Raymond Arroyo of EWTN has interviewed people who worked on the lay board which served after the problems in 2002. They said that an independent and unrestricted forensic financial audit needs to be conducted in each diocese to see where victims of clerical abuse were being paid off. I trust these people to have told the truth about what is needed, without any reservations or obstruction by any bishop.
You can see that if the Church does not “police” itself, the state attorneys general will use legal means to do so.
It would be better if the bishops would just release the information, as some already have.
Nobody’s talking about it, but I think that all clerics should submit to psychological evaluation to screen for those who might have tendencies toward sexual abuse.
The USCCB is supposed to take up the matter of a code of conduct for bishops which I seem to recall says something about dealing with negligence in office.
The problem is, all of these are proposals and have not been agreed upon. That is why I say the “heat” must be kept on, echoing the remarks of Prof Janet Smith of Sacred Heart Seminary on the Al Kresta program on EWTN radio.
About withholding money from the Church, my comments were echoing Dr. Ralph Martin and, and if I’m not mistaken, Fr John Riccardo, both also speaking on EWTN radio.
My previous remarks about the bishops bypassing the strictures of canon law are my own, but which are just generalizations of the measures described in this post, none of which are required under current canon law. With an international crisis on its hands, the Church leaders must be prodded into acting, as has happened historically.
Withholding money should only need to be a short-term tactic for busting through the barriers preventing transparency about the clerical sex abuse problem. I sympathize with my critics in this topic who seem so uninformed about it in general. I get several appeals in the mail every day for money to help the poor. I am the Church, too, and I can and do contribute to those causes – as if I was proposing something otherwise !
I just sent $100 to the Augustine Institute to help them develop the Why Believe? studies program for high schoolers.
Obviously I disagree with my critics who think there’s no problem in the USCCB right now.
And, I haven’t even seriously got started on the evil in the Church that P. Francis has addressed several times, the evil of clericalism. All of these problems are connected. Who is he talking to when he says the laity have to take a role in ending clericalism? (surely not those who have criticized me here, I presume)