Giant 'good Catholics use condoms' ads appear in Cologne

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And I am sure that promescuity and premarital sex have nothing to do with the spread of AIDS. So much for personal responsibility.
AIDS is a devastating disease, but why can’t people wake up and see that a condom wont “fix” things. Neither will acting out against the Lord and His church.
Guess they don’t have a “truth in advertising” law there.
How disrespectful. Why can’t these people get a clue, condoms are NOT 100% effective!
Is there anything we can do to force them to stop using the phrase 'Good Catholics use condoms"? Anyone know the legality of such advertising? :mad:

WHen I first saw the title I thought it was about giant condoms that Catholics were promoting! :bigyikes:

And as his hearbeat gets back down to the normal rate, he agrees, Rah, Rah, liar liar pants on fire to them. Bleh.


Funny thing, I just though of when my kids showed me the new nickles they are minting in the U.S. and told me they are going to change them… I learn all the bad stuff these days from them.
Condoms kill, what good will be!
At work we have a machine that makes buttons. You take a small circle and decorate it, write on it. Then you put it in the machine, push a lever, and voila! A button.

Kids just love the button machine. They love making buttons. If you could get a button machine and some kids at Church… 😃 … you could have 5000 buttons in no time flat!

You could take the buttons to WYD and sell them. With the money you could start your Spanish Catholic Civil Rights League! :yup:
This is part of general pattern of Gay Proseltyzing being made to be manifest at World Youth Day.

KYG - "“Catholic Youth Community Group” of Germany

The “KJGay” is affilaited with KYG introduce themselves as a community of “homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals and heterosexuals in the Catholic Youth Community Group”. The KJG is the largest youth association within the Catholic Church in Germany.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

See Article
:crying: This must be the beginnings of the final persecution of the Church. The enemy is secularism, homosexuality, and the humbling of the Church.

I love John Paul II dearly, but why did he have to humble the Church so much, apologising for crimes one thousand years old? He has set the Church up as being submissive and vulnerable, which is exactly the sort of image we do not need to portray of ourselves! Why did Pacelli have to die? We need a Cardinal like him or Achille Ratti to be elected lead the Church. Men who will not tolerate attacks on the Church, nor humble the Church before the evil of our time.

We are in the only completely true religion on Earth, and I say it is about time we started acting like it.

:gopray2: I pray for a Pope like Pius again.
Young people, both Catholic and not, are facing a worldwide
pandemic," stated Frances Kissling

As soon as I saw her name I stopped reading the article, anyone else do that?
Young people, both Catholic and not, are facing a worldwide
pandemic," stated Frances Kissling

As soon as I saw her name I stopped reading the article, anyone else do that?
Frances Kissling is a radical dissenter and president of Catholics for a free choice.
This maybe true and real but so are those awful giant condom advertisements.
These two awful things are not going away just because you choose not to read about them.
I wish it was that easy.
Can the German Bishops sue for harrasment and/or slander???
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Can the German Bishops sue for harrasment and/or slander???
Maybe, but would it do any good? In a matter of days this story will have dust on it. Any retalliation would keep the story alive for months.
It’s a good thing I’m not going to Cologne. I’d probably be arrested for vandalism because I’m sure I would not be able to stop myself from from using a big Sharpie marker to write “ref” before the word “use” on every sign I saw. Then I’d have to add “abstinence” wherever it fit (since these signs are aimed at teenagers).
Maybe, but would it do any good? In a matter of days this story will have dust on it. Any retalliation would keep the story alive for months.
The story isn’t the problem. The ad campaign and the billboards are… :mad:
…It is time for the Vatican to issue a
sound, ethical and compassionate policy on the prevention of

What is not sound, ethical and compassionate about abstinence?

I will keep all who are deceived by the lies in this article and the billboards and other media they produce, in my prayers. It wasn’t so long ago that I was deceived by this sort of thing and when the scales fell from my eyes, it was very frightening (and quite painful) to realize just how deceived I had been and whom it was that I was actually following. Has forked-tongue written all over it.
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