If I thought something was stupid, I’d say so, too. My bishop has cancer and it is spreading in his body.
Nevertheless, I think it is arrogant and condescending that the bishop lives in one the more expensive homes in the diocese, rather than taking up residence in one of the empty rectories. For that reason alone, I want to cease giving money to the diocese.
I read an article in Crisis Magazine online which talks about designated giving, where supposedly if you designate your money for operations and maintenance, that’s where it goes. That doesn’t seem to guarantee, to me, that is how the money will be spent.
SOMETHING has to be done to get the bishops to take action. Canon Law has not prevented the sexual abuse, it has not prevented the abuse of diocesan funds to pay off and silence victims of abuse, it has not prevented the development of a large gay mafia of priests and bishops in the church, it has not prevented the development of a culture of clericalism, which Pope Francis has labeled as evil several times since becoming Pope. Canon Law hasn’t protected the Church. It hasn’t prevented bishops from becoming accessories to crimes after the fact, by moving around abusive priests. The bishops who are not guilty of any of the explicit abuses are themselves complicit by silence and indolence.
Bishops are appointed by the Pope but are accountable to God. So, they should ACT like they are, not sniveling and holding back due to strictures of Canon Law. To hell with canon law and fix the problem in the US Church. We still have homosexual priests and bishops hiding in plain sight, clerics who have a larger degree of freedom since sodomy laws have been struck down by the Supreme Court. Homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered, and clerics who engage in such are unfit for the clerical state.
The bishops’ meeting is in November, as if this burning building will wait until they decide to do something about it. They are moving so slowly like they have to travel to Baltimore by horseback or steamship. Why can’t they convene on church property someplace that is more austere?
As many public figures in the Church have said, “money” is the only thing bishops understand. And, if money has to be weaponized, then so be it. It’s not ME that is causing people to lose their job and not be paid or causing ministries in the Church to be suspended, it is the docility to the clericalism of priests, bishops, etc and even the Pope. Money is ALL that they understand. So, money has to be used to get their attention.
That is the way conclaves to elect the pope were held. the electors were locked in on bread and water until they did their job. Some prisons in Michigan have been closed and probably could be temporarily reactivated to house the bishops until they finished the job ONLY THEY can do.