In regard to the links in post 101-102, I could not immediately find a reference to the *current *natural science theories regarding the origin of the human species as a population and not from a single set of parents.
Some Lessons from Genesis on page 19 there is the following:
To say that the Biblical authors presupposed that
mankind began from a single man and woman, however, is not
the same thing as to say that the Bible teaches this. It had no
obvious purpose in doing so, and it would be difficult to show
that it does indeed intend to teach such a detail concerning the
origin of the human race.What it does teach, however, as we
shall see in a moment, is that sin and evil have been introduced
into the world through man’s free will, contrary to the intention
of God in creating him. Furthermore, not only in Genesis but
also throughout the Bible it is taught that all mankind has been
caught up in sin (see Gn 8:21; Rom 3:9), and that one man is
responsible for the fact that all men have been constituted
sinners (Rom 5:12). This is the revealed doctrine of “original
sin.”Theologians have always understood this to mean that sin
has been transmitted from one generation to another, and that
revelation therefore presupposes that all of sinful mankind is
descended from that one “through whom sin entered into the
world.” Whatever may have been its beginnings in creation,
therefore, it would seem that the present human race at least
has a common ancestor. This is the conclusion that Pope Pius
XII presented to us in an encyclical letter to the Church in
That seems to cohere with your position as I understand it, grannymh.
God’s blessings on your scientific and theological research for Adam and Eve. I too am sincerely grateful to you and others on CAF, and I’m sure many of us look forward to your return.