Please provide a link to that thread. I assume you have it if you are citing it in your paper.The comments on that thread were particularly disturbing as they mocked people who experienced trauma
Please provide a link to that thread. I assume you have it if you are citing it in your paper.The comments on that thread were particularly disturbing as they mocked people who experienced trauma
Catholic Answers policy is clear that posters should expect anything they submit to live in perpetuity on the internet. Anything on the internet if fair game.Do you have your school and the Catholic Apostolate Catholic Answers ethical approval to use material from this site?
What exactly is a “recovering Catholic”?I found this site when I was looking for Catholic reactions to the idea of “recovering” Catholics.
Some people have been traumatized by Catholics and have experienced trauma, but the vast majority of people who identify as "recovering Catholics are not among them.The comments on that thread were particularly disturbing as they mocked people who experienced trauma, often as children, in the Catholic Church.
In fact this may be quite valid. Most people that feel traumatized in some way by their Catholic exposure are very poorly catechized, and suffer because they are ignorant of what the Church actually teaches. I would supplement this by saying that, instead of valid teachings, they were exposed to a corrupted version of the faith.Some went so far as to say that these people were simply ignorant of the church’s teachings.
There are people who have been shattered - the present sex abuse crisis is testimony to that fact. However, they were not abused by an “entity”. They were abused by wolves in sheeps clothing - persons claiming to be Catholic who were doing the work of Satan on the innocent. These people exist outside the Catholic Church as well as inside.These people were abused by an entity that was supposed to make their lives better, not shatter them.
Are you under the impression that abuse should be justified?No complicated apologetics can justify that.
Everyone here is entitled to their opinion, so long as they follow the forum rules. Some people have an opinion that is just wrong, but they can still post it so long as they don’t violate.Those comments probably won’t be flagged, but they were very indicative.
This is an interesting subject for research. It is a fact that the practices of Catholics are sometimes very divergent from the teaching of the Church. I think it might be important for you to discriminate between individuals that don’t live the faith and the “entity” that you seem to want to blame.I’m concerned primarily with Catholicism in practice.
What difference do you perceive there to be? Why is it important to make a distinction?I’m trying to gain an understanding of the opinions of everyday Catholics rather than of recognized “biblical scholars” and clergy.
Most definitely. However, one must consider one’s source. This kind of research does not meet the criteria for empirical study.I find that the internet provides an interesting platform from which to access the voices of a community.
In that case, it is curious that you don’t seem to be interested in knowing what the Church teaches, but are willing for your research to be dictated by those persons who potentially depart from it.Relying on academic texts is certainly the appropriate way to approach lofty concepts for intellectual discussion.
That is too bad. Did you ever consider educating yourself about what the Catholic Church actually teaches?It wasn’t advanced scholars who educated me in the faith, it was a youth minister who made jokes about nuns shooting Muslims, a Catholic school principal who said my difficulty in math explained the low numbers of women in engineering, and it was a bible study leader who told my best friend he had committed witchcraft by readng Harry Potter.
Perhaps you could put a stop to that by becoming one of the people who does thoughtfully read the catechism?Children like the one I was do not interact with the minds that thoughtfully wrote the Catechism, they interact with adults who operate on opinions and misinformation.
The study of human behavior is a proper subject for academia.I’m glad my professors agree that there is value in learning about the world beyond academia.
One thing I want to point out is that while it may seem intuitive that this forum represents your average Catholic, in practice it doesn’t. Some topics come up so often that slme people will tire of posting in them with the same arguments. Or thry’ve participated before and didn’t enjoy dealing with more extreme opinions and therefore don’t repeat the experience. Forums can distort one’s view if taken as the only source.I find that the internet provides an interesting platform from which to access the voices of a community.
Sent you a private messageI’m concerned primarily with Catholicism in practice. I’m trying to gain an understanding of the opinions of everyday Catholics rather than of recognized “biblical scholars” and clergy.
So, Mother Teresa of Calcuta and her sisters did not engage people on a basic human level?I’m arguing, in part, that there is no way to engage with Catholicism on a basic human level.
With all due respect, I’m not really interested in giving you comments to use “as evidence in your paper”. I have no idea what you’d use them as “evidence” of - for all I know you could espouse some theory that totally isn’t what I said or what I meant in context. You also sound like you’ve already formed a negative hypothesis about Catholicism and you’re just going to use whatever anybody says to support that. I’m not interested, and I further think the thread topic is inappropriate for this forum. We’re not guinea pigs for your research work.I planned to use these comments as evidence in my paper, but I’d like to see how people respond to this first.
That depends on what you’re looking for. Are you looking for what a specific person said about a situation? Twitter and forums are OK sources for that. Do you want to know what a religion actually teaches? You absolutely should not go to Twitter or a forum. You should seek out what verifiable experts say on the matter. For Catholicism, you can’t get better than the catechism, though you may want to read what some known experts say about it, because getting all the catechism teaches about a subject can be hard if it isn’t one of the main topics.Do you not consider this as a Prime source? Does that mean the Twitter feed of President Trump is not considered a primary source?
I agree that internet fora, being anonymous, do have some limitations, but it is also true that many authentic expressions can be found here.
The comments on that thread were particularly disturbing as they mocked people who experienced trauma, often as children, in the Catholic Church. Some went so far as to say that these people were simply ignorant of the church’s teachings.
Yes, but I didn’t get the feeling it is is that kind of research project. Perhaps educational institutions vary.Ever done research at an academic level? If intending to use any material including surveys, social media etc, the researcher needs to put his or her plan before the ethics committee of their academic institution.
It sounds like the search is on for random Catholics who don’t know their faith well.That depends on what you’re looking for.
Can’t say I’ve seen true hatred toward others here, granted I’m still pretty new here to this forum. As far as arrogance, could you define that? If I believe that Catholicism is the one true faith, should I not act as such? Some would consider that arrogant.I’ve been reading some of the threads on this website and I’ve been struck by the barely concealed hatred and blatant arrogance of some commenters on topics like non-catholic religions and LGBT people.
Someone mentioned Mother Theresa. There’s quite a few other examples of Catholics engaging others on a basic human level. Volunteers in soup kitchens, shelters, doctors, etc etc.I’m arguing, in part, that there is no way to engage with Catholicism on a basic human level.
I will agree to disagree with you about whether using posts from public form has go through an ethics committee.Ethics committees are ubiquitous in academia in the western world.
The source of the data is the posts. I agree with you about signing up to be a research subject, but CAF is clear “Do not post anything on this web site that you do not want to remain online permanently”.And when we sign up for CAF, we do not agree to be research subjects. Henceforth, if the researcher has no approval, they can be sued.
As soon as you use the word ‘Catholics’, you’re in trouble. The reason is that you are 1) identifying a group of people, giving them a name and 2) saying they are haters and arrogant. Now what has happened is that you have now become the bigot by this action. You have identified a group and put your negative spin onto them. YOU are not treating them as individual persons with their own ideas, you’ve lumped them into a group. You’re in trouble.I’ve been reading some of the threads on this website and I’ve been struck by the barely concealed hatred and blatant arrogance of some commenters on topics like non-catholic religions and LGBT people.