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Homosexuals have coopted the venerable term “gay”. Such a pity and quite untrue. I have never met a “gay” homosexual. None of them are happy. Most are deeply sad people who suffer from a terrible moral disorder. The worst part is they are told their disorder is normal and even good. So they are set up for despair. Often they react with bitterness, anger, and hate. I believe they are working to legalize persecution. Already a Cardinal is being tried in Europe and in Canada this post could get me 2 years in prison. Homosexuals are anything but “gay”. They are becoming dangerous.
The english language is saturated with words that have double meanings. For example, “mean.” Mean can be used to decribe someone who is not nice, or it can be used as another word for average. Also, “shed.” It’s a place to store tools, lawn equipment, etc or a cat can shed it’s hair. It’s just a coincidence.

I find it hard to believe that gay people are dangerous. Sure, their culture is immoral to our society and I don’t like seeing it but I’m not looking over my shoulder at an ATM for a gay person. 😉
Homosexuals have coopted the venerable term “gay”. Such a pity and quite untrue. I have never met a “gay” homosexual. None of them are happy.
Well, I wouldn’t mind if “gay” had never gotten its sexual connotation, but if you’ve never met a homosexual who would describe himself or herself as a basically happy person, you haven’t met many. If that is not what you mean by happy (as opposed to joyful), then I don’t know what happy means.

Don’t go after homosexuality (or promiscuity, or immodesty) on the grounds that it makes no one “happy.” Any part of your intended audience that considers themselves happy with their current choices will go on to ignore everything you might have to say to them after that.
I’m not looking over my shoulder at an ATM for a gay person. 😉
Just don’t drop your receipt. :bigyikes: :rotfl:

Kidding…just kidding! LOL!
Just don’t drop your receipt. :bigyikes: :rotfl:

Kidding…just kidding! LOL!

That’s the first time ever I have laughed out loud at a comment on these forums!
The final decade of the 1800’s was known as The Gay Ninety’s. (As in, “the world was bright and gay.”

Now if you talk about the final decade of the 1900’s as the Gay Ninety’s it will mean something quite different. Use of the term “gay” to refer to those living a homosexual lifestyle, as far as I know, didn’t come into common use until fairly recently. I wonder who came up with the term or what the derivation might be.

the term gay was adopted around the time of the stonewall protest in the late 70s, self-selected by male homosexuals who lived an overtly promiscuous “flaming” lifestyle and protested against the police for their “right” to act out publicly in bars, public restrooms, bathhouses, parks etc. The political action arm of the “gay rights” movement adopted the term gay to describe those who used tactics such as “outing” others and pushing political agenda to the forefront, as a term to describe those living out the behaviors that seem most offensive and in your face to others-dress, speech etc. Many homosexuals detest the term, and reject the underlying premise of its use, which defines an individual soley in terms of sexual identity and behavior. It is offensive and inaccurate to use terms like gay, faggot, or dyke in speaking of a homosexual person. Just as persons may prefer or dislike terms that designate race or ethnicity, black, negro, afro-american, polack, honky, etc., people self-select the terms they prefer, and sometimes well-meaning people can err by trying to be too PC
In some states they have obtained the “right” to act out in public parks. Now of course children dare not play in the park. No rights for them. If you don’t think they are becoming dangerous then go to a public place in Canada and carry a sign that says homosexuality is sinful. Then when you get out of jail we can talk some more. Those who claim they are happy are lying. Mortal sin can never make you happy. It can give brief seductive pleasure, but never real happiness. They know this better then anyone.
well… a faggot used to refer to a bundle of sticks or metal usually to be ignited or heated…
Queer used to just mean odd.

Language changes.

In some states they have obtained the “right” to act out in public parks. Now of course children dare not play in the park. No rights for them. If you don’t think they are becoming dangerous then go to a public place in Canada and carry a sign that says homosexuality is sinful. Then when you get out of jail we can talk some more. Those who claim they are happy are lying. Mortal sin can never make you happy. It can give brief seductive pleasure, but never real happiness. They know this better then anyone.
Interesting. Are all those Catholics who practice contraception and claim to be happy also lying?
Contraception is the sin of disobedience. Sin is sin, isn’t it?

It seperates you from God. How can someone be happy being seperated from the Lord?
Because one thing is a sin, doesn’t make another a non sin.

What was that question about contraception suppose to mean?

Sins of the flesh, very often “feel good” and give creature pleasures at the time. You cannot be truly happy if you have cut yourself off from God. Can You?
I know many homosexuals who indeed are happy. They have fulfilling careers, entertaining diversions, strong family life and the ability to celebrate, be joyful, be sorrowful and, yes, be gay.

Being gay does not rid you of the human condition. I know people who are heterosexual who certainly are not happy, but I don’t attribute that to their sexuality.
Contraception is the sin of disobedience. Sin is sin, isn’t it?

It seperates you from God. How can someone be happy being seperated from the Lord?
Because one thing is a sin, doesn’t make another a non sin.

What was that question about contraception suppose to mean?

Sins of the flesh, very often “feel good” and give creature pleasures at the time. You cannot be truly happy if you have cut yourself off from God. Can You?
Sin may be sin, but some sins get far more opposition than others. I notice a very lax attitude among Church leaders and laity towards contraception. I’m sure the teaching is in the rule book, but the attention devoted to it pales next to the attention given to gay marriage.

So, sin is sin, but the more widespread sin, and the sin engaged in by so many Catholics in the pews on Sunday, is just not that important.
That is for God to say.
If folks who die in sin go to Hell, as we have been taught, as far as I know, there is not but one Hell. Not a hell for this sin or a hell for another.

You are right about one thing though, this is not being taught.
Folks seem to get the idea they can decide for themselves what is sin and what isn’t. If it feels good, do it and there is no right or wrong.

I can’t spend my time worrying a lot about what other folks do. I have been faced with my own mortality and I need to worry about how I lead my own life.

I am guessing that Cestus might be one priest who teaches about sin and the consequences of sin.
That is for God to say.
If folks who die in sin go to Hell, as we have been taught, as far as I know, there is not but one Hell. Not a hell for this sin or a hell for another.

You are right about one thing though, this is not being taught.
Folks seem to get the idea they can decide for themselves what is sin and what isn’t. If it feels good, do it and there is no right or wrong.

I can’t spend my time worrying a lot about what other folks do. I have been faced with my own mortality and I need to worry about how I lead my own life.

I am guessing that Cestus might be one priest who teaches about sin and the consequences of sin.
I agree that it is for God to say. I should have said it’s just not that important to Catholics.
Greetings Just laura

I spent almost 30 years as a Christian Counselor. I did lots of family counseling but for the last 7 years, I saw many many gay people. In fact, the gay community come to see me as a gay counselor and recommended me. These were mostly gay men. This was in Southern California.
It is true that many gay folks have great careers. It is also true that many give the appearance of being happy. That was not my experience. Many of these guys are very sensitive. They also tend to be very spiritual. I am saying this without meaning to stereotype. It is just the way I found them. I knew many guys who were into satanism. This is especially true of a lot of them who are in theatre.
I talked to a lot of men who were angry and blamed God for them being gay. Almost every one of these guys, yes!.. I said almost 100% of them wished they were straight.
You might think I only saw the troubled guys but according to the ones I talked to, this was pretty common.
One big thing. It took a very long time to get any of their trust where they would really open up to me. Slowly the word spread and more and more rang my phone.
I retired about 20 years ago.
Didn’t fag mean cigarette in England?
well… a faggot used to refer to a bundle of sticks or metal usually to be ignited or heated…
Queer used to just mean odd.

Language changes.

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