Gingrich an Early Candidate?

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The Associated Press

WASHINGTON*Jan 8, 2005 —*Newt Gingrich is taking steps toward a potential presidential bid in 2008 with a book criticizing President Bush’s policies on Iraq and a tour of early campaign states.

The former House speaker who led Republicans to power a decade ago said he soon will visit Iowa and New Hampshire to promote his book, try to influence public policy and keep his political options alive.

“Anything seems possible,” including a White House race, Gingrich told The Associated Press.

The quotable and controversial former Georgia congressman, who now runs a consulting firm in Washington, is promoting, “Winning the Future: A 21st Century Contract with America.” He seemed to welcome the thought that a book tour will increase speculation about his political aspirations.

“It never hurts to maximize opportunities. That’s the American tradition,” Gingrich said. “If I can influence the reporters and political activists in Iowa and New Hampshire, they will influence the candidates.”

Asked if he might be a candidate himself, Gingrich said. “For an Army brat from Pennsylvania who became the only Georgia Republican in the House and the first Republican Speaker of the House in 40 years, anything seems possible. I don’t think it’s very likely. On the other hand, if I have an impact on public policy and do it in a way that is exciting and positive, why wouldn’t I want to do that?”

Gingrich said he hopes newspapers in Iowa and New Hampshire seize on issues raised in his book. “If that means that every candidate will be hit by those questions, at a minimum I have helped shape policy,” he said.

“And, at a maximum, other things might happen,” he said.

Republicans close to Gingrich said he privately has mused about potentially running for president in 2008 or beyond. These officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because Gingrich would not approve of public speculation, said odds are against him seeking and winning the White House.

If nothing else, they said, Gingrich understands that talk could help sell his book, which goes on sale Monday.
Gingrich, who helped develop the “Contract with America” and end four decades of Democratic power in the House, built the book around a post-Sept. 11 update to the 1994 political manifesto.

He says America’s early-century goals should be to defeat terrorism, stop driving God from public life, develop “patriotic” immigration and education policies, harness modern science and technology and establish personal Social Security accounts…"
Awe, jolly gee, a new contract with America, I just wonder how long it would take him to break a new contract, he set a near record speed with the last one. This man claims to be such a good christian, yet he is the one who walked out on his first wife when she had cancer! Is this a man we want running for the white house?
Linda H.
Linda H.:
Awe, jolly gee, a new contract with America, I just wonder how long it would take him to break a new contract, he set a near record speed with the last one. This man claims to be such a good christian, yet he is the one who walked out on his first wife when she had cancer! Is this a man we want running for the white house?
Linda H.
I think his contract with his wife was a different thing than the one he made with the nation. I don’t know the story behind the wife thing but I suspect its more than was carried in the MSM.

I thought they did pretty well with the contract with America but by the time the next election rolls around, we are going to see more than one candidate as old wine in new wineskins. I watch the daily “rehabiliation” of Hillary Clinton with great amusement. By the time '08 rolls in, she’ll be a “moderate”
He’d never win.
By the time '08 rolls in - only heaven knows who will be a viable candidate. And in politics I’ve learned never to say never. I mean even Kerry is saying he is still “viable” and his wife is urging her son to enter politics starting with a House seat. I wish she’d stick to making pickles.
He’d never win.
I agree. His personal life choices would keep me from voting for him. Policy-wise I tend to agree with him.
I don’t like Mr. Gingrich’s morals. . Anyone who leaves their wife while she is undergoing treatment for cancer is a dirtbag.
I don’t like Mr. Gingrich’s morals. . Anyone who leaves their wife while she is undergoing treatment for cancer is a dirtbag.
But how do you really feel about the man? 😃
I think his contract with his wife was a different thing than the one he made with the nation. I don’t know the story behind the wife thing but I suspect its more than was carried in the MSM.

. . . QUOTE] I have never understood companies who resolutely ignore a man cheating on his wife but are surprised when he cheats on them. Where did they ever get the idea that he had greater loyalty to them than to his family?:confused:
Joe Kelley:
I think his contract with his wife was a different thing than the one he made with the nation. I don’t know the story behind the wife thing but I suspect its more than was carried in the MSM.

. . . QUOTE] I have never understood companies who resolutely ignore a man cheating on his wife but are surprised when he cheats on them. Where did they ever get the idea that he had greater loyalty to them than to his family?:confused:
Unfortunately because these days, infidelity is so common that few think about it anymore - years ago the head of a company I worked for told me the same thing as you did; when he had a manager who he knew was cheating, he only promoted them so far, because he felt eventually he’d receive the same treatment as the wife. I was really surprised at the time because this was a really high profile mover and shaker in NY.
By the time '08 rolls in, she’ll be a “moderate”
I also predict that you will see her going in and out of churches over the next few years. Watch her catch religion.
I agree. His personal life choices would keep me from voting for him. Policy-wise I tend to agree with him.
When I listen to him speak on CSpan or one of the talk shows I like him. I haven’t been happy with many of our politicians personal lives. I don’t want to start naming names, but you all know who I mean. Lots of scandal in DC.
Those who accuse Gingrich of “breaking” the Contract with America are not remembering the events clearly. He certainly did a poor job fulfilling the Contract with America. But the way I recall it, most of the defeats were due to Clinton vetoes or defeats in the Senate, which he had no control over. The House itself did address almost every one of the Contract’s points, and passed most of them.

Here’s an incomplete article about it in Wikipedia.

I give Gingrich a lot of credit for his effort to make the campaign about issues. The Republicans might have won back the House without the Contract, but the impetus to address all the points in it would have been absent, and the opportunity lost. He was (maybe still is) a part-time college professor teaching government. I think he has a lot of idealistic concepts about government, and either feels that he has a duty, or that it would just be fun, to try to apply some of his concepts that he teaches about to the real world. He reminds me of Gary Hart, on the other side of the spectrum, in that regard. And of course, both screwed up and blew their chances to remain an important part of the process.

That Gingrich is still vilified on the left is not because he’s particularly hard-line (I think he’s probably less so than most of his GOP colleagues from the 104th Congress), but simply because he was the lightning rod for an efficient Democratic attack machine. He was able to achieve an amazing feat - his party stood for a detailed series of popular legislation that he promised. The Clinton White House couldn’t very well attack these popular measures, but it could throw tomatoes at Gingrich, now on his high horse after an amazing election victory. Gingrich couldn’t really complain much, having spearheaded the use of similar guerilla attacks when Republicans were pitifully outnumbered in the House in the 1980s.

Still, the damage has been done. I’d guess Gingrich carries about the same baggage in terms of negative image as Hillary does. But without the cash to overcome it.
When I listen to him speak on CSpan or one of the talk shows I like him. I haven’t been happy with many of our politicians personal lives. I don’t want to start naming names, but you all know who I mean. Lots of scandal in DC.
I enjoy hearing him he is very well spoken, clear and can sum up what’s going on very well.
I also predict that you will see her going in and out of churches over the next few years. Watch her catch religion.
I have no doubt about that at all.
I won’t comment on his private life problems since I know so little about them. Most the people I heard “beat him up” for his personal problems are the same that claimed clintons were a non-issue.

Politically and publically, he is very smart. Very consistent. Very passionate about his work. He does what he says. He is right on most issues.

All the good of him in the above paragraph is pretty irrelevant, considering he is completely unelectable. It would be foolish choice to nominate him.
I won’t comment on his private life problems since I know so little about them. Most the people I heard “beat him up” for his personal problems are the same that claimed clintons were a non-issue.
I was one that was very offended by Clinton’s personal life, however I agreee with you on Gingrich that he is unelectable.
Interesting pundit, unlikly president. Probably unelectable. My early money is on Condi Rice.
Daniel Kane:
Interesting pundit, unlikly president. Probably unelectable. My early money is on Condi Rice.
I like Condi Rice, but I don’t know if she is electable either. I like her thousand times more than Hillary Clinton. Condi is a class act and she is very smart. I don’t think our country will elect a woman.
I was one that was very offended by Clinton’s personal life, however I agreee with you on Gingrich that he is unelectable.
Same here. I totally agree. I am in no way defending Gingrichs personal misbehavior either. I do find it ironic how many people, from the left and right, will paint someone as horrible for personal behavior, then turn around and say that someone else’s similar or worse behavior is irrelevent.

That’s why try to avoid personal behavior commentary, unless it is relevant to (or is) the topic. I think some people use it to discredit someone without making intellectual arguments. That’s why the same people who blasted Gingrich defended Clinton (and i’m certain some did the opposite).

Part of it is human nature, though. It’s easy to believe the worst about someone we already don’t like. That’s why some people defend one and condemn the other.

If Gingrich were the nominee, I think Hilary would trounce him in the election. History shows that the best bet to win the White House is a sitting governor.
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