I realize this is extremely “politically incorrect”, and psychologists would deny it now, since pressure from homosexuals on the psychological community has caused homosexuality to be removed as a psychologicial disorder from the DSM.
However, since JPII said that homosexuality is “fundamentally disordered”, I don’t feel too alone on the receiving end of the firing range.
Would we be saying that psychopathic men should be priests, so long as they restrain their urges to, say, shoot people at random from rooftops or become serial killers? No, we would say the Church ought not to take a chance with something like that. Are homosexuals in as good control of their sexual urges as are heterosexuals? (understanding, of course that some heterosexuals are not) The statistics don’t seem to bear it out, since homosexuals typically have vastly more sexual partners than do heterosexuals, and engage in riskier behavior. Also, the majority of homosexual males have, at some time in their adult lives, had sexual contact with underage males; something that is not true of heterosexuals. There is just something wrong with that picture. Besides being high risk behavior, it is predatory. In addition, a majority of homosexual abusers of the young have, themselves, been sexually abused by homosexuals while young; something, again, that is not true of heterosexuals. Some studies, at least, say that the incidence of homosexuality among priests is little different than it is in the society at large. Yet the overwhelming majority of the abuse cases are by homosexual priests against adolescent males and young men, not by heterosexual priests against females of any age. It is generally acknowledged that pedophiles cannot be “cured”. Well, but most of the priest abuse cases were not cases of pedophilia. Most of the abusers, did it again and again; sometimes after “treatment”. So is homosexual predation on adolescent males and young men equally “incurable”. The statistics strongly suggest it. Since this society, and particularly the psychology world has, in effect, forbidden itself from studying homosexuality in any meaningful way, to try to get to answers to things like that, we’re just left to consider the differences in things homosexuals and heterosexuals seem to manifest, based on what little is known about homosexual behavior.
Knowing what some studies have shown, I would personally not allow a young grandson of mine to be alone in the company of anyone I knew to be homosexual, or suspected of being homosexual, no matter what. Absolutely no matter what. I do not owe that much to the politics of gender, nor does my grandson. Nor does the Church.