Gene Robinson Speaks at Planned Parenthood Breakfast

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I recently received an email from a Episcopal priest who has converted to Orthodox…many are leaving.
Many are coming home…
apparently, he is a master of relativism and revisionist reading. Why you cannot read a verse and take it for what it says. You must adjust it too your lifestyle. If it seems at first to contradict your lifestyle, try, try again.

Not coincidentally, I caught Fr. Corapi last night speaking of what a following you could gain as a pastor if you taught that Scripture and Tradition and the Church allow all kinds of immoral activities. He said you could get rich also and be famous. Of course, he said, you’ll go to Hell, but you could do it.
I heard that too & I was howling! Father Corapi is exactly the kind of priest we need right now - someone who has the guts to tell the truth.

Lately I’ve run across a few “gay Catholics” (which as we know is an oxymoron) and they worry me if only because they are both masters of the relativism spin and really, really pushy. I even heard one talk seriously about blackmailing the bishops & the clergy to attempt to halt them teaching the truth about homosexuality, which they claim to be a successful tactic. Robinson should recruit them for the Episcopalians. In all seriousness, I feel sorry for the faithful Episcopalians & Anglicans because it’s clear that this man’s selfish, twisted ambition is going to rip his church apart.
oat soda:
homosexuality always leads to the diabolical. it’s clear that homosexuals are more often involved in violent crimes then normal people and that homosexuality isn’t an orientation but a free choice based on various evironmental factors.
Can you back that up, or is this more rhetoric? I don’t agree with homosexuality, but you can’t make stuff up to support the truth that homosexuality is wrong.
I heard that too & I was howling! Father Corapi is exactly the kind of priest we need right now - someone who has the guts to tell the truth.

Lately I’ve run across a few “gay Catholics” (which as we know is an oxymoron) and they worry me if only because they are both masters of the relativism spin and really, really pushy. I even heard one talk seriously about blackmailing the bishops & the clergy to attempt to halt them teaching the truth about homosexuality, which they claim to be a successful tactic. Robinson should recruit them for the Episcopalians. In all seriousness, I feel sorry for the faithful Episcopalians & Anglicans because it’s clear that this man’s selfish, twisted ambition is going to rip his church apart.
I’m sure they’ve been blackmailing already for years. The signs are quite apparent. It is time for people true to God to say enough is enough.
Did anyone else witness this diabolical event? I caught about 1/2 hour as that was all I could take. This was a “faith” event with numerous clergy. Among the lowest lowlights of Robinson’s speech were the following:
  • It makes sense that the homosexual movement and the “reproductive rights” movement are joined because members in both movements have been persecuted by straight white men.
  • Straight white men have made all the decisions over the years and that is what this rebellion is about (it’s not about complete acceptance of grave immorality).
  • Robinson and others live in fear that conservative Christians will shoot him - he likened his plight to that of Buffalo abortion doctor Slepian who was shot in his home.
  • Robinson says both groups need to take back the Bible.
  • The current president is too black and white like all conservatives. Truth, in fact, can by combining person A’s truth and person B’s truth and meeting in the middle somewhere.
  • Robinson likened his plight to that of the Israelites in escaping Egpyt. First, he was “enslaved” as a heterosexual. Then he escaped but is still in the wilderness for not being accepted. (I don’t know if he realized how ironic that analogy is, considering how much of Egypt is still in Robinson and that he left his wife and kids to “escape”).
  • He only came to true understanding of the plight of abortionists when he came out of the closet. It was only then that he could feel their pain. Now, he doesn’t understand how straight white men can relate to both of their plights. However, he did find one example of how this could be done. A 19 year old white male came up to him and told him how. He said “First, I listened to you Mr. Robinson. Then, I believed!” Robinson thought this was revolutionary.
I saw as much of it as I could stomach. He told P.P. that they were his heroes and he applauded a “woman’s right to choose”.

I don’t mean to judge but I wonder how he can consider himself a man of God when he his advocating homosexuality and abortion.
I saw as much of it as I could stomach. **He told P.P. that they were his heroes and he applauded a “woman’s right to choose”. **

I don’t mean to judge but I wonder how he can consider himself a man of God when he his advocating homosexuality and abortion.
I tell you what, in my screwed up view of reality, I always thought the heroes stood up for the weak or those who can’t defend themselves. Who knew all this time I was being decieved by having heroes like John Wayne, my JROTC instructors, pastors, etc. All this time it was Planned Parenthood! :rolleyes:
Episcopal Priest and most of congregation come over to Rome -
Bravo to the priest. His letter is certainly very compelling. FWIW three people in my RCIA are all defecting from the Episcopal church. They loved the people and loved the youth group but thought it was way too ‘watered down’ and standing for nothing.

Lisa N
Oh, don’t worry. He anticipated such arguments. He did a preemptive strike on that one too. He said that there are many interpretations of different Bible verses. In fact, the Rabbis argue all the time over meaning of verses so certainly Christians could do the same. :rolleyes:

Oh I agree there are many verses that could have multiple interpretations. However the verses dealing with homosexuality seem pretty consistent and pretty clear. Is there something about the phrase “abomination before God” that escapes the ‘bishop’s’ notice? Talk about raising relativism to an art form.

Lisa N
Can you back that up, or is this more rhetoric?
check out the link.
The top six U.S. male serial killers were all gay:

Donald Harvey claimed 37 victims in Kentucky; John Wayne

Gacy raped and killed 33 boys in Chicago, burying them under his house and in his yard;

Patrick Kearney accounted for 32, cutting his victims into small pieces after sex and leaving them in trash bags along the Los Angeles freeways;

Bruce Davis molested and killed 27 young men and boys in Illinois;

A gay sex-murder-torture ring (Corll-Henley-Brooks) sent 27 Texas men and boys to their grave; and

Juan Corona was convicted of murdering 25 migrant workers (he “made love” with their corpses).

A study of 518 sexually-tinged mass murders in the U.S. from 1966 to 1983 determined that 350 (68%) of the victims were killed by those who practiced homosexuality and that 19 (44%) of the 43 murderers were bisexuals or homosexuals.(2)
He did, Lisa. An object lesson in why “democracy” in the Church is not a great idea.
You are absolutely right. I was thinking about the secular political arena where his moral relativism will work nicely in some circles. This man gets more and more bizarre with every appearance. I bet there are a few who voted for him who now realize they’ve got a loose canon 😉 er cannon

Lisa N
oat soda:
check out the link.
And your point is what? You take the 6 biggest serial killers in the US, which most were closet homos, and now all homosexuals are serial killers? What that neat little link left out was the fact that homosexuality was the least of their mental disorders. Even if they hadn’t been gay, I guarantee you they would have killed girls instead of boys. The other statistics are even compared to deaths or violent act committed by heterosexuals. It tells you nothing.
And your point is what?
that homosexuality will always lead people under the influence of satan. another fact about homosexuals is that 30% of them attemp suicide -dispair is the devil’s way to get them into hell.
You take the 6 biggest serial killers in the US, which most were closet homos, and now all homosexuals are serial killers?
i never said they all were, just the biggest serial killers. another fact is the homosexual lifespan is severly depressed to around 40 years.

gene robinson’s support of planned parenthood is because he’s a pawn of the devil although he doesn’t know it.
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