gay priests

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The John Jay studies are only representative of those homosexuals that are sexually active. Does everyone ignore my quote of Fr. Groeschel that many, if not most, remain celibate and single because of fear of contracting something or are just turned off by the whole scene to begin with? This was the case with me. To say homosexual people “in general” molest young males is ridiculous. Unless I am not the average homosexual male. Saying the gay agenda represents all homosexuals is like saying NOW represents all women.
To say homosexual people “in general” molest young males is ridiculous.
Unfortunately, although this sometimes occurs, I believe our corrupt media in the U.S. has alot to do with distorting the truth. Our media is contradictory. On one hand it paints the homosexual lifestyle as alluring and exciting, and on the other it is painted as “a bunch of child molesters”. Personally, I think they are both big lies. We need to keep in mind how much the media manipulates the mass public into thinking their “current” view.
Unless I am not the average homosexual male.
If you were the average homosexual male you would not be where you are now in life, and definitely not hanging out here on this forum having this conversation. You are much better off than the average male homosexual because you’re on God’s side now. Still gay, but celibate and making God smile. Keep it up and eventually one day you will where the crown of life in heaven. It is a choice of free will. And the choice is to become an active, sexual, gay man or to become celibate. I have no desire or inclination to not be gay. At this point, I’ve accepted it, but bridled it. No harm done, to my soul, or anyone else.
Saying the gay agenda represents all homosexuals is like saying NOW represents all women.
It represents active homosexuals who embrace and promote the gay lifestyle.

Unfortunately, since homosexuality is practically sacrosanct in the psychological community and in the universities, there is not much realistic research on the subject anymore. But again, it comes down to this for me: On the one hand, we can risk young people to what truly looks like an enhanced peril in the case of homosexual priests. On the other hand, we can refuse to take that risk. To me, the right choice is obvious.


I did read what you said about Fr. Groeschel. Your quote said “many if not most” homosexuals want a celibate lifestyle. Well, there’s a lot of difference between “many” and “most” and bespeaks an admission of incomplete knowledge. I, too, admire Fr. Groeschel, but I don’t have to believe his anecdotal conclusions just because I admire him for other reasons. Finally, I very much doubt that many active homosexuals who are into the lifestyle, would be seeking out Fr. Groeschel.
gay priests should not belong in the church. Thank God the Church is banning them and kicking them out.
November 29, VATICAN CITY - The Vatican published its long-awaited document on gays in the priesthood Tuesday, affirming that men with “deep-seated” gay tendencies should not be ordained but that those with a “transitory problem” could be if they had overcome it for three years.
The official release of the “Instruction” from the Congregation for Catholic Education came a week after an Italian Catholic news agency posted a leaked copy on its Web site.
Reaction has been mixed since the document was leaked, with conservatives saying it may help reverse the “gay culture” that has grown in many U.S. seminaries and more liberal critics complaining that the restrictions will create morale problems among existing priests and lead to an even greater priest shortage in the United States.
I agree.
The term “gay priest” is an oxymoron.
I do think “actively” gay priest should be banned from entering the priesthood. That would be sinful. I guess you’d have to screen people going into the seminary?? And you’d hope people would not lie. It’s kinda sad though because there truly are homosexuals out there who’d love to turn their focus to God, and become Catholic priests (and not want to molest or harm any souls, but genuinely help people). Yes, believe it or not, there truly are good people out there in that form (gay celibate/devoted to God). I know many find that hard to believe.
*** As a chaste heterosexual catholic man i would say it is a difficult time in America for any one to live a lifestyle of chastity. Whether or not feelings of attraction are towards the same sex or the opposite one. The act of sexual relations is reserved for a husband and wife. Period. I have to say that i have no problems being around a man who has a gay lifestyle other than the regret for his eternal soul. The nature of the Priesthood overrides any sort of trepidation i might have about his sexual orientation. If a man is called to the vocation of the Priesthood and answers that call then should i not accept God’s judgment that he will make a fine priest. And if in the event of his failing not be there to comfort and forgive him. We are all called to a life in Christ, and it does not behoove us to be judgmental of others. True a priest should be held to the highest of standards and is often the subject of minute scrutiny by the public, but it does not make him less human.***
Does everyone ignore my quote of Fr. Groeschel that many, if not most, remain celibate and single because of fear of contracting something or are just turned off by the whole scene to begin with?
I’m sorry, Jim, but this is an absurd assertion. I too adore Fr. Groeschel but he is way off base if he is attempting to state this as fact. It may be that the homosexual men he has counseled are trying to maintain celibacy, but that would be such a small number as to be almost insignificant in the big picture. As another poster stated, the “typical” gay man living the lifestyle is NOT living a chaste life because of fear of disease. No way.
I’m sorry, Jim, but this is an absurd assertion. I too adore Fr. Groeschel but he is way off base if he is attempting to state this as fact. It may be that the homosexual men he has counseled are trying to maintain celibacy, but that would be such a small number as to be almost insignificant in the big picture. As another poster stated, the “typical” gay man living the lifestyle is NOT living a chaste life because of fear of disease. No way.
Once again you are discussing the typical gay man. At this stage, if one is living a celibate lifestyle, how many of those are going to fess’ up even to homosexual feelings? Until we get an honest report from the total population of the human race we cannot make conclusions about anything. We just will never know how many homosexual men and women there are because they are not represented by the minority gay pride agenda.
I’m sorry, Jim, but this is an absurd assertion. I too adore Fr. Groeschel but he is way off base if he is attempting to state this as fact. It may be that the homosexual men he has counseled are trying to maintain celibacy, but that would be such a small number as to be almost insignificant in the big picture. As another poster stated, the “typical” gay man living the lifestyle is NOT living a chaste life because of fear of disease. No way.
The gay man living the life style is not living a chaste life at all. I said that the homosexual male who is celibate may be so because of fear of disease. Please read my posts before misunderstanding them.
The gay man living the life style is not living a chaste life at all. I said that the homosexual male who is celibate may be so because of fear of disease. Please read my posts before misunderstanding them.
Actually, this is what you said, repeatedly.
The John Jay studies are only representative of those homosexuals that are sexually active. Does everyone ignore my quote of Fr. Groeschel that many,** if not most, remain celibate and single because of fear of contracting something** or are just turned off by the whole scene to begin with?
I believe the vast majority of homosexual males simply don’t tell anyone and live a quiet single celibate life.
**Many, if not most, Homosexual persons **choose not to marry and live single celibate lives.
Okay Jim, I have read all your posts regarding this assertion. You did not state that your survey was focused on celibate homosexuals. You repeatedly said “most”, or “majority”. Tell me how did I misunderstand what you were trying to say?
Actually, this is what you said, repeatedly.

Okay Jim, I have read all your posts regarding this assertion. You did not state that your survey was focused on celibate homosexuals. You repeatedly said “most”, or “majority”. Tell me how did I misunderstand what you were trying to say?
Because until we survey every person out there and get the total honest answer as to whether they consider themselves homosexual or heterosexual and then ask them their sexual activity we cannot draw any ultimate conclusions. I would dare say that since so many draw the connection between just being homosexual and AIDS, one is not likely to be honest and say I harbor homosexual feelings. He would probably make up some other excuses for not choosing marriage for fear of ridicule. These are the ones we need to hear from.
Not to mention there are tons of “married” gay men out there who cheat on their wives with other men. The numbers for this are staggering. Ask any sexually active gay man how many married men he’s slept with…it’s shocking. I feel sorry for their wives.
Because until we survey every person out there and get the total honest answer as to whether they consider themselves homosexual or heterosexual and then ask them their sexual activity we cannot draw any ultimate conclusions. I would dare say that since so many draw the connection between just being homosexual and AIDS, one is not likely to be honest and say I harbor homosexual feelings. He would probably make up some other excuses for not choosing marriage for fear of ridicule. These are the ones we need to hear from.
So based on your logic, I can’t draw conlcusions from a survey of Catholics about pre-marital sex because I haven’t asked every single Catholic? Or surveys about teen pregnancy because I haven’t included every single teen? That makes no sense. The statistics are drawn from representative numbers of any particular community. If 10 surveys are done of 100 homosexual men and all ten surveys conclude that 80 percent of those men have had more than 20 sexual partners in a year, you would discount that because not every single homosexual man was interviewed?

Jim, I think you project your own personal experience onto the homosexual community. I’m not sure why you feel the need to water down the experience of the vast majority of gay men. Your walk may be unique in that you have chosen never to act upon your attractions. Perhaps you never involved yourself in this community the way some of us have. My personal experience, along with many, many others on these forums does not run parallel with anything you continue to assert. This is in no way a reflection on those with SSA who live a chaste life. They are to be supported, loved, commended and continuously prayed for.
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