Getting away with sin

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You think that sin doesn’t also hurt them? I don’t mean whether it bothers them or not, but God sees them picking on people like that. They aren’t getting away with anything.
‘But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted, as for murderers, fornicators, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their lot shall be in the lake that burns with fire and sulphur, which is the second death’ - Revelation 21:8
If you’re intelligent enough to get by in this life, why would you need God?
Ontological purpose, meaning, moral value/dignity, and existential intelligibility.

With God we are not just the fleeting flutter of consciousness in a meaningless material world. With God we have a meaningfully real and everlasting identity.

We cannot live by bread alone.
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But smart may not equal strength, which we need from God. The spirit is indeed willing but the flesh is weak.
If you’re intelligent enough to get by in this life, why would you need God?
  1. This life might be 60 or 70 years. The next life is forever, and you can spend it in inexpressible bliss or horrifying misery.
  2. You can’t ‘get by’ on your intelligence alone. You lack the power to protect yourself from all the harm that can come your way.
There is a Psalm that says
“ only you Lord, only you , have I sinned against “
Grace comes in two types: Sanctifying grace…in which we share in the divine life of the Trinity.

Actual graces are momentary helps from God, perhaps a spurring on in us to smile when we don’t want to.
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Mark 8:36 “What shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?”
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I think I’ll put my posting to rest. I don’t think it’s helping me honestly. I appreciate the opinions and feed back.
TBH I think the wording in the translation I edited it to seems to speak more directly to this topic, although they’re both of course referring to the same thing.
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I guess that’s where I’m confused. Just because something doesn’t bother you or hurt, that doesn’t mean it’s is right. Forgive me for the double negatives. It can feel like well if you don’t care if you’re hurting someone that you know can’t fight back, it’s okay.
There are a lot of bullies in the world. They feed on their victims like energy vampires.
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Correct, that is what I am saying. Even if it doesn’t bother the person saying it, it’s still wrong.
Dearest Jump,
You are loved. You are a treasure. Your Father in heaven loved you alone to send His Son Jesus to die for you. Jesus, your Brother, did SUFFER & DIE for you. The Holy Spirit will comfort you, if you ask Him.
Forgive me, if I haven’t understood. I don’t know entirely. Message me, if you wish to clarify.
When we are hurt, we are confronted w two choices. 1- pray for healing. Read our Bibles, keep Christ around us w music. Cling to church and family. 2-if we listen to our flesh, it will tell us to go show him. Start dating and getting in situations we regret. You know the scene. Be in public w guys fawning over you. It says, you don’t need him and you are wanted.
I DONT NEED YOU-TADA! But your heart is bleeding!
My husband went through a BAD time in years 20-24. He forgot he was married. I reminded him.
HAHA. We’re talking, me lying prostrate on the floor, praying and crying tears, soaking the carpet in pain.
One night, I knew the only way for me to get rid of him in every breath I took, was to put someone else in his place. Of course, Satan had someone floating around. I had my hand on the doorknob…God nudged me. WHAT WAS I DOING? If I tried this, I’d be using that guy. That isn’t good. I would be sinning. THAT WASN’T GOOD. I was a responsible mother of 4 kids. I was a KINGS KID. “Revenge is mine!”,saith the Lord. We’re martied 50 yrs.
IDK, if we as, Christians, children of the Most High God, are to trust God so much, that when a catastrophe comes up, we just shrug, and say, “My Father will fix this!” Now, HE WILL!But, we’ll be looking at the solution w our minds preference.

Look at this prayer! CRAP HAPPENS, IT’LL GO AWAY. GOD NEVER CHANGES. YOU NEED TO HOLD STEADY. IF YOU HAVE GOD, YOU HAVE EVERYTHING. St. Teresa said it better. I’m just making it a little silly.

Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you,
All things are passing away:
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things
Whoever has God lacks nothing;
God alone suffices.
  • St. Teresa of Avila
We try. We fail. We pick ourselves up, brush ourselves off and start all over again.
GOD, I HURT! DADDY, I thought this was something or someone You’d like. I DIDNT ASK YOU! IT/HE LOOKED SO GOOD. I see where I was hypnotized w the glitter of the world. I took my eyes off you. Heal me. I hurt,ABBA. Help me to forgive x ! Help me to forgive myself!
God says,” I will never forget you, my child. I have carved you in the palm of my hand. I will never forget you. I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU ORPHANED. I will never forget my own!”
He says,”I have a plan for you. IT IS A GOOD PLAN,W/O EVIL. It has a future and a purpose.”
IN Jesus name
Even if it doesn’t bother the person saying it, it’s still wrong.
That’s true if we lived in a moral world. We don’t. People aren’t taught morals anymore. Morals only get in the way of living a “real” life. So sin may still be wrong according to God and maybe the person who sins and stays unrepentant could go to hell, but society would roll its eyes and consider that scenario just religious mumbo jumbo. If someone gets away with sin on earth (and we all do), and there are no consequences, and in fact you are rewarded on earth for the sin, then morals go away because there is no advantage to being moral in this world while awaiting the next world that society says doesn’t exist.

There was a time when society taught its members to do the right thing even if you could get away with sinning. No more.
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Just don’t go to church - smug -
And sit their in the pew all phony.

Play with fire - and you give off the stench of smoke.
If you’re intelligent enough to get by in this life, why would you need God? What tangible difference does God make in this life?
All real love, truth, joy and peace come from God …so does our intellect. We’re made to seek God.
If you’re content in how you’re living and your conscience is fine with it, why does it matter ultimately?
If our conscience doesn’t tell us when we’ve done sinful things, it’s because we’ve become so hardened to sin that our conscience no longer works properly
If you are wise or lucky enough to avoid the ramifications of sin, why doesn’t matter?
I’m afraid this isn’t possible.
Some people are smart enough to only sin in ways that hurt others.
There’s something fundamentally wrong with this… I mean that one would be comfortable with hurting somebody else. Firstly, I can’t agree that it’s smart because it’s devoid of all proper feeling and there will be ramifications for us, either in this world or the next. Secondly, I can’t agree that sin only hurts somebody else… it always hurts us, too.

When a Christian is looking to reject God, it’s usually in an effort to find an excuse to carry on sinning. A couple of verses to think about:

2 Peter 2:20 For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overpowered, the last state has become worse for them than the first.

Hebrews 10 26-27 If we deliberately go on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no further sacrifice for sins remains, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and raging fire that will consume all adversaries.
If one is unconcerned with one’s eternal destiny, then you are quite correct. Why bother with God? What spiritually apathetic person ever worried about gaining Hell or losing Heaven?

Yet, the reality of God and the certainty of one’s eternal destiny will not be mitigated by apathy. No disbelief ever helped one escape divine justice. Indeed, those realities are all too real to be ignored but for a time. Then, as life ends, they will never be ignored again.
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