You don’t understand either Pelagius or Augustine or Calvin especially well. (Which is OK, since I rest square in the middle of Calvin and Augustine myself and don’t always understand the issues myself. In some of my early posts to this thread I thrashed a lot of these issues out elsewhere–and took a bit of a thrashing from the resident Eastern Orthodox priest, Fr. Ambrose).Well, I certainly didn’t intend to endorse Pelagius, who thought that the human will could attain sufficient moral strength on its own without the need of Grace . . . . The initiative IS all God’s. But both Catholics and Protestants believe that some human action is necessary. The act of accepting Jesus is a human action, a movement of the human will, to choose or to reject. It is indeed God who gives the grace for us to choose. Yet we retain the human ability to reject His grace.
Calvin in particular was clear that God’s grace is irresistable and that libertarian free will is a pagan idea introduced into Christianity by way of pagan Greek philosophy. The tough thing to absorb is that human beings are not free absolutely but free only within their nature–which is sinful and fallen and at absolute enmity with God. We are nonetheless ‘culpable’ to God for our wickedness, and God is absolutely NOT culpable for ‘making us so’–He is utterly sovereign and holy, and can neither be judged by His creation, nor blamed for our sinfulness, nor obliged to save any of us from it. That He saves any is His absolutely free decision: not even His mercy obliges Him to do so, yet we are told that He does save some. And we don’t get to ask ‘why’ nor question His decision in this matter–which is the point of the concluding chapters of Job (38-41), the illustrations of Isaiah (45:9-13) and of Romans (9:19-23). There are limits even upon the permissible speculations of the philosopher, of the theorizings of the theologian.
Which goes far afield of the specific question of this thread, perhaps. In any case: there are gradations of Pelagianism (hence the error known as semi-Pelegianism). Really mean Calvinists like to call all non-Calvinists Pelagians. I just like to bring up the point that an error exists in leanng too far towards the issue of free will. Someone on EWTN did a pretty good talk the other night (I assume on re-broadcast) on Catholicism’s belief in predestination, which the speaker carefully distinguished from ‘predestinarianism’. Which they typified as Calvin’s view, getting Calvin wrong in the process. This is a tough topic and raises tempers rather easily . . . .