no such thing as a homosexual
marriage… Marriage is a Sacrament between a man and woman by definition.

So homosexuals are only pretending to be married, like children do when they dress up and pretend to being married in front of a pretend preacher…

Homosexual marriage is a fiction and just adults pretending, just like kids do… :cool:
In my Political Science class yesterday, we had a small debate about this issue, with myself and a Mormon girl defending marriage. Anyway, gay marriage does degrade the sanctity of marriage and does immpede on your right to raise a moral family, but by no means is it the only. Think about what contraception, the misnomer of the “sexual revolution” of the '60s, and the worst decision of the Supreme Court in its history in Roe v. Wade have all done to our culture and how they have destroyed the basis of civilization, the family. Divorce rates are astronomical and with gay marriage legal, is there any dignity left in saying “I am married”?
In the order of Reality, there is no such thing as a homosexual
marriage… Marriage is a Sacrament between a man and woman by definition.

So homosexuals are only pretending to be married, like children do when they dress up and pretend to being married in front of a pretend preacher…

Homosexual marriage is a fiction and just adults pretending, just like kids do… :cool:
You are right they do not receive that Sacrament of Matrimony, but many do not want it. What they are fighting for is the licensing of marriage by the state so that they can be recognized as a couple and that they receive the same protections afforded to heterosexuals couples. They are on par with heterosexuals that receive civil marriages.

So why the fight for a marriage license and not a civil union? Well… because it falls into the category of separate but equal. Maybe we should call all such marriages by the state civil unions, heterosexual and homosexual, it seems more fitting.

They are not little kids pretending, they are grown adults in conflict.
Homosexual “marriage” is a complete farce and an abomination. It’s mind-boggling how the homosexual agenda continues to make hugh strides - they obviously have a lot of political clout and are extremely organized. We need to fight against this gravely immoral agenda with all of the strength we can muster -our society is at stake! We can’t afford to be silent anymore. You’ve heard the phrase “Evil triumphs when good men do nothing”. Well, this is a good case in point!

I urge all of you to do something! Vocalize your opposition by writing letters to your local newspapers and contacting your representatives. Most importantly, pray and ask the Blessed Virgin for her powerful intercession in correcting the unspeakable evils of our time.

Catholic Answers has put out a special report on this topic. It’s a must read! Finally, the real truth! Kudos to Catholic Answers!
In Las Vegas I can gamble, visit a prostitute, and get married while ridding a bicycle all in the same day without breaking any laws. Apparently these are not as hot of issues to the Catholic Church as two loving individuals that would like to have some of the same rights afforded to them as heterosexual couples.
In Las Vegas I can gamble, visit a prostitute, and get married while ridding a bicycle all in the same day without breaking any laws. Apparently these are not as hot of issues to the Catholic Church as two loving individuals that would like to have some of the same rights afforded to them as heterosexual couples.
Just because they are legal do not make them moral. It is true that some things have fallen off our “radar screen” because they’ve been around long enough that people are either tired of the fight or don’t see it for the evil that it is or does. The homosexual agenda WANTS THIS TO HAPPEN. The undercurrent of this agenda has been working in our society for a long time now, ever since such spoofs as “Three’s Company” and now with “Will and Grace”.

Let’s look at another part of this. God made Adam and Eve. He did not make Adam and stEve. God gave us sexuality and told us to go forth and multiply. He did not tell us to go have fun and ignore the natural order of things. We are all connected, what our neighbor does, does affect us. There is a reason Jesus used the grape vine analogy…we affect each other. So when a group gets together that goes against that which is moral, we all suffer.

This is a disconnection from us as humans from our God and what he desires for us. This isn’t a group of bigots hating other people, or at least it shouldn’t be.

Marriage laws and benefits occured because those who are married are creating the next generation which is needed to continue our existance as a country and a people. Does anyone else see this slowly eroding away?

In Las Vegas I can gamble, visit a prostitute, and get married while ridding a bicycle all in the same day without breaking any laws. Apparently these are not as hot of issues to the Catholic Church as two loving individuals that would like to have some of the same rights afforded to them as heterosexual couples.
Shibboleth, I agree that there are outrages being committed all over the place but come on, this issue is shaking the very pillars of society.
I understand why the Church is against gay marriage. In my view it is not really marriage because they are not receiving the Sacrament and therefore not they are not bound to the flesh. It is a licensing.

But all that aside, this movement does not weaken the sanctity of marriage. For those of you out there that are married… have the new rulings in Massachusetts in any way made your marriage any less sanctimonious? Is the bond between you any lessened or are you not totally of one flesh anymore? When your children get married in the future will it mean less now than it did with your Grandparents?

God’s Sacrament of Matrimony carries with it just as much Sanctity today as it did for Adam and Eve.
In Las Vegas I can gamble, visit a prostitute, and get married while ridding a bicycle all in the same day without breaking any laws. Apparently these are not as hot of issues to the Catholic Church as two loving individuals that would like to have some of the same rights afforded to them as heterosexual couples.
I was in Las Vegas over the Super bowl weekend, and I do not like that town at all but was there for business. By Saturday night I was about it tears I was so hurt by what I was seeing the temptation also was so overwhelming. The guys I was with had agreed to take me to Church that Sunday morning, but when it got to be that time it turned out that I would need to walk. I started walking and praying trying to understand God’s plan for that town and asking for strength. As I rounded the conner there was a man with a smile and a picture of Our Lord, taking donations for those in need. I had to talk with him and it was so up lifting turns out that he does this as often as he can to help others, and he informed me that it also gave him a chance to share truth. I walked the rest of the way to Church and saw two more men from that parish standing for the truth. I share this story with you Shibboleth because I think you are greatly confused the Church does care about ALL things that affect her children and will love them in spite of what we do, but true love means giving the whole truth not just what we want to hear, and the real truth is being involved in homosexual acts is a sin and we must pray for that person and help them avoid that sin, but it is critical that it be called what it is, because heaven and hell are on the line.

A question if a person that you loved was drunk would you let them drive?

If not then why would you not point out a sin to a brother that has the potiential to send them to hell (not our place to judge so we should never do so he is the judge)?

If you truly love you give the truth. Sex is not for fun it is for procreation, and when done right and according to God’s will it becomes love making.

The Church is in the places of greatest need and sin trying always to serve if you want to find the Church go find those in need of her.

God Bless and hope this makes sence.
I understand why the Church is against gay marriage. In my view it is not really marriage because they are not receiving the Sacrament and therefore not they are not bound to the flesh. It is a licensing.

But all that aside, this movement does not weaken the sanctity of marriage. For those of you out there that are married… have the new rulings in Massachusetts in any way made your marriage any less sanctimonious? Is the bond between you any lessened or are you not totally of one flesh anymore? When your children get married in the future will it mean less now than it did with your Grandparents?

God’s Sacrament of Matrimony carries with it just as much Sanctity today as it did for Adam and Eve.
It is a problem because it make the open acceptence of sin ok. Prior to the 1930’s show me a Christian religion in this country that said birth control was ok?

50 years ago aborition was not a word to be used because it was a sin (and still is) and most knew that.

Today if we let this continue using your logic how long before it is impossible to find truth? In public schools they are teaching children that it is ok to engage in these acts, it is not and they teach it because we do not stand to say this is wrong and it IS.
It does make sense and I thank you for it. I turned down a free trip to Las Vegas that my grandparents were going to pay for to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. In the end they decided to go to Florida instead.

We do not know if every couple is engaging is coital relations; in addition, most of the couples in question probably are sexually active regardless of the marriage. So in the end I don’t see where any more of a sin is being committed. But like I have said in the past, “This is my opinion and not only can it be wrong it usually is.”

I thought I was right once but it just turned out I had gas.
It does make sense and I thank you for it. I turned down a free trip to Las Vegas that my grandparents were going to pay for to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. In the end they decided to go to Florida instead.

We do not know if every couple is engaging is coital relations; in addition, most of the couples in question probably are sexually active regardless of the marriage. So in the end I don’t see where any more of a sin is being committed. But like I have said in the past, “This is my opinion and not only can it be wrong it usually is.”

I thought I was right once but it just turned out I had gas.
It is not our place to judge the heart, but with charity we need to point out sin. I also know what you mean about not seeing where anymore of a sin is occuring. This is the way I have started to look at things. God will see and judge the sins, and last time I checked he did not need my help, however I need to help whenever possible to insure the occasion for sin is not in everyones face, and when we allow the moral standard of socity to sink we make it easier to sin. I come back to the birth control problem when all the Christian faiths stood by saying it was a sin (not judgeing), Christian people were not confused they knew it was wrong. Now however it is just the Catholic Church and a very few others stand for this truth and Christians for the most part now see nothing wrong with Birth control. May God protect us and thanks for the Church that is willing to stand for truth even when it is not popular.

Shibboleth I admire you are willing to ask these types of questions, as it helps me grow. God Bless you:tiphat:
We must consider the long-range of gay marriages and it’s implication on American society and family life.

How will the children in these families understand that they have no father or no mother, but two of either? These children will be terribly confused about the meaning of family, and they will learn that to be “gay”, is not only O.K., but their belief will proliferate the practice of homosexuality and gay marriages.

Gay marriage destroys the foundation of the family. This is not God’s plan.

We will always have the homosexuals with us. As Christians, it is not our responsibility to tolerate their lifestyle or their beliefs; we must not judge or condemn, but show Christian love and kindness.
it seems that the format for marriage existed before the actual institution. man and woman create a baby which has a right to know his parents. it would also seem just for society to make laws and such to protect what is natural and good which is the creation of new human life. gay “marriage” seeks to gain the economic benefits of marriage without the reason for the benefit. as far as i know only man and woman can make a baby, and this looks like the enty point of marriage.

two people can claim to be committed to one another, but it is entirely a different proposition when they must be committed for the sake of a third person (child) who also has rights.
Government must have some role in validating marriage.
There’s a difference between VALIDATING a marriage and MAKING a marriage.

Government should have NO ROLE in making a marriage. Validating a marriage, on the other hand, is a different topic.
Pere i Pau:
The State will do what it wants to.
This raises an improtant point. Marriage exists prior to the state, it is not a creation of the state. But sometimes the state can obscure the truth. That is why the Catholic concept of “validity” is so important.
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